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RoSE '22: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering
ACM2022 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
ICSE '22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 9 May 2022
02 February 2023
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Software engineering is a crucial enabler for successful deployment of robotic applications. The research communities advancing software engineering in robotics, however, are spread over various spe-cialized conferences, such as ICRA, IROS, SIMPAR - each attended mostly by robotics researchers and practitioners - or ICSE andMODELS - mostly attended by software engineering researchers and practitioners. At robotics conferences, software engineering lacks visibility and vice versa.

The objective of RoSE is bringing together researchers and practitioners from both domains at a prominent conference to foster cross-fertilization between the two domains. Being the most prominent conference in software engineering, ICSE is the best venue to attract experts from both domains. Hosting this workshop at ICSE enables software engineering researchers to learn more about the challenges of robotics practitioners that (i) require further research from the software engineering community or (ii) are already solved but solutions are unnoticed by roboticists, yet.

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Open Access
On structuring energy-aware sequence-control software

This paper presents a framework to structure sequence-control software that accounts for the communication of energy information by design when interfacing planners with loop controllers. Communicating velocity or force values as setpoints to a loop ...

Software architecture for deformable linear object manipulation: a shape manipulation case study

Deformable linear object manipulation is challenging due to their high dimensional configuration space and their underactuated nature when manipulated by a robotic gripper. Due to the complexity of the task, robotic manipulation relies on sensors and ...

Open Access
Evaluating PDDL for programming production cells: a case study

A unique selling point for cyber-physical production system manufacturers becomes the easy with which machines and cells can be adapted to new products and production processes. Adaptations, however, are often done by domain experts without in-depth ...

Open Access
Dynamic allocation of service robot resources to an order picking task considering functional and non-functional properties

Industry 4.0 processes have often varying requirements. A service robot and a team of service robots respectively represent a flexible resource. That means, it possesses variability that can possibly be configured in such a way that it is able to ...

An experience report on challenges in learning the robot operating system

The Robot Operating System (ROS) was initially introduced to lower the barriers to robots software development by reducing the need for extensive domain knowledge. ROS allows developers to build valuable robots by configuring and reusing off-the-shelf ...

Open Access
Should robotics engineering education include software engineering education?

Multiple universities across the United States now offer bachelor's degrees in robotics, which aim to prepare students to work in the robotics industry. To judge how well these programs are providing software engineering training, we evaluate whether ...

Open Access
Towards flexible runtime monitoring support for ROS-based applications

Robotic systems are becoming common in different domains and for various purposes, such as unmanned aerial vehicles performing search and rescue operations, or robots operating in manufacturing plants. Such systems are characterized by close ...

Automated extraction and checking of property models from source code for robot swarms

As robots become a common presence in our everyday lives, ensuring the security and safety of robotic systems becomes an increasingly important and urgent challenge. Multi-robot systems, in particular, have the potential to revolutionize multiple ...

A skill fault model for autonomous systems

Autonomous systems are now deployed for many applications to perform more and more complex tasks in open environments. To manage complexity of their control software architecture, a current trend is to use a 3-layers approach, with a decisional layer (...

  • University of Augsburg
  • Mälardalen University
  • Free University Amsterdam
  • University of Stuttgart
