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Towards High-Fidelity Face Normal Estimation

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


While existing face normal estimation methods have produced promising results on small datasets, they often suffer from severe performance degradation on diverse in-the-wild face images, especially for the high-fidelity face normal estimation. Training a high-fidelity face normal estimation model with generalization capability requires a large amount of training data with face normal ground truth. Since collecting such high-fidelity database is difficult in practice, which prevents current methods from recovering face normal with fine-grained geometric details. To mitigate this issue, we propose a coarse-to-fine framework to estimate face normal from an in-the-wild image with only a coarse exemplar reference. Specifically, we first train a model using limited training data to exploit the coarse normal of a real face image. Then, we leverage the estimated coarse normal as an exemplar and devise an exemplar-based normal estimation network to explore robust mapping from the input face image to the fine-grained normal. In this manner, our method can largely alleviate the negative impact caused by lacking training data, and focus on exploring the high-fidelity normal contained in natural images. Extensive experiments and ablation studies are conducted to demonstrate the efficacy of our design, and reveal its superiority over state-of-the-art methods in terms of both training data requirement and recovery quality of fine-grained face normal. Our code is available at \url

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (MM22-mmfp0865.mp4)
Presentation video of Towards High-Fidelity Face Normal Estimation in ACMM22. In this paper, We present a coarse-to-fine framework to estimate face normal from an in-the-wild image with only a coarse exemplar reference. In this manner, our method can largely alleviate the negative impact caused by lacking training data, and focus on exploring the high-fidelity normal contained in natural images.


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Published: 10 October 2022


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  1. exemplar-based learning
  2. face normal estimation
  3. high-fidelity


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