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Exploring Cross-fusion and Curriculum Learning for Multi-modal Human Detection on Drones

Published: 23 June 2022 Publication History


In a number of applications ranging from warehouse management to people search and rescue, drones will need to evolve in the vicinity of human agents. In those situations, robust and fail-safe human detection by drones must be provided. However, human detection systems used on drones are currently based on single imaging cameras, beside a growing number of works investigating more robust detection schemes via sensor fusion. In the drone context, the fusion of standard RGB and event-based cameras has emerged, while in the automotive context, the fusion of RGB with radars has been proposed for up-most safety towards environmental conditions. In this paper, our aim is to debut the investigation of RGB, event-based camera and radar fusion. First, we acquire a novel dataset for the task of people detection in an indoor, industrial setting, by mounting the sensor fusion suite on a drone. Then, we propose a baseline convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture augmented with cross-fusion highways for sensor fusion and people detection. To train the network, we propose a novel multimodal curriculum learning procedure and demonstrate that our method (termed SAUL) greatly enhances the robustness of the system towards hard RGB failures ( on the peak F1 score) and provides a significant gain in detection performance ( on the peak F1 score) compared to the BlackIn procedure, previously proposed for cross-fusion network training. Finally, we report the performance of our system through precision-recall curve analysis and perform additional ablation studies to shed light on the key aspect of our system.


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DroneSE and RAPIDO: System Engineering for constrained embedded systems
January 2022
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 June 2022


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  1. curriculum learning
  2. deep learning
  3. drones
  4. people detection
  5. sensor fusion


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