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Image-Text Matching with Fine-Grained Relational Dependency and Bidirectional Attention-Based Generative Networks

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


Generally, most existing cross-modal retrieval methods only consider global or local semantic embeddings, lacking fine-grained dependencies between objects. At the same time, it is usually ignored that the mutual transformation between modalities also facilitates the embedding of modalities. Given these problems, we propose a method called BiKA (Bidirectional Knowledge-assisted embedding and Attention-based generation). The model uses a bidirectional graph convolutional neural network to establish dependencies between objects. In addition, it employs a bidirectional attention-based generative network to achieve the mutual transformation between modalities. Specifically, the knowledge graph is used for local matching to constrain the local expression of the modalities, in which the generative network is used for mutual transformation to constrain the global expression of the modalities. In addition, we also propose a new position relation embedding network to embed position relation information between objects. The experiments on two public datasets show that the performance of our method has been dramatically improved compared to many state-of-the-art models.

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  1. Image-Text Matching with Fine-Grained Relational Dependency and Bidirectional Attention-Based Generative Networks



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        MM '22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
        October 2022
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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Published: 10 October 2022


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        1. attentional generative network
        2. cross-attention
        3. cross-modal retrieval
        4. graph convolutional network
        5. knowledge embedding


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