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Knowledge-aware Recommendations Based on Neuro-Symbolic Graph Embeddings and First-Order Logical Rules

Published: 13 September 2022 Publication History


In this paper, we present a knowledge-aware recommendation framework based on neuro-symbolic graph embeddings that encode first-order logical (FOL) rules. In particular, our workflow starts from a knowledge graph (KG) encoding user preferences (based on explicit ratings [13]) and item properties. Next, knowledge-aware recommendation are obtained through the combination of three modules: (i) a rule learner, that extracts FOL rules from the KG; (ii) a graph embedding module, that learns the embeddings of users and items based on the triples of the KG and the FOL rules previously extracted; (iii) a recommendation module that uses the embeddings to feed a deep learning architecture. In the experimental session, we evaluate the effectiveness of our strategy on two datasets and the results show that the combination of KG embeddings and FOL rules led to an improvement in the accuracy and in the novelty of the recommendations.

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  1. Knowledge-aware Recommendations Based on Neuro-Symbolic Graph Embeddings and First-Order Logical Rules



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      RecSys '22: Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
      September 2022
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      Published: 13 September 2022


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      1. graph embeddings
      2. neuro-symbolic systems
      3. recommender systems
      4. symbolic reasoning


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