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HPCCT '21: Proceedings of the 2021 5th High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference
ACM2021 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
HPCCT 2021: 2021 5th High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference Qingdao China July 2 - 4, 2021
23 December 2021
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SESSION: Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision
Long-Term Analysis for Job Characteristics on the Supercomputer

A deep understanding of the job characteristics and their impacts on the high performance computing system is one of the most critical steps for efficiently planning its design, development and optimization. However, frequent and regular ...

Research on Dairy Cow Mastitis Based on Conductance Method and Weighted Deep Forest

Aiming at the difficult and expensive problem of dairy cow mastitis detection, an analysis method based on conductance method and weighted deep forest model is proposed, a new method of extracting conductance data features is added, and the deep random ...

A Survey on Machine Learning based Intrusion Detection Systems Using Apache Spark

The emergence and wide application of the Internet have brought convenience to people's lives, but at the same time, it has also brought many security problems. How to protect network security and prevent intrusion detection is the focus of current ...

Open Access
The Design and Development of a GPU-accelerated Radar Simulator for Space Debris Monitoring

The problem of space debris represents a major topic of concern in astronomy as the threat of space junk continues to grow, and the accuracy of its tracking is greatly restricted by the insufficiency and limitations of current surveillance sensors. This ...

Towards Nucleation of GoA3+ Approval Process

The approval of Automatic Train Operation (ATO) from GoA3 on (GoA3+) requires a strong developers’ network to ensure the homogeneous landscape of expert opinions for regulators and courts. Certain technologies needed for GoA3+, especially Computer ...

Motion Recognition of Bionic Manipulator Based on Surface Muscle Electrical Signals

This paper studies a bionic gesture recognition system based on surface electromyography (sEMG). The system was designed and realized based on STM32F4. The sEMG signals of the operator's upper palmaris longus muscle, extensor digitorum muscle and flexor ...

The Design and Application in Secure Communication Based on Quantum Technology

Quantum secure communication based on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) has entered the practical stage, and will become one of the most reliable schemes to improve the network information security protection capability.Quantum key distribution (QKD), ...
