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Towards practical approximate lineage

Published: 12 June 2022 Publication History


Traditionally, provenance and lineage mainly referred to query results. We take a more holistic approach. We consider a system in which tuples (records) that are produced by a query may affect other tuple insertions into the DB, as part of a normal workflow. Therefore, we consider both direct lineage (dependence of a query result on database tuples directly used in solving the query) and distant lineage (dependence on older tuples that caused the existence of the tuples directly used in solving the query). We aim to formulate practical methods for supporting direct and distant lineage.
We use a novel genetics-inspired approach for approximating lineage tracking, which is based on word embedding to endow an explicitly inserted tuple with a small set of vectors that "encode" its content, and on an algebra on such sets of vectors that derives a set of vectors which encodes the lineage of a query-inserted tuple. During the execution of a query, we construct the lineage vectors of the final (and intermediate) result tuples in a similar fashion to that of semiring-based exact provenance calculations. We extend the + and operations to generate sets of lineage vectors, while retaining the ability to propagate information and preserve the compact representation. Therefore, our solution does not suffer from space complexity blow-up over time, and it "naturally ranks" explanations to the existence of a tuple.
We introduce several fundamental improvements and extensions to the basic method of [19]. The aim is to make the basic scheme practical by taking advantage of additional knowledge regarding timing, query structure, and relative importance. The improvements include: tuple creation timestamps and a temporal sequence of search structures, column emphasis and query dependency DAG. We integrate our lineage computations with these improvements into the PostgreSQL system via an extension (ProvSQL) and perform extensive experiments. The experiments exhibit useful results in terms of accuracy against (the gold-standard) exact, semiring-based, tuple justifications, especially for the column-based (CV) method which exhibits high precision and high per-level recall. We focus on target tuples with multiple generations of tuples in their lineage, namely having a distant lineage, and analyze them in terms of generational lineage accuracy.


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cover image ACM Conferences
TaPP '22: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance
June 2022
67 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 12 June 2022


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  1. database embedding
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