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View all- Elias J(2022)Sumsets and Projective CurvesMediterranean Journal of Mathematics10.1007/s00009-022-02108-019:4Online publication date: 25-Jun-2022
Given a set S, a fuzzy subset of S is, by definition, an arbitrary mapping f : S → [0,1] where [0,1] is the unit segment of the real line. If the set S bears some structure, one may distinguish some fuzzy subsets of S in terms of that additional ...
Let S be an ordered semigroup. A fuzzy subset of S is, by definition, an arbitrary mapping f: S->[0,1], where [0,1] is the usual interval of real numbers. Motivated by studying prime fuzzy ideals in rings, semigroups and ordered semigroups, and as a ...
In this paper, we investigate relationships between different definitions of fuzzy ideals of a fuzzy semigroup. The equivalence of different definitions of fuzzy ideals of a fuzzy semigroup is obtained. We show that the lattice of all @f-fuzzy ideals of ...
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