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DEFUSE: An Interface for Fast and Correct User Space File System Access

Published: 26 September 2022 Publication History


Traditionally, the only option for developers was to implement file systems (FSs) via drivers within the operating system kernel. However, there exists a growing number of file systems (FSs), notably distributed FSs for the cloud, whose interfaces are implemented solely in user space to (i) isolate FS logic, (ii) take advantage of user space libraries, and/or (iii) for rapid FS prototyping. Common interfaces for implementing FSs in user space exist, but they do not guarantee POSIX compliance in all cases, or suffer from considerable performance penalties due to high amounts of wait context switchs between kernel and user space processes.
We propose DEFUSE: an interface for user space FSs that provides fast accesses while ensuring access correctness and requiring no modifications to applications. DEFUSE: achieves significant performance improvements over existing user space FS interfaces thanks to its novel design that drastically reduces the number of wait context switchs for FS accesses. Additionally, to ensure access correctness, DEFUSE: maintains POSIX compliance for FS accesses thanks to three novel concepts of bypassed file descriptor (FD) lookup, FD stashing, and user space paging. Our evaluation spanning a variety of workloads shows that by reducing the number of wait context switchs per workload from as many as 16,000 or 41,000 with filesystem in user space down to 9 on average, DEFUSE: increases performance 2× over existing interfaces for typical workloads and by as many as 10× in certain instances.

1 Introduction

File systems (FSs) provide a common interface for applications to access data. These interfaces provide an abstract, high-level representation of a file, and the FS driver provides the mechanism to translate this abstraction into input/output (I/O) operations sent to physical storage media.

1.1 Implementing New file systems (FSs)

Traditionally FSs are implemented within the operating system (OS) kernel [27, 54, 95] and accessed via system calls defined in the interface. For new FSs, implementing drivers fitting kernel-space interfaces requires effort; porting libraries that exist only in user space [18, 41, 49] may even be required. Despite this development effort, kernel-space implementations may be short-lived and removed once deemed obsolete [73].
User space FSs can provide significant benefits over kernel space implementation methods traditionally available to developers. For example, in the event of a crash or security breach, having the FS driver isolated from the rest of the kernel reduces the risk of data corruption [19, 45]. In particular, microkernel-based OSs extend the rationale behind user space isolation to most services and as such employ user space FSs by default and to great avail [26, 82]. User space FSs can also enable rapid FS prototyping in industrial and academic research [15, 38].
Additionally, distributed storage systems such as cloud FSs (e.g., GlusterFS [33], Databricks File System [23], Alluxio [46], and Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) [18]) and cloud object storage systems (e.g., Google Cloud Storage [34], Amazon S3 [7]) do not have kernel-space implementations, requiring applications to conform to user space application programming interfaces (APIs). Other state-of-the-art distributed FS drivers [33, 36, 37, 56, 63, 74, 81] are implemented in user space to benefit from libraries (e.g., Boost C++ library) or programming languages (e.g., Java) not available in kernel space. While command line tools for accessing some of these FSs exist [3, 9, 35], these tools are also FS specific. Thus applications must conform to application programming interfaces (APIs) of specific FSs which can be cumbersome when multiple FSs are accessed, or FSs are substituted.

1.2 Interface Requirements

A sensible solution for a user space FS interface must meet the needs in the following:
Applications accessing kernel space FS implementations are not required to have knowledge of the underlying FS driver nor require modifications when using different FSs. A user space interface should not require more. This allows applications to access a diverse set of FSs without additional implementation efforts.
The overhead of the FS interface should be minimal to reach access speeds closest to kernel space. In particular, interfacing with user space FSs can be prone to wait context switchs (wait context switchs (waits) for short), i.e., context switches used to wait for the completion of I/O operations that involve time-consuming buffer copy between user and kernel space [93].
Access Consistency:
Kernel-space implementations provide a set of guarantees for consistent accesses to files within the FS, e.g. locking semantics, permissions, inheritance of file descriptors (FDs) between parent and child processes. To establish trust in the FS driver, any user space implementation must also provide the same set of guarantees. In the remainder of this article, we refer to these guarantees on “access consistency” simply as “consistency” for simplicity.
Existing generic solutions fall short on at least one of these requirements. That is, there is no interface for user space FSs that provides flexibility, consistency, and efficiency all together.

1.3 State of the Art

State-of-the-art solutions rely on one of the following methods to provide user space FS interfaces: an FS-specific user space library, an LD_PRELOAD-loaded library, or filesystem in user space (FUSE).
User space FS libraries provide an interface for FSs through compile-time binding to the drivers’ APIs. This method is neither flexible, as each API is unique and requires compile-time binding, nor consistent, as user space FS libraries do not conform to any standard for consistent file behavior.
The LD_PRELOAD [96] method relies on diverting system calls typically wrapped by a library (e.g., libc [51]) by pre-loading another library with the same interface with the goal of redefining system call wrappers. This method can suffer from incorrect behavior that lead to failures in distributed environments (e.g., data loss, cascading errors, outages [14]), especially with files whose file descriptor (FD) are inherited (e.g., Spark [99] passes data via the FS between manager and forked workers). Due to the distributed nature of remote execution, such incorrect behavior can be difficult to detect.
FUSE [48] provides a common interface for an FS driver to be implemented by a user space server while still allowing applications to access FSs using kernel-space system calls. While FUSE can be used to access some of the cloud FSs mentioned above [2, 6, 8, 30, 57, 67], FS accesses performed with FUSE suffer from major slowdowns inherent to its design [93].


We present DEFUSE:, a novel interface for user space FSs that employs, and combines the benefits of, a kernel-space FS driver and a user space library. DEFUSE: offers significant performance improvements over FUSE while maintaining FD consistency unlike in aforementioned approaches [4, 59, 64, 71, 75, 85, 88, 96, 100], in particular when FDs are shared between parent and child processes.
DEFUSE: achieves these characteristics through three novel concepts:
bypassed FD lookup reduces the number of wait context switchs and ensures that FDs are managed by the kernel thus improving performance and achieving correct FDs behavior;
FD stashing ensures continued correct behavior of FDs after the address space of a process is cleared following a common fork/exec;
user space paging further ensures correct behavior of memory-mapped files. Our experiments show DEFUSE: provides up to 10× the performance of the state of the art (i.e., FUSE) for user space FSs.

1.5 Contributions and Outlook

This article makes the following contributions. After reviewing the requirements and methods for interfacing FSs and their pros and cons in Section 2, we do the following:
outline some of the main challenges of creating a flexible, consistent, and efficient user space FS interface;
present the design of DEFUSE:, centering on its novel concepts of bypassed FD lookup, FD stashing, and user space paging, and the features the design enables, such as portable operating system interface (POSIX) compliance for FS accesses and fault tolerance;
discuss DEFUSE:’s implementation, examples of user space FS integration with DEFUSE:, and practical deployment of user space FSs with DEFUSE:;
evaluate DEFUSE:’s performance on several workloads and FSs, including synthetic workloads generated and benchmarked with IOzone [39], Linux kernel compilation, and distributed machine learning using Spark [10] involving network communication. We evaluate DEFUSE: against direct kernel mount, LD_PRELOAD-loaded library, and FUSE. Results show DEFUSE: outperforms FUSE by increasing throughput 2× on average for distributed workloads and as high as 10× in certain cases. We show that this increased throughput directly results from having fewer waits in DEFUSE:.
The remainder of the article is structured as follows. Section 3 details the challenges for creating user space FS interfaces. Section 4 presents the design of DEFUSE: and Section 5 its implementation. We evaluate DEFUSE:’s performance in Section 6. Finally, we compare DEFUSE: with related work in Section 7 and draw conclusions in Section 8.
Our implementation and test environment scripts are freely available in our code repository.1

2 Motivation

In this section, we discuss in more detail the requirements needed for practical user space FS interfaces and pinpoint how the main existing approaches fail to satisfy these requirements.

2.1 User Space FS Interface Requirements

Flexibility: FS-agnostic accesses. FSs implemented as a user space library require applications to bind to the library’s API at compile-time to access the FS. Through calls to the API, the FS library performs the necessary I/O operation; it typically involves a system call to a kernel space driver that backs the FS, which result is returned to the application. Execution remains within user space except for system calls performed by the FS library. Command line tools such as cp or find may require access to multiple FSs through a common interface and cannot be easily re-compiled with each user space file implementation. As a result FS interfaces must be standardized.
Efficiency: Low access overhead. To ensure that as much system resources as possible are allocated to useful computations, the overhead of the operating system (OS) interface should remain as low as possible. FS access is no exception to this hence any user space FS interface should provide minimal overhead to FS accesses with speeds matching those of a kernel-space FS implementation.
Conceptually, the time to perform an I/O system call can be divided into two parts: (i) the time to service the system call (either through the kernel, the user space library, and/or the FUSE server) and (ii) the time to perform the I/O operation to the storage media.
The time to service the system call can be considered overhead for the input/output (I/O) operation as the useful work of completing the I/O is reading/writing data to media. In some cases, the overhead can be dwarfed by long I/O times to storage media. However, as the speed of storage media continues to improve (e.g., solid state drives, non-volatile memory), the system call service time, and thus the overhead of FS interfaces, becomes more prominent. For example, the time to service the system call (e.g., trap, context switch to kernel space) takes 10 ms while the I/O operation takes 100 ms, the resulting OS overhead is only 10%. However, if the I/O operation takes only 10 ms, then the OS overhead jumps to 100%.
Consistency: POSIX compliance for FS accesses. POSIX provides guarantees to applications that are consistent across OSs, including guarantees on FS accesses. These guarantees on access consistency (or just consistency) allow applications to execute without intricate knowledge of the underlying system implementation.
As part of this, thanks to its standard interface, POSIX also guarantees the consistent behavior of FDs for FSs. These include, among others, protection from file corruption when multiple threads access a file concurrently and valid FDs inheritance from parent processes after a fork operation.

2.2 Background

We identify user space FS libraries, LD_PRELOAD-loaded (user space) libraries, and FUSE as the three main methods used to provide user space FS interfaces. Table 1 summarizes how these methods comply with the aforementioned requirements.
Table 1.
FS interfaceFlexibilityEfficiencyConsistency
User space FS library×\(\checkmark\)×
LD_PRELOAD library\(\checkmark\)\(\checkmark\)×
filesystem in user space (FUSE)\(\checkmark\)×\(\checkmark\)
Table 1. Summary of Pros and Cons of User Space FS Interfaces
User space FS library. With a user space FS library, the FS driver is implemented in a code library which the application binds to at compile-time. Examples of this include the MPI-IO library [22] used by Message Passing Interface (MPI), the HDFS C API libhdfs [47], and the Amazon Web Services (AWS) software development kit (SDK) for C++ [13].
Flexibility (×):
A user space FS library does not provide the flexibility of a kernel space system call. Since there is no standardized API for user space FSs, applications must have prior knowledge of FS function calls to perform I/O operations. Access to multiple FSs implemented as user space FS libraries requires conforming to each FS API. For example, libhdfs uses hdfsOpenFile to open a file and hdfsCloseFile to close it. Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK uses different calls.
Efficiency (✓):
Due to the direct binding to the user space FS library, calls to the FS tend to be efficient. Access to FS operations are made through direct function calls.
Consistency (×):
User space FS libraries do not necessarily provide consistency guarantees. Since the implementation uses its own API for FS access and file metadata are maintained within the library, it is not required to comply to a standardized interface as with FUSE or kernel-space (enforced through the virtual file system (VFS)). Thus POSIX behavior is not guaranteed [28].
LD_PRELOAD library. A user space FS library does not conform to a standard API such as POSIX. This limitation can be prohibitive to applications that desire to use a user space library but are created to operate using POSIX calls. Therefore, the research community has explored several methods to implement POSIX-looking efficient interfaces for user space FSs using LD_PRELOAD [4, 59, 64, 71, 75, 88, 96] or linkable libraries [85, 100] that provide access to FSs by intercepting system calls. An LD_PRELOAD (-loaded) library, being loaded before libc, causes its versions of the functions to be invoked in lieu of those of libc. Intercepted I/O calls are sent to the user space FS library via its API, keeping control flow within user space until the operation must be passed to the kernel. An application thus executes as if calls were made to the kernel. Accessing different FSs requires changing the LD_PRELOAD library.
Static binding with LD_PRELOAD . Applications that use static binding link their function calls to the function definitions at compile time rather than at runtime. Since LD_PRELOAD is based on intercepting function calls at runtime by being loaded before libc, it cannot intercept applications that use static binding.
Flexibility (✓):
Similarly to FUSE and kernel space implementations, applications access FSs via system calls. Applications only need knowledge of existing system calls for FS access, not of the underlying FS driver. This flexibility is provided when multiple FSs are accessed, granted each FS has its own LD_PRELOAD library to intercept those calls.
Efficiency (✓):
As system calls are intercepted and redirected in user space, the efficiency of the LD_PRELOAD approach is comparable to that of a user space FS library.
Consistency (×):
The POSIX behavior of FDs and return codes is not guaranteed with the LD_PRELOAD scheme, especially for FDs inherited from parent to child processes (cf. Section 3.2.1). Furthermore, the LD_PRELOAD library must invoke the user space FS library’s API, which does not necessarily comply with a standard for file metadata representation. Thus, to ensure POSIX behavior, LD_PRELOAD must maintain a mapping between the FS library’s file metadata and FDs returned to the application. Maintenance of this mapping is trivial in most cases and can consist of a hash translating an FD, manufactured by the LD_PRELOAD library (e.g., a number) when it intercepts an open library wrapper call, to the metadata of the FS library. This table can be stored in the application’s memory; if the table is lost, as with a call to exec, FDs are invalid in a child process.
FUSE. With FUSE, when a system call induces an I/O operation sent to the kernel, the FUSE kernel driver sends the I/O request to user space through a FUSE virtual device (/dev/fuse). The request is received by the FUSE server in user space and sent to the relevant FS library through an interface similar to that of the virtual file system (VFS) [53]. The I/O operation is then processed by the user space server (and may include calls to kernel resources). Results are passed back through the FUSE device to the kernel driver and finally to the application that issued the I/O operation.
Flexibility (✓):
FUSE provides the benefit of FS-agnostic access for applications through system calls without prior knowledge of the underlying FS.
Efficiency (×):
The transfer of control between kernel and user space when servicing a system call—a core design decision behind FUSE—requires costly context switching and buffer copying between processes of different spaces. This leads to serious performance penalties (cf. Section 3.1) which hinders deployments in production environments, centering FUSE’s use to FS prototyping [1].
Consistency (✓):
While I/O requests are processed by the FUSE server in user space, as the application accesses the FS through system calls, POSIX compliance is enforced by FUSE’s kernel driver. FUSE manages a mapping in user space from inode numbers maintained by the kernel to FUSE file information passed to the FS implementation.

3 Challenges

This section elaborates on challenges in achieving a user space FS interface that reconciles direct mount’s efficiency with FUSE’s flexibility and consistency.

3.1 Efficiency

While FUSE is both flexible and consistent, it suffers from poor performance due to a high number of waits, i.e., voluntary context switches used to wait for the completion of an I/O operation [52]. We demonstrate this overhead in Figures 1 and 2 that depict write throughput and number of waits, respectively. We compared three interfaces: (i) direct access to an ext4 FS using POSIX system calls to the kernel-space ext4 driver, (ii) an LD_PRELOAD library storing its own FD table, and (iii) a FUSE server that simply wraps over POSIX calls (fusexmp [29]). Interfaces were tested with three write-based workloads: (a) small file (4,096 writes of 128 B to different files), (b) mixed file (2,048 writes of size linearly distributed between 64 B and 128 kB to different files), and (c) large file (1 write of 128 MB to a single file).
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Write throughput of a direct mounted ext4 FS, an LD_PRELOAD library and a FUSE wrapper around ext4 (higher is better). FUSE’s throughput ranges between 34% and 44% that of direct mount.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Number of waits for the benchmarks used in Figure 1 obtained with the command time %w [52] (log scale, smaller is better). FUSE causes tens of thousands of waits while direct mount and LD_PRELOAD only \(\approx\)9.
FUSE’s throughput, shown in Figure 1, is visibly worse than the kernel-space baseline in all workloads: Forty-three percent and 44% of the direct mount throughput for the small file and large file ones, respectively, and even 34% for the mixed file one. The LD_PRELOAD library performs much better, especially when there are fewer operations, since LD_PRELOAD’s overhead is proportional to the number of system calls intercepted, with throughputs of 87%, 93%, and 97% of direct mount for small, mixed, and large file workloads, respectively. Figure 2 further shows that FUSE’s throughput drop is mostly due to the considerable amount of waits, with numbers as high as \(\approx\)20,000, \(\approx\)41,000, and \(\approx\)33,000 for small, mixed, and large file workloads, respectively. The LD_PRELOAD library, however, is on par with the direct mount solution, causing fewer than 10 context switches on average.
Specifically, an I/O wait entails a context switch between kernel and user space FUSE server that includes (1) saving processor state, (2) changing processor mode, and (3) copying data between kernel and user space buffers [93]. While (1) and (2) induce little overhead, (3) is costly.

3.2 Consistency

The LD_PRELOAD library interface seems attractive in light of the results presented in Section 3.1. However, this interface as well as user space FS libraries are subject to two challenges related to FS consistency: The first concerns FD heritage and the second memory-mapped (user space) files.

3.2.1 FD Heritage Dilemma.

As explained in Section 2.2, when an LD_PRELOAD library is used, the mapping table between FDs and user space file metadata may be stored in memory. However, while open FDs and the internal state of the FS maintained by the LD_PRELOAD library are copied from parent to child upon a fork, the FS state is destroyed when the child invokes exec if it is in memory.
Illustration. Consider the processes in Figure 3: (a) User process p, in the LD_PRELOAD environment, executes library function wrapped system calls that are intercepted by the LD_PRELOAD library. (b) Both the LD_PRELOAD and FS libraries are stored in shared memory and the internal state of the FS resides within the address space of p. (c) When p performs an open system call, the LD_PRELOAD library makes the corresponding call to the FS library. The FS returns an internal representation of the file as F. Process p expects an FD number to be returned from open, not the internal representation of F. (d) To avoid passing the open call to the kernel (to not increase latency), the LD_PRELOAD library manufactures FD 4, updates its internal file mapping 4 to F, and returns the manufactured FD to p. This manufactured FD is only valid in the context of the LD_PRELOAD library and only if the mapping is in memory. Future system calls using FD 4 will be intercepted by the LD_PRELOAD library, mapped to F and passed to the FS library. (e) Process p creates child process c that inherits, among other things, the open FDs and the memory of the LD_PRELOAD library. After performing an exec, the child’s address space, including the internal state for manufactured FDs, is destroyed by the executable of c. (f) Process c later writes to the inherited FD 4. (g) As the LD_PRELOAD library memory was cleared during exec, the library cannot map FD 4 to F, so it passes this I/O to the kernel. (h) The kernel does not know what FD 4 references, since the LD_PRELOAD library of parent process p manufactured it. Ultimately, the operation fails in the kernel with an invalid FD and is returned to c via the LD_PRELOAD library.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Illustration of an error caused by FDs inherited between parent and child with the LD_PRELOAD library.
Prominent examples. The FD heritage dilemma occurs commonly in shell file redirection. Consider a shell running under the context of an LD_PRELOAD library, where the user executes a cloud application running in Spark [99] by running spark-submit … > out.txt to capture the output to a file located in a user space FS. The shell opens out.txt, which is intercepted by the LD_PRELOAD library prior to creating the spark-submit process. Due to the FD heritage dilemma, the FD for the output file out.txt inherited by the child is no longer valid after the exec call to invoke spark-submit. The FD heritage dilemma is also common in widely used tools such as gcc that create child processes for performing subtasks, and in resource manager frameworks such as the PySpark workload daemon [76], which creates child processes for worker tasks at runtime, with each child task sending and receiving data to and from the daemon through FDs.
Impact in other interfaces. The user space FS library interface suffers from a related problem if a parent process needs to pass file metadata to a child. The application must be aware of the FS library API and does not access the FS using FDs, it instead uses the user space file metadata directly. As with open FDs, child processes cannot inherit file metadata.
FUSE is not affected by the FD heritage dilemma, since the FUSE server is a single process, separated from the application processes. Hence the FUSE identifier table is unique. When a parent opens a file, the corresponding (inheritable) FD matches a unique inode within kernel space.
Similarly to FUSE, in-kernel FSs are not affected by FD heritage dilemma, since all file structures are managed within the kernel address space. References to files are synchronized by the FS driver within the kernel to ensure consistency when accessed by applications via FDs. The FDs maintained by the kernel and inherited by child processes map to a unique inode within kernel space.

3.2.2 Memory-mapped Files.

Mapping files into memory using mmap is a common method to share memory between processes. The LD_PRELOAD interface cannot provide consistent memory-mapping of files hosted by user space FSs for the two following reasons.
First, while an LD_PRELOAD library can intercept explicitly invoked system calls such as mmap, it cannot intercept implicit I/O operations. For instance, accesses to a memory-mapped file such as reads and writes are performed using load and store paging instructions to the address region of the mapped memory. These instructions, which may result in an I/O operation to the underlying file, are not explicit system calls and therefore cannot be intercepted.
Second, as a direct consequence of the FD heritage dilemma, a child process cannot access a user space file mapped in memory if the mapping has been done by its parent process. For example, consider the following set of actions taken by a process: (a) A process opens a user space file, the open call is intercepted and redirected to the user space FS library. (b) The process then maps this file into its address space using mmap for shared access; however, since the FD is manufactured by the intercepting FS library, the call to mmap fails, because the FD is invalid.
Impact in other interfaces. Directly linked user space FS libraries equally suffer from the same problem for mmap-ed files as LD_PRELOAD libraries do. FUSE does not, however, since the FUSE kernel driver translates paging operations to read or write sent to the user space FUSE server.

4 DEFUSE: Design

We present the design of DEFUSE: centering on its novel concepts and the features it enables.

4.1 Overview

DEFUSE: uses a unique fourfold approach to be the first solution that achieves flexibility, efficiency, and consistency all together (cf. Table 1). As shown in Figure 4, our approach comprises:
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Handling of I/O requests in DEFUSE:. I/O requests are intercepted by DEFUSE:’s libc extension and directed to the user space FS library. Requests for open are sent to the DEFUSE: kernel driver to allocate a valid inode and FD. FDs are temporarily stashed when an exec is intercepted (cf. Figure 5).
a hook into libc to intercept and forward FS access calls to a user space FS library—for flexibility and efficiency (Section 4.2);
an FS kernel driver providing bypassed FD lookup semantics to ensure FDs are managed by the kernel and remain correct when inherited by child processes—for consistency and efficiency (Section 4.3);
a shared memory space for FD stashing, allowing FS metadata to be restored after a process’s address space is cleared by an exec call—for consistency (Section 4.4);
a memory management framework for user space paging to correctly handle memory mapped pages backed by user space files—for consistency and efficiency (Section 4.5).
We demonstrate how DEFUSE:’s design maintains POSIX compliance for FS accesses (Section 4.6), why it provides better fault tolerance than FUSE (Section 4.7) and how it delegates caching to the respective user space FS libraries to ensure cache consistency (Section 4.8).

4.2 System Call Redirection

Performance gains of DEFUSE: come from redirecting I/O operations directly to the user space FS library through hooks in libc, thus avoiding waits presented in Section 3.1. Such hooks are used in other systems for language extension [69] or behavior customization [25]. DEFUSE: implements these hooks by directly modifying the system call wrapper functions within the libc. Once installed, applications that dynamically link to libc are automatically be able to take advantage of the DEFUSE: functionality, while those that statically link against libc needs to be recompiled. While implementing system call redirection could have also been implemented using an LD_PRELOAD library, from our experience, the environmental setup of LD_PRELOAD can be problematic.
In addition to wrapped system calls, applications may also execute direct system calls that are made through direct invocation of a trap. These direct calls cannot be intercepted neither by hooks in libc nor using LD_PRELOAD and hence fall out of the scope of DEFUSE:. However, invoking direct system calls can be a cumbersome task for application developers [80], as it requires knowledge of the application binary interface (ABI) used for system calls. Since the application binary interface (ABI) may differ between OSs and architectures, using the ABI directly can result in portability issues. As such, it is our understanding that most applications rely on libc wrappers for system call invocation for convenience and can use DEFUSE: without strong limitations in their functionalities.

4.3 Bypassed FD Lookup

Every open system call received by the kernel requires the inode of the file to be resolved through one or more lookup requests. One lookup request is required per level of the directory tree to ensure the file path is valid and the user has sufficient access permission. When the file being opened is hosted on an FS accessed via FUSE, this requires a separate request sent by the FUSE kernel driver to the user space FS library and thus require waits. Opening a file deep in the directory tree with FUSE can be costly because of this series of lookups.
To avoid the many transfers between kernel and user space, DEFUSE: makes use of its own kernel driver to provide bypassed FD lookup. Thanks to bypassed FD lookup, the kernel does not need to send the lookup requests to a server in user space when it opens a file. Instead of resolving to a real inode for the file, the DEFUSE: kernel driver creates and splices a shadow inode (i.e., add an entry [86]) in the directory cache of the FS, then allocates an FD for the file, and finally allows the open to proceed to the user space FS library. This shadow inode represents a placeholder for the file within the directory cache of the system and is not usable for read and write operations. In turn, file permission checks, reading, and writing are performed by the user space FS library and enforced by the DEFUSE: libc extension (cf. Section 4.2). The shadow inode is removed by the kernel when all references to its file are removed. This may happen through explicit close system calls related to the file and/or upon termination of the process, either explicitly or implicitly (e.g., process crash), as the kernel frees all resources allocated to the process.
Figure 4 depicts the management of I/O requests, and in particular open requests, by DEFUSE::
An I/O system call is generated by the application. The system call is invoked as a library call to libc, which is intercepted by DEFUSE: as explained in Section 4.2.
For open system calls, the operation is sent to the FS library to update the internal state of the FS as well as retrieve a reference to the FS metadata. The open call is also sent to the kernel to allocate a valid FD.
The DEFUSE: kernel driver allocates a shadow inode, initializes the FD entry for the file, and returns the FD to the user application. Once an FD is created by the DEFUSE: kernel driver, it serves as index of the FD mapping table managed by DEFUSE: to retrieve the matching user space FS metadata. The FD mapping table is stored in the application process memory (cf. Figure 4 for DEFUSE:’s overview); hence opened files cannot be accessed by other processes.
DEFUSE: then maps the returned FD to the FS metadata returned from the FS library.
Whenthe application requests access to the file (e.g., read), the request is again sent to libc and intercepted by DEFUSE:. DEFUSE: then uses the FD mapping table to retrieve the user space FS metadata and sends the request directly to the user space FS library through its API.
Note that DEFUSE: uses a shadow inode for bypassed FD lookup, which requires the system to be installed with the DEFUSE: kernel module. One possible alternative involves using an existing file (e.g., /dev/null) instead of a shadow inode. This has the advantage of not requiring the DEFUSE: kernel module, however, would not maintain expected FS semantics (e.g., file position pointers, fcntl locking, file data in /proc). DEFUSE: complies with POSIX for FS accesses (cf. Section 4.6).

4.4 Managing FDs across exec with FD Stashing

As described in Section 3.2.1, once a fork system call completes, the memory of the child process is a duplicate of its parent. Subsequently, if the child process executes an exec system call, then its memory is replaced with the memory of the program to be executed. While bypassed FD lookup ensures that FDs are correctly inherited by a child process, it does not prevent FDs from being erased alongside the rest of the process memory upon exec’s execution. Without additional management, future accesses by the child process to its FDs will fail.
To ensure correct FD semantics after a call to exec, DEFUSE: utilizes a novel concept we call FD stashing that temporarily saves, then restores, FDs during the execution of an exec system call. As depicted in Figure 5, FD stashing operates as follows:
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Depiction of how DEFUSE:’s FD stashing uses a shared memory segment to save and restore the internal state of the DEFUSE: FD mapping table before and after the invocation of an exec system call.
The exec system call is intercepted by the DEFUSE: libc extension.
The save routine in the user space FS library is invoked to allow the FS library to perform any necessary action to save file metadata.
The internal state of the DEFUSE: FD mapping table is saved to a shared memory segment.
After the exec system call, and the memory of the process erased, if the process executes an I/O system call, then the FD mapping table is restored from the shared memory segment.
Further, the restore routine in the FS library is invoked to allow the user space library to restore the saved state of the file.
Subsequent I/O calls continue to be intercepted and sent directly to the user space FS library.
While a shared memory segment is typically used to share data between multiple processes, DEFUSE: instead uses a segment to share data (i.e., the FDs) between a process and a future version of itself, once the call to exec completes. Since the shared memory segment storing the FDs is unmapped from a process’s address space after a call to exec, DEFUSE: uses the process identifier to remap the segment when the child process resumes execution upon completion of the exec.

4.5 Managing mmap and User Space Paging

As described in Section 3.2.2, memory-mapped files are accessed via I/O operations that rely on the load and store instructions instead of system calls like read and write. These operations cannot be intercepted by the DEFUSE: libc extension as presented in Section 4.2.
However, the userfaultfd interface for managing page faults in user space [87] has been added in Linux kernel 4.3. Originally implemented to help Linux-based hypervisors handle virtual machine migration, it allows a user space application to register a virtual address range with the kernel and subsequently be sent an event when a page within that range needs to be copied into memory. Events are received by reading from a special FD created by userfaultfd via a system call. Upon receiving an event, page data are copied into memory using the ioctl system call. To inform the page fault manager on virtual address space layout changes, userfaultfd also supports calls to fork and events for memory remapping (mremap), unmapping (munmap), removal (as result of a madvise call using MADV_REMOVE and/or MADV_DONTNEED).
DEFUSE: takes advantage of userfaultfd to intercept and manage memory-mapped file I/O. As depicted in Figure 6, DEFUSE:’s user space paging operates as follows:
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Depiction of how DEFUSE: utilizes userfaultfd and a memory mapping table for user space paging.
The mmap system call is intercepted by the DEFUSE: libc extension.
The mapped address and corresponding FD are stored in a memory region mapping table.
A userfaultfd is created to allow the kernel to signal to DEFUSE: when a page fault within the address space occurs.
When DEFUSE: receives such a signal from the kernel, DEFUSE: uses the memory region mapping table to determine which virtual address ranges (for which a fault was emitted) correspond to which FDs along with the offset within the file.
DEFUSE: then sends a read directly to the user space FS library copying the resulting data into the virtual address space of the process using ioctl.
When an address range is unmapped via munmap, DEFUSE: intercepts the call, ensures the pages are flushed to the user space file, removes the entry from the memory region mapping table, and unregisters the userfaultfd. DEFUSE: makes use of the userfaultfd events for remapped addresses (remap and fork) to ensure that the address space mapping table is kept up to date as the process’s virtual address map changes.
As an alternative to userfaultfd for user space memory management, we could also protect the memory region using mprotect and have DEFUSE: handle the SIGSEGV signal sent by the kernel. However, servicing this signal has a significant performance impact [92].

4.6 Maintaining POSIX Compliance for FS Accesses

Enforcing file permissions. File permissions are used to properly isolate applications. The kernel is responsible for checking that applications have sufficient permission when opening a file so that later read/write operations succeed. DEFUSE: enforces access permissions by invoking the access function provided by the user space FS library upon intercepting an open system call. If access is not allowed, then DEFUSE: prevents the intercepted open system call from completing successfully.
File position pointers. Internal file position pointers, which keep track of read/write offsets, must be consistent between parent and child processes. Consider a parent process opening a file, reading some amount of data from the file (advancing the internal file position pointer), then creating a child process passing it this opened FD. The child inherits the opened FD, along with the file position pointer, and then reads from the file expecting the data to be read at the inherited position. Since DEFUSE: utilizes a DEFUSE: kernel driver to create a FD in the kernel, the internal file position pointer is managed by the kernel to ensure consistency between parent and child processes. As DEFUSE: intercepts all read and write operations, redirecting them to the user space FS library, the file position pointer is maintained in the kernel by using the lseek system call.
Parallel file access. For parallel file access, read and write operations to files must be performed atomically. For example, if one thread performs a file read, then DEFUSE: adjusts the file position pointer using lseek. However, if another thread performs a write to the same file at the same time, then DEFUSE: also adjusts the file position pointer using lseek. To ensure that there is no contention for the file data and position pointer, DEFUSE: uses fcntl to lock the file with each I/O operation. This lock is maintained by the DEFUSE: kernel driver through the shadow inode. DEFUSE: similarly ensures atomicity of further operations capable of generating race conditions (e.g., dup2, dup3).
Paging. POSIX behavior requires that (1) mmap succeeds for a valid FD and that (2) if the file is mapped for shared memory, then the mapping should also be valid within a child process created with fork. DEFUSE: complies with this requirement thanks to user space paging and FD stashing.
Accessing multiple FSs. In a kernel space implementation, FSs are mounted in the directory tree. This mounting allows the kernel to send I/O operations to the appropriate FS driver. Similarly, the DEFUSE: kernel module also presents a FS to the system to perform bypassed FD lookup. Each user space FS must be independently associated with a DEFUSE: mount. DEFUSE: uses this mount to determine which user space FS library to send system calls to. Details are discussed in Section 5.3.

4.7 Fault Tolerance

Failures in an FS can result in loss of access or even total loss of the data itself if it is not written to permanent storage. Being contained within the running process, DEFUSE: requires no centralized server process. DEFUSE: duplicates the FS logic to each process accessing the FS and a failure in the process thus does not affect other processes using DEFUSE:. In contrast, FUSE relies on a single server process running in user space that may crash (due to, e.g., program error, explicit termination by a user). Upon FUSE server failure, accesses to the FUSE FS fail for all processes in the system.

4.8 Cache Delegation

DEFUSE: does not manage a cache. Instead, DEFUSE: delegates caching to the user space FS libraries on which it relies. While FUSE uses a single server to avoid cache inconsistencies (e.g., duplicate entries) across all FSs, DEFUSE:’s delegation resembles an approach using one server per process.

5 DEFUSE: Implementation and Semantics

We present DEFUSE:’s implementation, the user space FSs it already supports, and how to deploy it.

5.1 Code Base and Interface

The DEFUSE: driver is a Linux kernel module made up of \(\approx\)300 source lines of code (SLOC) and the DEFUSE: library of \(\approx\)2,000 source lines of code (SLOC) which includes additions and modifications to libc. Integrating a user space FS in DEFUSE: requires implementation of \(\approx\)25 functions that are similar to the high-level interface of FUSE defined in fuse.h [31]. We opted for an interface similar to the high-level one of FUSE, over its low-level one, since it is simpler for developers to reason about file paths instead of inodes and to not have to manage the mapping between inodes and file paths themselves. From our experience many FUSE implementations use the high-level interface [6, 8, 49, 61] while some states of the art [100] also base their implementation on the high-level interface.
Prototypes for the interface functions are provided in Listing 1. Each function is required to return an error value as described by the system error numbers (i.e., errno). Function output is specified by output parameters (using references). FS integration only requires a shared library that exports the needed interface functions. DEFUSE: loads the library (dynamically) as needed when a user space FS is accessed.
Listing 1.
Listing 1. DEFUSE interface similar to that of FUSE. Green text highlights functions called by DEFUSE itself.

5.2 User Space FS Integrations

To test ease of implementation, we integrated several user space FSs with the DEFUSE: interface. These FSs are listed in Table 2:
Table 2.
User space FSIntegration methodologyDEFUSE: SLOCFUSE SLOC
Direct wrapperSimple wrapper280402
AVFSSimple library wrapper304308
CRUISESimple library wrapper274503
SSHFSFUSE port\(^a\)a (\(\approx\)150 SLOC changed)4,8034,956
HDFSFUSE port\(^b\)b (\(\approx\)150 SLOC changed)26,75726,713
Table 2. Integration Effort of Example User Space FSs in DEFUSE: and Their FUSE Equivalent
The direct wrapper FS wraps the I/O operations directly to their corresponding system call. The corresponding implementation for FUSE is the pass-through function of fusexmp [29].
A Virtual File System (AVFS) [12] enables applications to look inside compressed files (e.g., gzip, tar, zip) without an additional decompression tool. This FS provides a user space library that contains the functions for FS operations.
CRUISE [68] is a checkpoint/restart file system for high-performance computing applications. This FS provides a user space library that contains the functions for FS operations.
SSHFS [49] grants applications access to remote files through the secure shell network protocol. Our implementation consists of a port from the existing FUSE implementation.
HDFS [47] grants applications access to the storage component of Hadoop without using the HDFS API. Our implementation consists of a port from the existing FUSE implementation.
Using SLOC to evaluate integration effort, we conclude it takes relatively similar effort to integrate a user space FS in FUSE and DEFUSE:.

5.3 Deploying a DEFUSE:-backed User Space FS

The DEFUSE: kernel module parses mount parameters to know which user space FS library is associated to each mounted FS. Consider the following command to access an FS with DEFUSE::
mount -t defuse -o backend=/src/dst -o library=/usr/ defuse /mnt/fs
In this example, the DEFUSE: bypassed FD lookup FS is mounted at /mnt/fs, the user space library to redirect calls to is located in /usr/ while the back-end location for this FS is /src/dst. The library option must be a path in the FS (outside of DEFUSE:) that contains the user space FS implementation. While the back-end is required by DEFUSE:, it does not need to be a path; it is intended to serve as information for the user space FS implementation to determine how to access files and directories. It may be a path (as in the example), a file (e.g., an FS image), a network host name (e.g., for a network based user space FS), and so on.
When an application makes its first access to the FS, DEFUSE: retrieves the user space library path from the mount point and invokes init (cf. Listing 1) to initialize the FS before any other calls are processed. When the application completes, the finalize function is invoked to allow the user space FS to clean up any created data structures.

6 Evaluation

We evaluated DEFUSE: against other FS interfaces with workloads generated following standard methods and real-life functional workloads. Overall DEFUSE:’s data and metadata throughput significantly outperforms that of FUSE, in some cases achieving 10× speedups, while even our evaluations with distributed workloads involving communication over the network show that DEFUSE: can still achieve 2× speedups over FUSE. Further analysis shows that speedups are a direct result of reduced wait context switch overhead, in some cases from 16,000 or 41,000 with FUSE to 9 with DEFUSE:, and that DEFUSE:’s FD stashing displays negligible runtime overhead (e.g., 8.9 \(\mathrm{\mu }{\rm s}\) for 1,024 FDs). In addition to throughput, DEFUSE:’s user space paging performs as well as FUSE’s for reads and 1.8× better for writes. Last, we show DEFUSE: also performs up to 2× better than FUSE when accessing the user space AVFS.
Every figure throughout this section depicts averaged results with error bars of one standard deviation from the geometric mean. Most results were averaged over 50 runs, except for the results in Figures 9(c), 11, and 12 that were averaged over 20 runs due to long runtimes.

6.1 Single-machine Evaluation

We first evaluated DEFUSE: on a single machine observing I/O throughput and induced number of waits using IOzone [39], runtimes of three throughput-intensive applications (i.e., kernel archive decompression, backup and compilation), as well as runtimes of file metadata operations.

6.1.1 Setup.

First we describe the setup required for our experiments.
Hardware. Benchmarks were performed on a single machine running Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS with kernel version 4.15.0-43, two Intel Xeon E5-2420 processors with 2.2 GHz, 24 GB of main memory with SATA-attached 256 GB SSD and 1 TB HDD running at 7,200 RPM. With the exception of tmpfs, which uses system memory, the backing storage for all evaluated FSs use the attached HDD.
Caching policy. FS caches were cleared between each I/O operation of the benchmarks to remove any effect of caching. Files were flushed to disk (fsync) after each write operation.
FSs. We used ext4 [27], JFS [42], FAT [55], and tmpfs [90]. Both ext4 and JFS were chosen due to their large install base in consumer Linux as well as industry servers. While FAT is no longer a commonplace FS for PCs or industry servers, it was chosen for evaluation due to its prevalence in external media. Finally, tmpfs was chosen for its low I/O overhead, since it resides in memory, allowing us to isolate the FS logic overhead. Note that for FSs built on actual media, the time spent for I/O operations on the media itself may overshadow the time performing FS logic.
Baselines. We compared DEFUSE: to (1) an LD_PRELOAD library, (b) Direct-FUSE [100], (3) FUSE (v2.9.7) with and without direct I/O enabled, and (4) an FS mounted using a kernel driver.
The LD_PRELOAD library maintains its own FD table (cf. Section 2.2) that is thus invalid when inherited. Direct-FUSE is a user space FS interface built as an extension to the libsysio library [89]. Like DEFUSE:, Direct-FUSE intercepts I/O system calls using hooks in libsysio. However, Direct-FUSE has similar drawbacks as the LD_PRELOAD approach, i.e., it does not address the FD heritage dilemma nor user space paging. LD_PRELOAD and Direct-FUSE are inconsistent solutions, they are included for comparison only. The user space FS library for DEFUSE: and FUSE is a simple wrapper over POSIX system calls, as expressed in Section 5.2. Using direct I/O with FUSE makes I/O operations skip kernel FS caches.
Benchmarking tool. We used the widely adopted IOzone [39] FS benchmarking tool—a user space application that creates, writes, and reads files of varying sizes using POSIX system calls. IOzone generated three workloads described further alongside the corresponding results in Section 6.1.2.
I/O throughputs were measured in terms of data read/written per second. The depicted results were normalized as a ratio of the direct mount to simplify comparisons (otherwise the greatly varying access performance for different FSs would render some figures’ y axis hardly readable).

6.1.2 Throughput Results.

We evaluated file access throughput separately for small and large file as well as for a mixture of files with different sizes.
Small files. We evaluated the FSs for small file accesses where a large quantity of system calls must be serviced. IOzone created 4,096 files of 128 B in size. This workload is prevalent in many parallel computing applications [17, 21] where large quantities (sometimes in the millions) of files smaller than 64 kB are used to store checkpoint data. Due to the large quantity of system calls needed to create, write, and read that many files, we expected FUSE’s performance to be greatly affected as a large quantity of system calls requires an equally large quantity of waits.
Overall, as Figures 7(a) and 7(b) show, DEFUSE: always achieved within 10% of the best-performer LD_PRELOAD while the inconsistent Direct-FUSE was within 1%. DEFUSE: reached at best equivalent throughput to direct mount (write with FAT) yet at worse 50% (read with tmpfs). The lower performance is primarily caused by the additional time spent resolving FS metadata from the FD mapping table; however, it is only minor when compared to the overhead of FUSE. Direct I/O for FUSE has negligible effect on performance as the benefits are lost due to the small buffer sizes and the large number of system calls to be serviced (cf. discussion on Figure 8).
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. I/O throughputs of DEFUSE: vs. an LD_PRELOAD library, Direct-FUSE, and FUSE with and without direct I/O, normalized by the throughput of direct mounted kernel FS (higher is better). Panels (a), (c), and (e) depict read throughput for small, large and mixed file sizes, and panels (b), (d), and (f) depict their respective write counterparts.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Number of waits reported by the command time %w for the tmpfs workloads of Figure 7 (log scale, smaller is better). Using tmpfs as backing store removes the I/O overhead inherent to physical media. For (a), thousands of system calls are made but these process-blocking system calls do not always induce a wait.
The direct mount actual throughput varied across FSs: (a) ext4 had 2.6 MB/s write and 6.8 MB/s read throughputs, (b) JFS was slower with 1.1 MB/s write and 4.8 MB/s read throughputs, (c) FAT was also slower than ext4 with 130 kB/s write and 6 MB/s read throughputs, (d) tmpfs I/O operations being completely in memory, achieved the best throughput with 20.4 MB/s for both write and read.
However, given the large number of system calls needed to process all the files, achievable throughput is far below the capability of the storage media.
Large files. We evaluated the FSs for large file accesses where the fewest quantity of system calls were needed. A single 128-MB file was created. This benchmark highlights the amortization of wait context switch cost for FUSE’s system calls.
The results in Figures 7(c) and 7(d) show that DEFUSE: reached close to optimal throughputs: between 85% and 93% that of direct mount for reads, and between 92% and 100% for writes. LD_PRELOAD’s throughput was almost always above 98% (except for reads on FAT) and, as with small files, Direct-FUSE closely followed. While FUSE performance improved with large files, it remained largely below that of the other interfaces and at best only reached 60% for tmpfs. Write performance; however, almost reached that of direct mount when used with direct I/O for FAT. Since only one file is accessed, the number of system calls serviced by the kernel and FUSE server is small and the total operation time is more dependent on the I/O time to the storage media.
The actual I/O throughput for direct mount is very similar for most FSs, achieving \(\approx\)200 MB/s write and \(\approx\)900 MB/s read throughput. The exception is tmpfs, which achieved 2.3-GB/s write and read throughput due to I/O operations being completely in memory.
Mixed sized files. We evaluated the FSs using mixed sized files to simulate a more diverse workload. The benchmark created 2,048 files linearly distributed in sizes from 64 B to 128 kB. Figures 7(e) and 7(f) show close results in all cases for all interfaces except FUSE that performs significantly worse. As with previous benchmarks, direct I/O slightly improves FUSE but is still 15% slower than DEFUSE: at best (writes to JFS).

6.1.3 Wait Context Switch Results.

Our evaluation with small, large, and mixed file workloads show that the throughput of DEFUSE: was significantly higher than FUSE and was often close to that of LD_PRELOAD. We then evaluated the total number of waits needed to perform each of these benchmarks to confirm that the reduced throughput is directly related to context switching and not to any other bottleneck in FUSE. We thus used the Linux time command that has the ability to retrieve statistics including the number of context switches performed for both time slice expiration and the purpose of waiting for I/O operations to complete (using time %w [52]). Here, we are only concerned about the subset of context switches made by the process for the latter case, i.e., waits. We ran the benchmarks on tmpfs to focus on the context switches caused by the FS interface, since I/O requests to access a physical device induce extra context switches.
The results shown in Figure 8 (y axes use a log scale) confirm that the overhead of FUSE is caused in a large part by waits. Direct mount, the LD_PRELOAD library, Direct-FUSE, and DEFUSE: require \(\approx\)9 waits for all workloads while FUSE requires orders of magnitude more. For the small file workload (cf. Figure 8(a)), FUSE requires \(\approx\)16,000 waits (i.e., permission lookup + open + read/write + close for each of the 4,096 files) and using direct I/O does not reduce this number. For the large file workload (cf. Figure 8(b)), we note that the FUSE kernel driver splits large writes into multiple requests sent to the FUSE server in user space, each causing a wait. Even with a single (large) file, FUSE requires \(\approx\)1,000 waits for a read and \(\approx\)33,000 for a write. Direct I/O reduces these considerably, from \(\approx\)33,000 down to \(\approx\)1,000 for writes, which is still 100× higher than DEFUSE:. The mixed file workload (cf. Figure 8(c)) shows an even larger difference in the required waits: approximately 9 for DEFUSE: but \(\approx\)41,000 for FUSE. While there are half as many files created in this workload compared to the small file one (2,048 vs. 4,096), files are larger on average thus forcing the FUSE server to split write requests into smaller ones. As with the large file workload, the number of waits is reduced using direct I/O, down to \(\approx\)10,000, which is still 1,000× more than DEFUSE:.

6.1.4 Application Runtime.

In addition to synthetic workloads generated by IOzone, we also evaluated DEFUSE:’s impact on three practical (throughput-intensive) applications using the sources of the Linux kernel v4.15 as dataset. First, we decompressed the 160-MB archive comprised of 67,000 files into an ext4 backed FS using the tar command.
We then backed up the decompressed small files from the ext4 backed FS to a JFS backed FS using rsync. We finally compiled the source files using gcc on the ext4 backed FS.
Figure 9(a) shows the decompression time, Figure 9(b) the backup time, and Figure 9(c) the kernel compilation time. For decompression, DEFUSE: achieved almost identical runtime to the direct mount while FUSE required as much as 4× the amount of time to finish. Using direct I/O only marginally improved FUSE performance. Similarly, DEFUSE: ran at near direct kernel mount speeds when backing up, while FUSE and FUSE with direct I/O were significantly slower, taking 3× longer. For compilation, where DEFUSE: and FUSE perform the closest, DEFUSE: took 1.23× longer than direct mount and FUSE yet 1.41× longer than DEFUSE:, on average. This evaluation showed the practical advantages of DEFUSE: over FUSE as a user space FS interface for everyday tasks.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Runtimes of three throughput-intensive applications using the source files of the Linux kernel v4.15 (lower is better). (a) The time to decompress the 160 MB archive of 67,000 files. (b) T time to back up the decompressed files using rsync. (c) The time to compile the kernel using gcc.

6.1.5 Metadata Operations.

To complete our single-machine evaluation, we ran benchmarks using various system calls that read, write, and/or modify the metadata of 10,000 files. Unlike the previous benchmarks, these ones are not throughput-intensive but do perform a lot of small I/O operations.
Figure 10(a) shows the time to create 10,000 files, Figure 10(b) shows the time to run the access system call on all 10,000 files, Figure 10(c) the time to change the mode of all 10,000 files using the chmod system call, and Figure 10(d) the time to remove (unlink) the 10,000 files. Due to the relatively short amount of time to perform the metadata operation compared to the overhead of the FS access method, FUSE performs significantly worse than direct mount and DEFUSE:. Even at its best, for unlink, FUSE requires 4.3× longer than direct mount compared to DEFUSE:, which takes 1.3× longer than direct mount; while at its worst FUSE requires 12× longer than direct mount for the file access benchmark where DEFUSE: requires 1.6× longer.
Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. Runtimes of four benchmarks accessing the metadata of 10,000 files (lower is better). (a) The time to create the files. (b) The time to run the access system call on the files. (c) The time to change the files’ mode with chmod. (d) The time to remove (unlink) the files.

6.2 Benefits for Distributed Systems

We also evaluated a diverse set of distributed cloud workloads to compare DEFUSE:, FUSE, and direct kernel mount. We used Apache Spark [10] v2.4.0 on a cluster of five machines with identical hardware setups as described in Section 6.1.1. These distributed workloads show the local benefits of DEFUSE: have important global impact on distributed applications despite network latency.
TPCx-BB express benchmark. In our first distributed evaluation, we ran the TPCx-BB benchmark suite [91]. The benchmark consists of 30 different SQL queries in the context of retail stores. Using the Spark SQL [11] implementation provided by the Transaction Processing Performance Council, we used a data scaling factor of 100 and used direct mount, DEFUSE:, and FUSE as the interfaces of the Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) backing store. The runtimes shown in Figure 11 are a normalized ratio of HDFS backed by a direct mount ext4 FS. The entries for gen and load show the time to generate benchmark data and to load it into the metastore, respectively. Each qx shows the time to run query x. Queries q22 and q30 show the best and worst performance, respectively for DEFUSE:, while queries q27 and q02 show the same for FUSE. While the results greatly vary, DEFUSE: always outperforms FUSE; DEFUSE: is between 1.6× (gen) and 10× (q02) faster with a 3.7× gain on average for a query.
Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. Runtime of TPCx-BB queries normalized by the runtime of direct mount (lower is better). gen is the time to generate the benchmark data, load the time to load that data into the meta store, and qx the time to run query x. DEFUSE: is between 1.6× (gen) and 10× (q02) faster than FUSE and 3.7× on average.
Word count. To further evaluate DEFUSE: against FUSE and a direct mounted FS, we ran a Spark word count workload using 300 GB of Wikipedia data. While Spark data inputs and results may be stored locally or in a remote file system, intermediate results from the map and reduce tasks are stored locally on compute nodes. Using the Purdue University MapReduce benchmarks suite [5] we show that the overall runtime of a Spark application can be affected by the FS interface of this local storage. Figure 12(a) shows that FUSE significantly increases the completion time of the word count job, even when used only for Spark local storage, with a 2× difference compared to DEFUSE: or direct mount. Spark uses memory mapped I/O for reading and writing to local storage so it is not possible to evaluate FUSE with direct I/O enabled.
Fig. 12.
Fig. 12. Runtime of typical cloud workloads (lower is better). (a) The time to run a Spark word count job using 300 GB of Wikipedia data. (b) The time to run a linear regression of 720 million observation dataset. (c) The time to run k-means clustering of 200 clusters of a 1.4 billion observation dataset. (d) The time to run the TestDFSIO benchmark writing 300 GB of data. DEFUSE: is between 1.27× (d) and 1.94× (a) faster than FUSE for cloud workloads, and on par with direct mount for TestDFSIO (d).
Machine learning. To evaluate machine learning related workloads, we ran both a linear regression in Spark with a 720 million observation dataset (Figure 12(b)) and k-means with a 1.4 billion observation dataset (Figure 12(c)) using the same Spark configuration used for word count. As with Spark word count, using FUSE seriously impacts the total workload time, requiring 1.75× longer for the linear regression workload to complete compared to DEFUSE: or direct mount. FUSE’s overhead for k-means is lower but is still significant as it takes 1.5× longer than DEFUSE: to complete.
HDFS. To conclude our distributed evaluations, we ran the TestDFSIO benchmark to evaluate how HDFS is affected by FS interfaces. The benchmark recorded the runtime of writing a single 300-GB file, plotted in Figure 12(d). HDFS uses in-memory data block caching, and performance is affected more by the speed of main memory than by the speed of the FS. However, even in this case, FUSE takes 1.23× longer to complete compared to direct mount or DEFUSE:.

6.3 Implementation Microbenchmarks

Last, we perform several microbenchmarks to tease apart the savings of DEFUSE:.
Overhead of FD stashing. Recall that FD stashing saves and restores the internal FD map used by DEFUSE:, which adds additional overhead to the exec system call. To determine the overhead, we created a benchmark where a parent process opens files within DEFUSE: and calls fork and exec to create a child process and then measured and reported in Figure 13 the time for FD stashing to save and restore FDs in the child process. Intuitively, the FD stashing overhead is directly related to the number of inherited FDs as the FD stashing process sequentially saves and restores all FDs. Running a linear regression on the data results in an FD stashing overhead of 4 \(\mathrm{n}{\rm s}\) per inherited FD with a base overhead of 3.7 \(\mathrm{\mu }{\rm s}\) to intercept the system calls. Overall, the overhead is virtually nonexistent considering FD stashing is only required once per child process and the typical soft limit for open FDs on Ubuntu Linux is 1,024 (with a total overhead of 8.9 \(\mathrm{\mu }{\rm s}\)).
Fig. 13.
Fig. 13. FD stashing overhead with DEFUSE: for up to 4,000 inherited FDs along with the trend line. Overhead is negligible even for 4,000 FDs.
Overhead of user space paging. To evaluate the performance of DEFUSE: user space paging, we evaluated the performance of a file mapped with DEFUSE: against a direct mounted FS and FUSE. The comparison does not include FUSE with direct I/O, since it is not possible to use it with a memory mapped file—direct I/O bypasses the kernel page cache. We created a benchmark where a 128 MB file is mapped using the mmap system call, and we then measured and reported in Figure 14 the runtime of 1.25 million random reads and writes over the file’s address space. Read operations are significantly slower using either user space access mechanism, DEFUSE: or FUSE, than when using direct mount, since they both require a transfer of control between kernel and user space for each page fault handled. However, there is no significant difference between the read runtimes of DEFUSE: and FUSE. Write operations are 1.8× faster with DEFUSE: than with FUSE but 7.5% slower than with direct mount, on average.
Fig. 14.
Fig. 14. Runtime of 1.25 M reads and writes on a file mapped with the user space paging of DEFUSE:, direct mount FS and FUSE. DEFUSE: and FUSE perform equally for reads while writes are 1.8× faster for DEFUSE:.
A Virtual File System (AVFS). To further compare LD_PRELOAD, DEFUSE:, and FUSE with and without direct I/O enabled, we ran a series of tests on a user space FS implementation that did not have a corresponding kernel driver. Benchmark processes were run for the same small, large, and mixed sized file workloads (cf. Section 6.1.1) using both DEFUSE: and the FUSE implementation for AVFS [12] (cf. Section 5.2), a user space only FS that allows direct access to compressed files bypassing the need for a decompression tool. A gzip compressed tar file was created containing the files of each workload. Figure 15 shows DEFUSE: achieved higher read throughput for small files, almost double that of FUSE. Both large and mixed file workloads show fewer gains but still clear improvements over FUSE.
Fig. 15.
Fig. 15. Read throughput of an LD_PRELOAD library, DEFUSE: and FUSE when used with AVFS for small, large, and mixed sized file workloads. DEFUSE: always performs better than FUSE, with or without direct I/O, and particularly when handling a lot of small files as it reaches much closer to LD_PRELOAD’s performance.

7 Related Work

We discuss work related to user space FS interfaces and performance improvements to FUSE.

7.1 Related to User Space Libraries

MPI-IO [58] is developed as an extension to the MPI with the purpose of improving the performance of collective I/O within a parallel computing system. ROMIO [85] is a high-performance user space implementation of MPI-IO. Its use of an abstract interface [84] allows multiple backend FSs to be connected to the library allowing parallel applications written to the MPI standard to access the underlying FSs without specific knowledge of FS API. Operating completely in user space, this solution provides the benefits of FS access speed, while the abstract interface allows for FS-agnostic access. However, it is intended for use with parallel computing systems and applications must be coded specifically to the MPI-IO standard. Applications using POSIX system calls would not be able to access the library.
Like MPI-IO, libsysio [89] is another library initially developed for managing access to FSs for high-performance computing. However, as with other directly linked user space libraries, it is affected by the FD heritage dilemma nor does it provide user space paging.
ADAPT [94] provides an auxiliary storage data path to improve performance and flexibility while being compatible with existing storage models. Data are associated with one or more tags describing the relationships between data and then uses a single-level store provided via a key-value system for data access. It is implemented primarily as a user space library allowing applications aware of its API access to its capabilities; however, it also offers a FUSE implementation for legacy applications.

7.2 Related to FUSE

Numerous solutions have improved FUSE but only few tackle the basic interface overhead largely due to wait context switch latency, without providing POSIX compliance.
Ishiguro et al. [40] propose a method to reduce memory copies and wait context switchs when FUSE is used with a remote FS. Their direct device access prevents unneeded calls from the FUSE kernel driver to user space when the backing FS contains a kernel driver. However, this solution is not intended for FSs whose I/O request handling logic resides in user space.
ExtFUSE [16] proposes to reduce the number of FUSE requests between kernel space and user space using extended Berkeley packet filters (eBPF) [50]. The eBPF interface allows for user space programs to run in kernel space with significant restrictions. While ExtFUSE can reduce the number of wait context switchs, it is isolated to a subset of I/O operations.
Direct-FUSE [100] provides an abstract interface for user space FS libraries within libsysio [89]. As mentioned in Section 6.1.1, it does not address the FD heritage dilemma, nor does provide an interface for user space paging and therefore does not provide all the guarantees required by POSIX.
WrapFS [97] provides an efficient wrapper of a file system mount onto another mounted location. However, it does not provide the bypassed FD lookup behavior needed to reduce the time to service an open system call.
Stacked FSs [70] promise ease in deployment of incremental changes to existing FSs. File System Translator (FiST) [98] is a tool aiming to ease creation of stacked FSs by generating the necessary kernel drivers for FS drivers written in a high-level language. However, both stacked FSs and File System Translator (FiST) are limited to kernel space FS drivers. Narayan et. al. [60] extend FiST for user space implementations but in a way dependent on FUSE, thus suffering from wait context switch overhead.
Ganesha network file system (NFS) [24] is a user space network file system (NFS) client supporting the same protocols as kernel space implementation as in other Unix-like OSs. Yet running in user space allows Ganesha NFS to redirect I/O requests directly to user space FS libraries using an FS abstraction layer [62] similar to FUSE’s. While increasing flexibility for NFS exports, it does not improve performance of interaction between kernel and user spaces; the socket interface used by the RPC protocol of NFS has similar performance penalties as the FUSE interface used to communicate between kernel and user space.
Steere et al. [78] propose a caching mechanism running in user space as an optimization to the Coda distributed FS [72]. While the cache improves performance for I/O operations, the system still requires a transfer of control from kernel to user space for each directory tree level during lookup. Even with the existence of a user space cache, workloads using input datasets requiring access to potentially millions of small files [17, 21] would take a large number of control transfers to fill the cache, yielding performance comparable to FUSE.
Patlasov [65] sketches a set of performance optimizations for FUSE aiming at parellelization thanks to, e.g., multi-threading, direct I/O, and caching. However, wait context switchs are not reduced, the optimizations are only validated using specialized parallel workloads on specialized iSCSI SAN storage rather than on common FUSE, and no codebase is public.
Re-FUSE [79] (which is not ReFUSE [44]) is an extension to FUSE to make the user space FUSE server fault-tolerant. A Re-FUSE server crash is automatically detected and a restart initiated while applications continue to run without knowledge of the failure. FUSE performance is not improved.

7.3 Related to LD_PRELOAD

OrangeFS Direct Interface [64] uses an LD_PRELOAD implementation, but it experiences the FD heritage dilemma. Furthermore, its implementation is tightly coupled with PVFS [71], and thus it is not practical as a general purpose FS.
Goanna [77] is a framework for rapid FS implementation in user space based on the ptrace kernel interface. ptrace allows for a process to monitor for, and intercept system calls of, other processes. Debuggers such as gdb [32] use this interface to set breakpoints in executing processes. When a system call from an FS is intercepted, Goanna redirects the operation to a user space FS library as appropriate. This has a similar effect to an LD_PRELOAD library without losing internal mappings when a parent creates a child process with open FDs. However, using ptrace requires similar wait context switchs between kernel and user space as processes FUSE. Goanna mitigates these by using a modified ptrace implementation, however still leaving a large number of wait context switchs. Also, for Goanna to monitor all processes, it must run with superuser privileges, which is a security risk even if it runs in user space.
SplitFS [43] is an FS for persistent memory that is uses an LD_PRELOAD implementation to intercept FS related system calls. It contains an implementation similar to FD stashing; however, it does not improve the performance of open as DEFUSE: does though bypassed FD lookup. For applications that manipulate a large number of small files, the overhead for open can dwarf the overhead for doing the I/O operations themselves. Such is the case for high-performance computing workloads, some of which create millions of files below 64 kb. In addition, SplitFS is specialized for use with persistent memory and is not a general-purpose user space FS interface.
Bypass and Multiple Bypass [83] use LD_PRELOAD to ease the writing of distributed applications. Calls intercepted by an LD_PRELOAD library may be executed locally or redirected to a remote machine, e.g., to read data on a remote FS, depending on the policies defined in Bypass. This scheme enables applications to split their execution on multiple machines with low programming effort.

7.4 Related to User Space Paging

FluidMem [20] is a library designed to provide memory resource disaggregation by creating a system for memory as a service. It uses the userfaultfd call to manage page faults; however, its infrastructure acts as a service within a hypervisor providing access to remote memory for a client virtual machine by accessing memory pages on a remote system.
UMap [66] is a library to provide application-driven optimizations for page management. It uses userfaultfd to control access to a page map providing applications fine-grained control of page management (e.g., pre-fetching and controlled flushing of pages); however, it is not an application-agnostic interface and requires client applications to make explicit calls to set the policies for page management.

8 Conclusions

FSs implemented in user space have the advantage of permission isolation, access to user space libraries, and ease of prototyping using a diverse set of programming languages. While deployable interfaces for user space FSs exist, they suffer from significant performance penalties (e.g., FUSE) and/or inconsistent behaviors FDs (e.g., LD_PRELOAD-loaded library). Research attempting to improve access performance for user space FSs is often workload specific (e.g., MPI-IO) or does not address inconsistency issues (e.g., Direct-FUSE).
DEFUSE: is a generic interface for user space FSs that enables FS access using existing POSIX system calls with higher access speed than FUSE, up to 2× faster for persistent storage media and as high as 10× faster for memory-based operations in our evaluation. At the same time, DEFUSE: improves on existing user space FS interfaces by maintaining consistency of FDs passed between parent and child processes. In future work, we plan to further improve performance of DEFUSE: and provide a wrapper interface to streamline porting existing FS implementations from FUSE into DEFUSE: such that existing FUSE implementations can be used with DEFUSE: with no modification.



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Cited By

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  • (2024)Faster FUSE Filesystems with Efficient Data TransfersProceedings of the 15th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems10.1145/3678015.3680493(122-129)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2024
  • (2022)Time Administration of Virtual File System Operations2022 2nd International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS)10.1109/ICTACS56270.2022.9987922(555-558)Online publication date: 10-Oct-2022



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cover image ACM Transactions on Storage
ACM Transactions on Storage  Volume 18, Issue 3
August 2022
244 pages
  • Editor:
  • Sam H. Noh
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 26 September 2022
Online AM: 30 August 2022
Accepted: 25 October 2021
Revised: 21 July 2021
Received: 11 February 2021
Published in TOS Volume 18, Issue 3


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  • (2024)Faster FUSE Filesystems with Efficient Data TransfersProceedings of the 15th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems10.1145/3678015.3680493(122-129)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2024
  • (2022)Time Administration of Virtual File System Operations2022 2nd International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS)10.1109/ICTACS56270.2022.9987922(555-558)Online publication date: 10-Oct-2022

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