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Data Oversampling with Structure Preserving Variational Learning

Published: 17 October 2022 Publication History


Traditional oversampling methods are well explored for binary and multi-class imbalanced datasets. In most cases, the data space is adapted for oversampling the imbalanced classes. It leads to various issues like poor modelling of the structure of the data, resulting in data overlapping between minority and majority classes that lead to poor classification performance of minority class(es). To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel data oversampling architecture called Structure Preserving Variational Learning (SPVL). This technique captures an uncorrelated distribution among classes in the latent space using an encoder-decoder framework. Hence, minority samples are generated in the latent space, preserving the structure of the data distribution. The improved latent space distribution (oversampled training data) is evaluated by training an MLP classifier and testing with unseen test dataset. The proposed SPVL method is applied to various benchmark datasets with i) binary and multi-class imbalance data, ii) high-dimensional data and, iii) large or small-scale data. Extensive experimental results demonstrated that the proposed SPVL technique outperforms the state-of-the-art counterparts.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (CIKM22-sp0347.mp4)
Class imbalance issue is a chronic headache for the machine learning community. In real-world datasets (e.g., credit fraud, cancer detection) minority class is crucial, and class imbalance directly affects the machine learning model performance on minority class(es). There are classical oversampling techniques targeted for tabular datasets and deep learning oversampling approaches for image datasets. However, there are no unified approaches that perform well on both types of datasets. This video presentation introduces a novel technique titled "Data Oversampling with Structure Preserving Variational Learning". This technique retains the covariance structure of the data, performs oversampling in the low dimensional latent space and is suited for both tabular as well as image data. The video presentation also covers interesting comparisons with six baseline techniques on six highly relevant datasets.


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Index Terms

  1. Data Oversampling with Structure Preserving Variational Learning



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    CIKM '22: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
    October 2022
    5274 pages
    • General Chairs:
    • Mohammad Al Hasan,
    • Li Xiong
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 17 October 2022


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    1. class imbalance
    2. classification
    3. latent space
    4. oversampling
    5. structure preserving


    • Short-paper

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    • Mphasis Cognitive Computing Centre of Excellence at IIIT Bangalore
    • Accelerated Materials Development for Manufacturing Program at A*STAR via the AME Programmatic Fund


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