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FRAME '22: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge
ACM2022 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
HPDC '22: The 31st International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing Minneapolis MN USA 1 July 2022
27 June 2022
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge - FRAME 2022, held in conjunction with the HPDC 2022 conference as an hybrid in-presence and online event on July 1st, 2022.

The mission of the FRAME workshop is to bring together cloud and edge computing experts from academia and industry in order to identify new challenges for the management of resources in cloud-edge infrastructures, as well as to promote the vision of a Continuum of resources including Edge and Cloud platforms among academia and industry stakeholders.

The second edition of the workshop still has its focus on the merging of Cloud and Edge platforms to realize what are called Continuum platforms, where the two components work in synergy to support the more and more strict requirements of Next-generation applications. In the Continuum perspective, Edge resources act as a first, close-to-user layer of resource capacity that enjoys low latency and higher, distributed bandwidth, while conventional Cloud infrastructures play the role of the high-capacity, reliable reservoir of services to support large user groups and provide massive performance when needed. Interoperability and efficient allocation of resources at the Edge can enable a whole new set of scenarios where interactive and time-sensitive services can close the proximity gap towards acquired and potential users, extending low-latency services toward them. Real-time, data-driven decisions can promptly be made without waiting for data to travel to the Cloud and back.

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SESSION: Session 1: FRAME'22 Opening Session
Streaming 3D Content

point clouds, volumetric data. The process of delivering these assets from an hard-disk to a remote screen is subjected to a set of physical and logistical constraints: storage, bandwidth, latency, memory, computational power. A set of techniques can be ...

WebAssembly as a Common Layer for the Cloud-edge Continuum

Over the last decade, the cloud computing landscape has transformed from centralised architecture made of large data centres to a distributed and heterogeneous architecture embracing edge and IoT processing units. This shift has created the so-called ...

SESSION: Session 2: Architecture and Models for Edge Federations
Towards a Distributed Storage Framework for Edge Computing Infrastructures

Due to the continuous development of Internet of Things (IoT), the volume of the data these devices generate are expected to grow dramatically in the future. As a result, managing and processing such massive data amounts at the edge becomes a vital ...

A Minicloud Specification Enabling the Federation of Heterogeneous Edge Resources for Latency Sensitive Applications' Requirements

We assume a computing infrastructure that implements a cloud-to-edge continuum by federating heterogeneous resources. This infrastructure enables next generation (nextgen) QoE-intensive applications, by facilitating one of their critical requirements: ...

An Automated Pipeline for Advanced Fault Tolerance in Edge Computing Infrastructures

The very fabric of Edge Computing is intertwined with the necessity to be able to orchestrate and manage a huge number of heterogeneous computational resources. On top of that, the rather demanding Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of Internet of ...

SESSION: Session 3: Orchestration of Applications and Data-processing at the Edge
Open Access
Network Measurements with Function-as-a-Service for Distributed Low-latency Edge Applications

Edge computing promises to bring computation and storage close to end-users, opening exciting new areas of improvement for applications with a high level of interactivity and requiring low latency. However, these improvements require careful scheduling ...

Open Access
A Mathematical Model for Latency Constrained Self-Organizing Application Placement in the Edge

The highly dynamic and heterogeneous environment that characterizes the edge of the Cloud/Edge Continuum calls for new intelligent methods for tackling the needs of such a complex scenario. In particular, adaptive and self-organizing decentralized ...

Open Access
A Novel Approach to Distributed Model Aggregation using Apache Kafka

Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) is attracting a lot of interest because it complements cloud-based approaches. Indeed, MEC is opening up in the direction of reducing both interaction delays and data sharing, called Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). In ...

CoTree: Region-free and Decentralized Edge Server Cooperation

In MEC, because the traffic distribution in MEC is heterogeneous and dynamic, it is difficult for an individual edge server to provide satisfactory computation service anytime and anywhere. These issues motivated the researchers to study the cooperation ...

  • University of Pisa
  • Institute of Information Science and Technologies "Alessandro Faedo"
  • Italian National Research Council
  • Harokopio University of Athens
