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Voting with the Stars: Analyzing Partisan Engagement between Celebrities and Politicians in India

Published: 07 April 2022 Publication History


Celebrity influencers are increasingly central to political discourse as they engage in, and get engaged with, on matters of electoral importance. In this paper, using Twitter data from 1432 sportspersons and entertainers and their engagement with the 1000 of the most followed ruling party and opposition politicians from India, we propose a new method to measure partisanship of celebrities along different modes of engagement. Our examination of polarization, through topical and retweet analyses, shows patterns related to both party incumbency and the level of internal organization. We find that the ruling BJP has been more effective than the opposition, the INC, in organized outreach to celebrities, by eschewing explicit party-based partisanship, and instead employing non-partisan narrative techniques, such as maintaining nationalism as the central theme in tweets. We find that while entertainers are equally engaged by both the ruling and opposition parties, sportspersons, who often enjoy a nationalist appeal by virtue of representing the country, tend to have a much more partisan relationship with the incumbent party.


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  • (2023)Mining Twitter lists to extract brand-related associative information for celebrity endorsementEuropean Journal of Operational Research10.1016/j.ejor.2023.05.004311:1(316-332)Online publication date: Nov-2023
  • (2022) Sporting the government: Sportspersons' engagement with causes in India and the USA on twitter Global Policy10.1111/1758-5899.1316414:5(925-937)Online publication date: 15-Dec-2022

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    • (2023)Mining Twitter lists to extract brand-related associative information for celebrity endorsementEuropean Journal of Operational Research10.1016/j.ejor.2023.05.004311:1(316-332)Online publication date: Nov-2023
    • (2022) Sporting the government: Sportspersons' engagement with causes in India and the USA on twitter Global Policy10.1111/1758-5899.1316414:5(925-937)Online publication date: 15-Dec-2022

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