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View all- Du TBrunvand E(2023)Deep Learning for Physics SimulationACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Courses10.1145/3587423.3595518(1-25)Online publication date: 24-Jul-2023
Derivatives occur frequently in computer graphics and arise in many different contexts. Gradients and often Hessians of objective functions are required for efficient optimization. Gradients of potential energy are used to compute forces. Constitutive ...
We present a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) type algorithm, based on quasi-Newton approximations of Hessian and Jacobian matrices, which is suitable for the solution of general nonlinear programming problems involving equality and inequality ...
Quasi-Newton methods have played a prominent role, over many years, in the design of effective practical methods for the numerical solution of nonlinear minimization problems and in multi-dimensional zero-finding. There is a wide literature outlining ...
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