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Automatic Generation of Customized Areas of Interest and Evaluation of Observers' Gaze in Portrait Videos

Published: 13 May 2022 Publication History


We present a novel framework for the evaluation of eye tracking data in portrait videos including the automatic generation of customized areas of interest (AOIs) based on facial landmarks. In contrast to previous work, our framework allows the user to flexibly create AOIs by grouping the detected landmarks. Moreover, their shape and size can be modified to better fit both the research question and the precision of the eye tracker. The framework can be used as an integrated solution to not only generate AOIs but also to evaluate viewing behavior like the overall fixation times, the similarity of scanpaths, and the number of saccades between AOIs. Other functionalities include the visualization of gaze paths and the creation of heatmaps. We demonstrate the benefits of our framework and user-defined AOI layouts via an exemplary application, i.e., the investigation of face swapping artifacts.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (v6etra144.mp4)
Supplemental video
MP4 File (S7_Automatic Generation of Customized Areas of Interest.mp4)
Conference Presentation (ETRA Long Papers) of title={Automatic Generation of Customized Areas of Interest and Evaluation of Observers' Gaze in Portrait Videos}; authors={Leslie Woehler, Moritz von Estorff, Susana Castillo, and Marcus Magnor}; doi=10.1145/3530885


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 6, Issue ETRA
May 2022
198 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 May 2022
Published in PACMHCI Volume 6, Issue ETRA


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  1. areas of interest
  2. eye tracking
  3. face tracking
  4. gaze analytics


  • Research-article

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  • L3S Research Center, Hannover


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