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LSC '22: Proceedings of the 5th Annual on Lifelog Search Challenge
ACM2022 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
ICMR '22: International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval Newark NJ USA June 27 - 30, 2022
27 June 2022
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the fifth annual Lifelog Search Challenge-LSC'22-held during the ACM ICMR'22 conference.

Motivated by the success of the previous four LSC workshops, we are organizing the fifth workshop in the LSC series, with the aim supporting the development and comparative evaluation of interactive lifelog retrieval systems. We do this by releasing test collections and setting challenges to be solved by the community in an open and metrics-focused manner. The LSC workshops are participation workshops, where participants write and present an academic paper describing their prototype lifelog retrieval system, and then take part in a live interactive search competition, which for LSC'22 utilises a new eighteen month multimodal lifelog dataset captured between January 2019 and June 2020. Consequently, the workshop is highly interactive and challenging for participants. LSC'22 starts with an inspiring keynote from Prof Frank Hopfgartner, followed by short oral presentations from participating teams and then the search challenge which never fails to excite.

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SESSION: Keynote Talk
An Introduction to Retrieval and Reminiscence from Lifelog Archives at NTCIR

In recent years, various software and hardware tools have entered the consumer market which enable users to log data about their lives on a continuous basis. Popular examples include self-tracking devices or apps such as Fitbit or Garmin that allow ...

SESSION: Oral Paper Session
Open Access
Memento 2.0: An Improved Lifelog Search Engine for LSC'22

In this paper, we present Memento 2.0, an improved version of our system which first participated in the Lifelog Search Challenge 2021. Memento 2.0 employs image-text embeddings derived from two CLIP models (ViT-L/14 and ResNet-50x64) and adopts a ...

Open Access
MEMORIA: A Memory Enhancement and MOment RetrIeval Application for LSC 2022

Research on retrieving data and analyzing lifelogs revealed to be a very complex task, and the interdisciplinary challenges to be tackled have boosted increasing attention from the scientific community in information retrieval and lifelogging. The ...

Open Access
LifeSeeker 4.0: An Interactive Lifelog Search Engine for LSC'22

In this paper, we introduce LifeSeeker 4.0 - an interactive lifelog retrieval system developed for the fifth annual Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC'22). In LifeSeeker 4.0, we focus on enhancing our previous system to allow users who have little to no ...

Flexible Interactive Retrieval SysTem 3.0 for Visual Lifelog Exploration at LSC 2022

Building a retrieval system with lifelogging data is more complicated than with ordinary data due to the redundancies, blurriness, massive amount of data, various sources of information accompanying lifelogging data, and especially the ad-hoc nature of ...

Open Access
vitrivr at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2022

In this paper, we present the iteration of the multimedia retrieval system vitrivr participating at LSC 2022. vitrivr is a general-purpose retrieval system which has previously participated at LSC. We describe the system architecture and functionality, ...

Open Access
E-Myscéal: Embedding-based Interactive Lifelog Retrieval System for LSC'22

Developing interactive lifelog retrieval systems is a growing research area. There are many international competitions for lifelog retrieval that encourage researchers to build effective systems that can address the multimodal retrieval challenge of ...

Open Access
Multimodal Interactive Lifelog Retrieval with vitrivr-VR

The multimodal nature of lifelog data poses unique challenges for analysis, indexing and interactive retrieval. To address these challenges, the Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC) is an annual evaluation campaign allowing interactive retrieval systems to ...

Open Access
Voxento 3.0: A Prototype Voice-Controlled Interactive Search Engine for Lifelog

Voxento is an interactive voice-based retrieval system for lifelogs which has been redeveloped and optimised to participate in the fifth Lifelog Search Challenge LSC'22, at ACM ICMR'22. Based on the previous experience in the LSC competition and ranked ...

Open Access
lifeXplore at the Lifelog Search Challenge 2022

Lifelogging creates substantial data archives that are challenging to manage and search. The annual Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC) aims at improving this situation by encouraging international teams to create interactive retrieval systems for searching ...

  • Dublin City University
  • Dublin City University
  • Dublin City University
  • Reykjavík University
  • University of Bergen
  • Charles University
  • Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City
  • Utrecht University
  • Dublin City University
  • Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
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