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Removing the Reliance on Perimeters for Security using Network Views

Published: 08 June 2022 Publication History


Traditional enterprise security relies on network perimeters to define and enforce network security policies. Emerging application-focused Zero Trust architectures attempt to address this long-standing challenge by moving business applications to the cloud and performing enhanced identity and access control checks within a web gateway. However, these solutions ignore the security needs of workstations, development servers, and device management interfaces. In this work, we propose Network Views (abbrev. NetViews) for least-privilege network access control where each host has a different, limited view of the other hosts and services within a network. We present an SDN-based design and demonstrate that our implementation has network latency and throughput comparable to baseline reactive forwarding. We further provide an optimization for multi-connection flows that significantly reduces both redundant access control checks and forwarding state storage in switches. As such, NetViews provides a practical primitive for removing the reliance on security perimeters within enterprise networks.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (FinalSACMAT2022.mp4)
While application-based Zero Trust architectures help enterprises secure their business applications by moving them to the cloud, they ignore the importance of securing the on-premises network environment that remains. This paper has introduced a novel paradigm for enterprise network security called Network Views where each host has a different ?view? of what other hosts and services exist in the network. This fine-grained least-privilege approach to network access control can significantly reduce lateral movement by attackers, even if user credentials have been compromised. NetViews builds on NIST?s Next Generation Access Control to pro- vide a dynamic and scalable policy model that supports the needs of large enterprises. We propose a multi-connection optimization that eliminates unnecessary first-packet latencies and significantly reduces TCAM requirements for SDN switches.
MP4 File (FinalSACMAT2022.mp4)
While application-based Zero Trust architectures help enterprises secure their business applications by moving them to the cloud, they ignore the importance of securing the on-premises network environment that remains. This paper has introduced a novel paradigm for enterprise network security called Network Views where each host has a different ?view? of what other hosts and services exist in the network. This fine-grained least-privilege approach to network access control can significantly reduce lateral movement by attackers, even if user credentials have been compromised. NetViews builds on NIST?s Next Generation Access Control to pro- vide a dynamic and scalable policy model that supports the needs of large enterprises. We propose a multi-connection optimization that eliminates unnecessary first-packet latencies and significantly reduces TCAM requirements for SDN switches.


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  1. Removing the Reliance on Perimeters for Security using Network Views



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      SACMAT '22: Proceedings of the 27th ACM on Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies
      June 2022
      282 pages
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      Published: 08 June 2022


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      1. enterprise network security
      2. least-privilege
      3. software-defined networking
      4. zero trust architectures


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      • (2024)Exploiting Temporal Vulnerabilities for Unauthorized Access in Intent-based NetworkingProceedings of the 2024 on ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security10.1145/3658644.3670301(3630-3644)Online publication date: 2-Dec-2024
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