What Is in a <unittitle>? Cross-lingual Topic Detection & Information Retrieval in Archives Portal Europe
1 Introduction
2 Natural Language Processing and Archival Research
3 An Archival Catalogue of Archival Catalogues: Searching in Archives Portal Europe
4 Topic Association in Archives Portal Europe

5 Topic Detection: Building A New Tool
5.1 Cross-lingual Topic Classification
5.2 Topic Taxonomies Generation
5.3 Concept Search
5.4 Entity Search
6 Testing the Tool
7 Results of the First Testing
7.1 Cross-lingual Topics Classification
Language of the search term DIFFERS FROM the predominant language of search results | Language of the search term IS THE SAME AS the predominant language of search results | |
Overall | 56.8% | 43.2% |
In concept searches | 51.9% | 48.1% |
In entity searches | 62.3% | 37.7% |
7.2 Most Relevant Topical Words
Language | Representation in the dataset | Representation in the taxonomies |
English | Not represented | Most represented for 5 topics |
French | Most represented | Most represented for 3 topics |
German | Second-most represented | Second-most represented for 2 topics |
Portuguese | Not represented | Most represented for 1 topic |

7.3 Concept Searches and Entity Searches
8 Conclusions
A Appendix
Topic | No. of tagged documents | Countries |
35,677 | France | |
Architecture | 78,145 | France; Germany |
Armedforces | 23,068 | France |
Arts | 4,093 | France |
Buildings | 88,178 | France |
Catholicism | 1,499 | France |
Charity | 321 | France |
Charters | 3,331 | France; Germany |
Churchrecordsandregisters | 2,056 | France |
Churches | 721 | France |
Colonialism | 1,130 | France |
Communism | 433 | France |
Concentrationcamp | 43,016 | France; Germany |
Crime | 29,970 | France |
Culture | 89,248 | France |
Democracy | 29,829 | France; Germany |
Earlymodernperiod | 58 | France |
Economics | 144,157 | France; Germany |
Education | 94,914 | France |
EuropeanUnion | 15,277 | France |
FirstWorldWar(1914–1918) | 57,445 | France; Germany |
FrenchRevolution(1789–1799) | 615 | France |
GDR(GermanDemocraticRepublic) | 117,268 | Germany |
GDRpartiesandtradeunions | 23,029 | Germany |
Genealogy | 43,792 | France; Poland; Latvia |
Genealogyarchives | 13,763 | France |
Health | 53,966 | France |
Heresy | 6 | France |
Industrialisation | 56,793 | France |
Justice | 91,334 | France |
Lifestyle | 28,588 | France |
Maps | 57,119 | France; Finland |
Medicalsciences | 21,637 | France |
Medievalperiod | 3,447 | France |
Monasteries | 204 | France |
Municipalgovernment | 27,088 | France |
Music | 11,172 | France |
NapoléonI,EmperoroftheFrench,1769–1821 | 6 | France |
NapoléonIII,EmperoroftheFrench,1808–1873 | 4,641 | France |
Nationaladministration | 45,395 | France |
Notaries | 35,487 | France; Poland |
Photography | 149,697 | France |
Politics | 41,764 | France |
Populationcensuses | 629 | France |
Poverty | 13,059 | France |
Protestantism | 15 | France |
Religion | 7,545 | France |
Revolutionsof1848 | 6 | France |
Royalty | 658 | France |
Schools | 73,112 | France |
Science | 94,465 | France |
SecondWorldWar(1939–1945) | 32,169 | France |
Slavery | 765 | France |
Socialhistory | 1,093 | France |
Socialism | 15 | France |
Statistics | 11 | France |
Taxation | 30,621 | France |
Tradeunions | 21,980 | France |
Transport | 97,417 | France |
Universities | 11,682 | France |
Wars(events) | 10,270 | France |
Women | 6,390 | France |
Total | 1,792,908 | |
Total archival descriptions (on October 13, 2020) | 282,110,269 |
Topic | No. of tagged documents | Country(ies) | No. of institutions |
Catholicism | 1,499 | France | 1 |
Economics | 144,157 | France | 7 |
FirstWorldWar(1914–1918) | 57,445 | France; Germany | 7 |
Genealogy | 43,792 | France; Poland; Latvia | 7 |
GDR(GermanDemocraticRepublic) | 117,268 | Germany | 1 |
Maps | 57,119 | France; Finland | 8 |
NapoléonI,EmperoroftheFrench,1769–1821 | 6 | France | 2 |
Notaries | 35,487 | France; Poland | 7 |
Slavery | 765 | France | 1 |
Total | 457,538 |
Topic | No. of tagged documents | Countries | No. of institutions | No. of results (total) | No. of results (checked) | New relevant results | Already tagged results | No. of topic words (total) | Relevant topic words |
Catholicism | 1,499 | France | 1 | 1,674 | 540 | 31.48% | 1.79% | 220 | 1.36% |
Economics | 144,157 | France | 7 | 1,656 | 584 | 24.32% | 18.60% | 180 | 6.67% |
FirstWorldWar(1914–1918) | 57,445 | France; Germany | 7 | 1,278 | 223 | 6.73% | 40.53% | 210 | 60.00% |
Genealogy | 43,792 | France; Poland; Latvia | 7 | 1,000 | 285 | 16.6% | 1.90% | 100 | 6.00% |
GDR(GermanDemocraticRepublic) | 117,268 | Germany | 1 | 1,226 | 63 | 0.00% | 81.40% | 160 | 79.38% |
Maps | 57,119 | France; Finland | 8 | 705 | 101 | 87.13% | 70.64% | 90 | 51.11% |
NapoléonI,EmperoroftheFrench,1769–1821 | 6 | France | 2 | 1,655 | 531 | 7.72% | 0.00% | 190 | 13.68% |
Notaries | 35,487 | France; Poland | 7 | 903 | 93 | 1.08% | 70.10% | 120 | 78.33% |
Slavery | 765 | France | 1 | 903 | 370 | 3.51% | 37.21% | 120 | 45.00% |
TOTAL | 457,538 |
Topic: “Catholicism” | |
Number of keyword queries | 22 |
Searched for the following entities/concepts (translated to English) | Solidarność, nicean, pope, Marian, Hyperdulia, Holy Inquisition witches |
Number of total results | 1,674 |
Number of retrieved results already tagged as “Catholicism” | 30 |
Number of new relevant results in the checked sample (that is, relevant to the topic but tagged under other topics) | 170 on 540 checked (31.5% of the sample) |
Number of relevant topical words | 3 over 220 (1.36%) |
Number of times that entity search in different languages did not give the same results | 2 out of 4 (Solidarność; Holy Inquisition witches) |
Topic: “Economics” | |
Number of keyword queries | 20 |
Searched for the following entities/concepts (translated to English) | Keynes, Bank of France, Marxist, Spanish GDP |
Number of total results | 1,656 |
Number of retrieved results already tagged as “Economics” | 308 |
Number of new relevant results in the checked sample (that is, relevant to the topic but tagged under other topics) | 142 on 584 checked (24.3% of the sample) |
Number of relevant topical words | 12 over 180 (6.7%) |
Number of times that entity search in different languages did not give the same results | 2 out of 3 (Keynes, Spanish GDP) |
Topic: “First World War” | |
Number of keyword queries | 21 |
Searched for the following entities/concepts (translated to English) | Great War, Liège, Triple Alliance, Wilhelm German Crown Prince, Treaty of Versailles, mustard gas |
Number of total results | 1,278 |
Number of retrieved results already tagged as “First World War” | 518 |
Number of new relevant results in the checked sample (that is, relevant to the topic but tagged under other topics) | 15 out of 223 checked (6.7% of the sample) |
Number of relevant topical words | 126 out of 210 (60%) |
Number of times that entity search in different languages did not give the same results | 1 out of 2 (Wilhelm German Crown Prince) |
Topic: “Genealogy” | |
Number of keyword queries | 10 |
Searched for the following entities/concepts (translated to English) | Registry Office, family tree, father |
Number of total results | 1,000 |
Number of retrieved results already tagged as “Genealogy” | 19 |
Number of new relevant results in the checked sample (that is, relevant to the topic but tagged under other topics) | 47 on 285 checked (16.6 % of the sample) |
Number of relevant topical words | 6 over 100 (6%) |
Number of times that entity search in different languages did not give the same results | 1 out of 1 (Father) |
Topic: “German Democratic Republic (GDR)” | |
Number of keyword queries | 17 |
Searched for the following entities/concepts (translated to English) | Erich Honecker, Schabowski, Hohenschönhausen, Fall of the Berlin Wall, Stasi Records Agency |
Number of total results | 1,226 |
Number of retrieved results already tagged as “German Democratic Republic (GDR)” | 998 |
Number of new relevant results in the checked sample (that is, relevant to the topic but tagged under other topics) | 0 out of 63 checked (0% of the sample) |
Number of relevant topical words | 127 out of 160 (79.4%) |
Number of times that entity search in different languages did not give the same results | 1 out of 3 (Hohenschönhausen) |
Topic: “Maps” | |
Number of keyword queries | 17 |
Searched for the following entities/concepts (translated to English) | Ptolemy, Gerardus Mercator, (only) Mercator, topographical map, map AND town |
Number of total results | 705 |
Number of retrieved results already tagged as “Maps” | 498 |
Number of new relevant results in the checked sample (that is, relevant to the topic but tagged under other topics) | 88 out of 101 checked (87.1% of the sample) |
Number of relevant topical words | 46 out of 90 |
Number of times that entity search in different languages did not give the same results | 2 out of 3 (Ptolemy and Mercator) |
Topic: Napoléon I, Emperor of the French, 1769–1821 | |
Number of keyword queries | 22 |
Searched for the following entities/concepts (translated to English) | Napoleon, Napoleon and France, Napoleon Russia, Empress Joséphine Martinique, Saint Helena, Waterloo battle, Nouveau Régime, Bonapartian |
Number of total results | 1,655 |
Number of retrieved results already tagged as “Napoléon I, Emperor of the French, 1769–1821” | 0 |
Number of new relevant results in the checked sample (that is, relevant to the topic but tagged under other topics) | 41 on 531 checked (7.7% of the sample) |
Number of relevant topical words | 26 over 190 (13.7%) |
Number of times that entity search in different languages did not give the same results | 2 out of 6 (Napoleon; Saint Helena) |
Topic: “Notaries” | |
Number of keyword queries | 12 |
Searched for the following entities/concepts (translated to English) | Rue Saint-Honoré, Notary, Notary AND testament, authentication |
Number of total results | 903 |
Number of retrieved results already tagged as “Notaries” | 633 |
Number of new relevant results in the checked sample (that is, relevant to the topic but tagged under other topics) | 1 out of 93 checked (1.1% of the sample) |
Number of relevant topical words | 94 out of 120 |
Number of times that entity search in different languages did not give the same results | 0 out of 1 |
Topic: “Slavery” | |
Number of keyword queries | 12 |
Searched for the following entities/concepts (translated to English) | Spartacus, encomienda, slave, Slave traffic port |
Number of total results | 903 |
Number of retrieved results already tagged as “Slavery” | 336 |
Number of new relevant results in the checked sample (that is, relevant to the topic but tagged under other topics) | 13 on 370 checked (3.5% of the sample) |
Number of relevant topical words | 54 over 120 (45%) |
Number of times that entity search in different languages did not give the same results | 0 out of 1 |
Results are shown as aggregated for each topic. For a complete overview of each single keyword search, please refer to Appendix A, available online <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MWXJkC6EQjPW8wtf9DSmWnlXorTGJMMMz-AWNDWVL1k/edit?usp=sharing> |
Language of the search | No. of searches | % of overall searches | Language of the majority of search results | No. of times when language dominant in search results | Percentage |
English | 17 | 11.11% | English | 0 | 0.00% |
Finnish | 8 | 5.23% | Finnish | 2 | 1.31% |
French | 49 | 32.03% | French | 66 | 43.14% |
German | 48 | 31.37% | German | 66 | 43.14% |
Italian | 14 | 9.15% | Italian | 4 | 2.61% |
Polish | 13 | 8.50% | Polish | 0 | 0.00% |
Slovenian | 4 | 2.61% | Slovenian | 0 | 0.00% |
Total | 153 | Total | 138 | ||
(search without results) | 15 | n/a |

Index Terms
- What Is in a
? Cross-lingual Topic Detection & Information Retrieval in Archives Portal Europe
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