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View all- Wang XWu LHu BYang XFan XLiu MCheng KWang SMiao JGong H(2024)PatchRLNet: A Framework Combining a Vision Transformer and Reinforcement Learning for The Separation of a PTFE Emulsion and ParaffinElectronics10.3390/electronics1302033913:2(339)Online publication date: 12-Jan-2024
- Sun YWu LChen PZhang FXu L(2023)Using deep learning in pathology image analysis: A novel active learning strategy based on latent representationElectronic Research Archive10.3934/era.202327131:9(5340-5361)Online publication date: 2023
- Liu KFeng YZhang LWang RWang WYuan XCui XLi XLi H(2023)An Effective Personality-Based Model for Short Text Sentiment Classification Using BiLSTM and Self-AttentionElectronics10.3390/electronics1215327412:15(3274)Online publication date: 30-Jul-2023