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Simple Self-supervised Multiplex Graph Representation Learning

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


Self-supervised multiplex graph representation learning (SMGRL) aims to capture the information from the multiplex graph, and generates discriminative embedding without labels. However, previous SMGRL methods still suffer from the issues of efficiency and effectiveness due to the processes, e.g., data augmentation, negative sample encoding, complex pretext tasks, etc. In this paper, we propose a simple method to achieve efficient and effective SMGRL. Specifically, the proposed method removes the processes (i.e., data augmentation and negative sample encoding) for the SMGRL and designs a simple pretext task, for achieving the efficiency. Moreover, the proposed method also designs an intra-graph decorrelation loss and an inter-graph decorrelation loss, respectively, to capture the common information within individual graphs and the common information across graphs, for achieving the effectiveness. Extensive experimental results verify the efficiency and effectiveness of our method, compared to 11 comparison methods on 4 public benchmark datasets, on the node classification task.

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