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APPTracker: Improving Tracking Multiple Objects in Low-Frame-Rate Videos

Published: 10 October 2022 Publication History


Multi-object tracking (MOT) in the scenario of low-frame-rate videos is a promising solution for deploying MOT methods on edge devices with limited computing, storage, power, and transmitting bandwidth. Tracking with a low frame rate poses particular challenges in the association stage as objects in two successive frames typically exhibit much quicker variations in locations, velocities, appearances, and visibilities than those in normal frame rates. In this paper, we observe severe performance degeneration of many existing association strategies caused by such variations. Though optical-flow-based methods like CenterTrack can handle the large displacement to some extent due to their large receptive field, the temporally local nature makes them fail to give correct displacement estimations of objects whose visibility flip within adjacent frames. To overcome the local nature of optical-flow-based methods, we propose an online tracking method by extending the CenterTrack architecture with a new head, named APP, to recognize unreliable displacement estimations. Then we design a two-stage association policy where displacement estimations or historical motion cues are leveraged in the corresponding stage according to APP predictions. Our method, with little additional computational overhead, shows robustness in preserving identities in low-frame-rate video sequences. Experimental results on public datasets in various low-frame-rate settings demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method.

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    MM '22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
    October 2022
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    Published: 10 October 2022


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    1. low-frame-rate videos
    2. multi-object tracking
    3. occlusion handling


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    • the 5G Open Laboratory of Hangzhou Future Sci-Tech City
    • the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.
    • NSFC


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