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Effective Video Abnormal Event Detection by Learning A Consistency-Aware High-Level Feature Extractor

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


With pure normal training videos, video abnormal event detection (VAD) aims to build a normality model, and then detect abnormal events that deviate from this model. Despite of some progress, existing VAD methods typically train the normality model by a low-level learning objective (e.g. pixel-wise reconstruction/prediction), which often overlooks the high-level semantics in videos. To better exploit high-level semantics for VAD, we propose a novel paradigm that performs VAD by learning a Consistency-Aware high-level Feature Extractor (CAFE). Specifically, with a pre-trained deep neural network (DNN) as teacher network, we first feed raw video events into the teacher network and extract the outputs of multiple hidden layers as their high-level features, which contain rich high-level semantics. Guided by high-level features extracted from normal training videos, we train a student network to be the high-level feature extractor of normal events, so as to explicitly consider high-level semantics in training. For inference, a video event can be viewed as normal if the student extractor produces similar high-level features to the teacher network. Second, based on the fact that consecutive video frames usually enjoy minor differences, we propose a consistency-aware scheme that requires high-level features extracted from neighboring frames to be consistent. Our consistency-aware scheme not only encourages the student extractor to ignore low-level differences and capture more high-level semantics, but also enables better anomaly scoring. Last, we also design a generic framework that can bridge high-level and low-level learning in VAD to further ameliorate VAD performance. By flexibly embedding one or more low-level learning objectives into CAFE, the framework makes it possible to combine the strengths of both high-level and low-level learning. The proposed method attains state-of-the-art results on commonly-used benchmark datasets.

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This video introduces our work titled "Effective Video Abnormal Event Detection by Learning a Consistency-Aware High-Level Feature Extractor" published in ACM Multimedia 2022.


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  1. Effective Video Abnormal Event Detection by Learning A Consistency-Aware High-Level Feature Extractor



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      • (2024)A Collaborative Framework Using Multimodal Data and Adaptive Noise for Human Behavior Anomaly Detection2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)10.1109/IJCNN60899.2024.10650235(1-8)Online publication date: 30-Jun-2024
      • (2023)Semantics-Enriched Cross-Modal Alignment for Complex-Query Video Moment RetrievalProceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia10.1145/3581783.3613772(4109-4118)Online publication date: 26-Oct-2023
      • (2023)Hierarchical Semantic Contrast for Scene-aware Video Anomaly Detection2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)10.1109/CVPR52729.2023.02188(22846-22856)Online publication date: Jun-2023

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