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Exploring Caregiver Support for and Conceptualizations of Their Children’s Entrepreneurship in Interactive Online Spaces

Published: 27 June 2022 Publication History


As the role of interactive digital media continues to grow in our ever-connected lives, so too do the expectations of the caregivers and parents of today’s young people, particularly in scaffolding and brokering their experiences with online interactive media. Consequently, there are more and more ways for young people to socialize, learn, and create online. While these new forms of connection and access to information lead to many positive outcomes, some bring more challenging and complicated implications. In particular, young people are increasingly able to earn money and make a profit online from the fruits of their computational learning. This study seeks to better understand the complex landscape of young people’s experiences engaging with paid online work through detailed qualitative studies. I seek to explore the tensions around youth creation online and caregiver’s abilities to scaffold these experiences, with a particular emphasis on how caregivers conceptualize their children creating and become developers in online spaces.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)Learners in the Metaverse: A Systematic Review on the Use of Roblox in LearningEducation Sciences10.3390/educsci1303029613:3(296)Online publication date: 12-Mar-2023



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cover image ACM Conferences
IDC '22: Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference
June 2022
718 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 27 June 2022

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Author Tags

  1. Caregiver-Child Dyad
  2. Digital Games
  3. Parent-Child Dyad
  4. Parental Mediation
  5. Roblox
  6. Youth STEM Education


  • Extended-abstract
  • Research
  • Refereed limited


IDC '22
IDC '22: Interaction Design and Children
June 27 - 30, 2022
Braga, Portugal

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Interaction Design and Children
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  • (2023)Learners in the Metaverse: A Systematic Review on the Use of Roblox in LearningEducation Sciences10.3390/educsci1303029613:3(296)Online publication date: 12-Mar-2023

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