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Avoiding Read Stalls on Flash Storage

Published: 11 June 2022 Publication History


When a dirty victim page is selected for replacement upon page miss, the buffer manager has to first flush the dirty victim to the storage before reading the missing page. This conventional read-after-write (RAW) protocol, while working well on hard disks, causes the problem of read stall on flash storage with asymmetric read-write speed and parallelism; because of the resource conflict for a buffer frame between write and read operations, a page-missing process has to wait for the slow write to complete to secure a clean frame for the missing page. This strict write-then-read serialization under-utilizes CPU and storage, worsening transaction throughput and latency. To avoid the read stall problem on flash storage, this paper proposes write-after-read (WAR) protocol as a new I/O architecture between buffer manager and flash storage. In WAR, foreground processes make victim frames clean instantly by temporarily copying dirty pages at LRU tail into a separate DRAM space and read their missing pages into the cleaned frames with no stall. The dirty pages will be written to the storage asynchronously. By resolving resource conflict and thus avoiding read stalls, the database engine can issue more I/Os in parallel and better utilize CPU as well as storage, improving throughput and latency. We prototype WAR in two database storage engines, MySQL/InnoDB and Zero. Our comprehensive experimental results show that WAR improves transaction throughput by up to 2.9x compared to RAW.

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One scheme tightly involved with the buffer manager is the Read-After-Write (RAW) protocol. When a dirty victim is chosen for replacement on a page miss, the buffer manager will first write the victim to the storage to clean the frame and then read the missing page into it. This is because two I/O operations share one buffer frame. This resource conflict leads to frequent read stalls, and the resulting strict I/O ordering prevents the system from fully exploiting device parallelism. To avoid the read stall problem on flash storage, this paper proposes the Write-After-Read (WAR) protocol as a new I/O architecture between buffer manager and flash storage. Upon a read stall in WAR, the missed page is read first, and the dirty page is written later to the storage. By replicating conflicting resources and thus avoiding read stalls, WAR can take advantage of the internal parallelism of flash storage and ultimately increase CPU and I/O utilization, improving throughput and latency.


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SIGMOD '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 11 June 2022


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  1. buffer management
  2. flash storage
  3. internal parallelism
  4. read-write asymmetry


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