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The Side-Channel Vulnerability in Network Protocol

Published: 07 March 2022 Publication History


Some recent studies have found that there are some side-channel vulnerabilities in the operating system. Attackers would exploit the side-channel vulnerability for malicious purpose, such as hijack connections, denial of service attacks, etc. Currently, most attacks are detected manually. In this paper, we found that the reason for the existence of network protocol side-channel vulnerability is the use of shared resources. Since the state of shared resource affects all connections, when a connection uses a shared resource, information about that connection can be inferred by observing the usage of the shared resource. In order to find the shared resources, we implemented a tool called TASR which is a method of static analysis. The first is to find out what shared resources are available by the definition of shared resources in static analysis. Then, the data packet is used as the taint source to search the tainted shared resources. The second step is to analyze the taint-transmission-path according to the acquired tainted shared variable. Then it can find the side-channel vulnerability. By using this method on TCP, UDP and ICMP protocols, we find the following four shared variables: challenge_count, tcp_memory_allocated, tcp_memory_pressure, sysctl_icmp_msg_per_sec. It is difficult for tcp_memory allocated and tcp_memory pressure to exploit, because they will go through multiple strict checks. Using challenge_count can hijack the connection and inject malicious packets. Using sysctl_icmp_msg_per_sec can assist in DNS cache poisoning attack.


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ICCNS '21: Proceedings of the 2021 11th International Conference on Communication and Network Security
December 2021
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 07 March 2022


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  1. Network Protocol
  2. Shared Resource
  3. Side-Channel Vulnerability
  4. Taint Analysis


  • Research-article
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  • Refereed limited


ICCNS 2021


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