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Hybrid Conditional Deep Inverse Tone Mapping

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


Emerging modern displays are capable to render ultra-high definition (UHD) media contents with high dynamic range (HDR) and wide color gamut (WCG). Although more and more native contents as such have been getting produced, the total amount is still in severe lack. Considering the massive amount of legacy contents with standard dynamic range (SDR) which may be exploitable, the urgent demand for proper conversion techniques thus springs up. In this paper, we try to tackle the conversion task from SDR to HDR-WCG for media contents and consumer displays. We propose a deep learning based SDR-to-HDR solution, Hybrid Conditional Deep Inverse Tone Mapping (HyCondITM), which is an end-to-end trainable framework including global transform, local adjustment, and detail refinement in a single unified pipeline. We present a hybrid condition network that can simultaneously extract both global and local priors for guidance to achieve scene-adaptive and spatially-variant manipulations. Experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in both quantitative comparisons and visual quality, out-performing the previous methods.


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MM '22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
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Published: 10 October 2022


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  1. deep learning
  2. high dynamic range
  3. inverse tone mapping


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