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IHM '22 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on l'Interaction Humain-Machine
ACM2022 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
IHM '22: 33e conférence internationale francophone sur l'Interaction Humain-Machine Namur Belgium April 5 - 8, 2022
01 November 2022
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SESSION: Travaux en Cours
L’intelligence hybride pour prédire l’évolution des maladies chroniques: Hybrid intelligence to predict chronic disease progression
Article No.: 1, Pages 1–5

In personalized medicine, care individualization is a key challenge to provide a more adapted and personalized clinical decision for each patient. The access to large amounts of medical data with the available computational power as well as the ...

Tangibilité et engagement dans un comportement environnemental : Vers une étude longitudinale: Tangibility and Engagement in Environmental Behavior: Toward a Longitudinal Study
Article No.: 2, Pages 1–6

Many interfaces have been proposed to support environmental behavior in domestic spaces. However in France, according to INSEE we spent in 2019 1680 hours working on average, often in a dedicated place where an environmental behavior can also be ...

Human-Computer Interaction in Artificial Intelligence for Blind and Vision Impairment: An Interpretative Literature Review Based on Bibliometrics: L’interaction humain-machine en intelligence artificielle pour les aveugles et déficients visuels : Une revue de littérature interprétative fondée sur la bibliométrie
Article No.: 3, Pages 1–6

The rise of artificial intelligence and particularly machine learning conduct to an emerging landscape of intelligent interactive systems. Such technologies help clinicians to detect diseases from medical imaging, and allow to describe the visual world ...

Évaluation initiale d’un outil d’aide à la communication pour des personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson: Initial evaluation of a communication aid for people with Parkinson’s disease
Article No.: 4, Pages 1–7

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease in the world. Quality of life and social participation for people with PD are severely impacted. Because of non-motors symptoms as communication impairments, their speech ...

  1. Adjunct Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on l'Interaction Humain-Machine


    Acceptance Rates

    Overall Acceptance Rate 103 of 199 submissions, 52%
    IHM '19291448%
    IHM '19 Adjunct211362%
    IHM '16332164%
    IHM '15422150%
    IHM '14321856%
    IHM '13421638%