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m3Track: <u>mm</u>wave-based <u>m</u>ulti-user 3D posture tracking

Published: 27 June 2022 Publication History


Nowadays, the market of 3D human posture tracking has extended to a broad range of application scenarios. As current mainstream solutions, vision-based posture tracking systems suffer from privacy leakage concerns and depend on lighting conditions. Towards more privacy-preserving and robust tracking manner, recent works have exploited commodity radio frequency signals to realize 3D human posture tracking. However, these studies cannot handle the case where multiple users are in the same space. In this paper, we present a <u>mm</u>Wave-based <u>m</u>ulti-user 3D posture tracking system, m3Track, which leverages a single commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) mmWave radar to track multiple users' postures simultaneously as they move, walk, or sit. Based on the sensing signals from a mmWave radar in multi-user scenarios, m3Track first separates all the users on mmWave signals. Then, m3Track extracts shape and motion features of each user, and reconstructs 3D human posture for each user through a designed deep learning model. Furthermore. m3Track maps the reconstructed 3D postures of all users into 3D space, and tracks users' positions through a coordinate-corrected tracking method, realizing practical multi-user 3D posture tracking with a COTS mmWave radar. Experiments conducted in real-world multi-user scenarios validate the accuracy and robustness of m3Track on multi-user 3D posture tracking.


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    Published: 27 June 2022


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    1. 3D posture tracking
    2. mmWave
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    4. radars


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