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View all- Kolhar MAldossary S(2023)Privacy-Preserving Convolutional Bi-LSTM Network for Robust Analysis of Encrypted Time-Series Medical ImagesAI10.3390/ai40300374:3(706-720)Online publication date: 28-Aug-2023
Computation delegation to untrusted third-party while maintaining data confidentiality is possible with homomorphic encryption (HE). However, in many cases, the data was encrypted using another cryptographic scheme such as AES-GCM. Hybrid encryption (...
It has been an open problem for a number of years to construct an identity-based fully homomorphic encryption IBFHE scheme first mentioned by Naccache at CHES/CRYPTO 2010. At CRYPTO 2013, Gentry, Sahai and Waters largely settled the problem by ...
We introduce the notion of publicly auditable functional encryption (PAFE). Compared to standard functional encryption, PAFE operates in an extended setting that includes an entity called auditor, besides key-generating authority, encryptor, and ...
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