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Efficient Join Order Selection Learning with Graph-based Representation

Published: 14 August 2022 Publication History


Join order selection plays an important role in DBMS query optimizers. The problem aims to find the optimal join order with the minimum cost, and usually becomes an NP-hard problem due to the exponentially increasing search space. Recent advanced studies attempt to use deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to generate better join plans than the ones provided by conventional query optimizers. However, DRL-based methods require time-consuming training, which is not suitable for online applications that need frequent periodic re-training. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, namely efficient Join Order selection learninG with Graph-basEd Representation (JOGGER). We firstly construct a schema graph based on the primary-foreign key relationships, from which table representations are well learned to capture the correlations between tables. The second component is the state representation, where a graph convolutional network is utilized to encode the query graph and a tailored-tree-based attention module is designed to encode the join plan. To speed up the convergence of DRL training process, we exploit the idea of curriculum learning, in which queries are incrementally added into the training set according to the level of difficulties. We conduct extensive experiments on JOB and TPC-H datasets, which demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed solutions.

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Join order selection plays an important role in DBMS query optimizers. The problem aims to find the optimal join order with the minimum cost. Recent advanced studies attempt to use deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to generate better join plans than the ones provided by conventional query optimizers. However, DRL-based methods require time-consuming training. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, namely efficient Join Order selection learninG with Graph-basEd Representation (JOGGER). We firstly construct a schema graph based on the primary-foreign key relationships, from which table representations are learned to capture the correlations between tables. The second component is the state representation, where GCN is utilized to encode the query graph and a tailored-tree-based attention module to encode the join plan. To speed up the convergence of training, we incorporate curriculum learning, in which queries are incrementally added into the training set according to the level of difficulties.


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  1. Efficient Join Order Selection Learning with Graph-based Representation



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    KDD '22: Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
    August 2022
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    Published: 14 August 2022


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    1. database
    2. graph representation
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