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Augmented and Virtual Reality-Driven Interventions for Healthy Behavior Change: A Systematic Review

Published: 22 June 2022 Publication History


Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have shown potential benefits in managing healthy behavior. This paper presents a systematic review of AR- or VR-driven interventions for promoting healthy behaviors. The review investigates the design, implementations of the intervention, persuasive strategies, intervention platforms, underlying technologies, current trends, and research gaps. Our review of the past 10-years' work in the area reveals that 1) the considered papers focused on seven main healthy behaviors, where “alcohol use” emerged as the most commonly considered behavior; 2) trustworthiness emerged as the most commonly used persuasive strategy; 3) youth are the most targeted audience; 4) VR is more common than AR; and 5) most AR- or VR-driven interventions are perceived to be effective in motivating healthy behavior in people. We also uncover how they use Artificial Intelligence and Object Tracking in this space. Finally, we identify gaps and offer recommendations for advancing research in this area.


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IMX '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences
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Published: 22 June 2022


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  1. Augmented Reality
  2. Persuasive technology
  3. Virtual Reality
  4. healthy behavior
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