Cited By
View all- Asad MShaukat SJavanmardi ENakazato JTsukada M(2023)A Comprehensive Survey on Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Federated Recommendation SystemsApplied Sciences10.3390/app1310620113:10(6201)Online publication date: 18-May-2023
Speech intelligibility is the most important parameter in evaluation of speech quality. In the contribution, a new objective intelligibility assessment of general speech processing algorithms is proposed. It is based on automatic recognition methods ...
The performance of well-trained speech recognizers using high quality full bandwidth speech data is usually degraded when used in real world environments. In particular, telephone speech recognition is extremely difficult due to the limited bandwidth of ...
Speech is a complex process that requires control and coordination of articulation, breathing, voicing, and prosody. Dysarthria is a manifestation of an inability to control and coordinate one or more of these aspects, which results in poorly ...
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