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View all- Chang YTanin ECong GJensen CQi J(2024)Trajectory Similarity Measurement: An Efficiency PerspectiveProceedings of the VLDB Endowment10.14778/3665844.366585817:9(2293-2306)Online publication date: 6-Aug-2024
The advances in location-acquisition technologies have led to a myriad of spatial trajectories. These trajectories are usually generated at a low or an irregular frequency due to applications' characteristics or energy saving, leaving the routes between ...
In this paper, we propose a new trajectory pattern mining framework, namely Clustering and Aggregating Clues of Trajectories (CACT), for discovering trajectory routes that represent the frequent movement behaviors of a user. In addition to spatial and ...
Most people usually drive their familiar routes to work and are concerned about the traffic on their way to work. If a driver's preferred route is known, the traffic congestion information on his/her way to work will be reported in time. However, the ...
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