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View all- Chandra SCezar GRupasinghe KMagalhães ESilva GAlmeida MCrim BBurrough EGauger PMadson DThomas JZeller MZhang JMain RRovira AThurn MLages PCorzo CSturos MVanderWaal KNaikare HMatias-Ferreyra FMcGaughey RRetallick JMcReynolds SGebhardt JPillatzki AGreseth JKersey DClement TChristopher-Hennings JThompson BPerkins JPrarat MSummers DBowen CBoyle JHendrix KLyons JWerling KArruda ASchwartz MYeske PMurray DMason BSchneider PCopeland SDufresne LBoykin DFruge CHollis WRobbins RPetznick TKuecker KGlowzenski LNiederwerder MHuang XLinhares DTrevisan G(2025)Harnessing sequencing data for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV): tracking genetic evolution dynamics and emerging sequences in US swine industryFrontiers in Veterinary Science10.3389/fvets.2025.157102012Online publication date: 6-Mar-2025