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VIPS: real-time perception fusion for infrastructure-assisted autonomous driving

Published: 14 October 2022 Publication History


Infrastructure-assisted autonomous driving is an emerging paradigm that expects to significantly improve the driving safety of autonomous vehicles. The key enabling technology for this vision is to fuse LiDAR results from the roadside infrastructure and the vehicle to improve the vehicle's perception in real time. In this work, we propose VIPS, a novel lightweight system that can achieve decimeter-level and real-time (up to 100 ms) perception fusion between driving vehicles and roadside infrastructure. The key idea of VIPS is to exploit highly efficient matching of graph structures that encode objects' lean representations as well as their relationships, such as locations, semantics, sizes, and spatial distribution. Moreover, by leveraging the tracked motion trajectories, VIPS can maintain the spatial and temporal consistency of the scene, which effectively mitigates the impact of asynchronous data frames and unpredictable communication/compute delays. We implement VIPS end-to-end based on a campus smart lamppost testbed. To evaluate the performance of VIPS under diverse situations, we also collect two new multi-view point cloud datasets using the smart lamppost testbed and an autonomous driving simulator, respectively. Experiment results show that VIPS can extend the vehicle's perception range by 140% within 58 ms on average, and delivers a 4X improvement in perception fusion accuracy and 47X data transmission saving over existing approaches. A video demo of VIPS based on the lamppost dataset is available at


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MobiCom '22: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing And Networking
October 2022
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 14 October 2022


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  1. infrastructure-assisted autonomous driving
  2. perception fusion
  3. vehicle mobility
  4. vehicle-infrastructure information fusion


  • Research-article

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  • Innovation and Technology Commission - The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's republic of China
  • Centre for Perceptual and Interactive Intelligence


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