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View all- Lutz NAragon C(2024)"We're not all construction workers": Algorithmic Compression of Latinidad on TikTokProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction10.1145/36870198:CSCW2(1-31)Online publication date: 8-Nov-2024
The aim of this paper was to examine the effect of regional accent on speechreading accuracy and the utility of contextual cues in reducing accent effects. Study 1: Participants were recruited from Nottingham (n=24) and Glasgow (n=17). Their task was to ...
This paper presents an exploratory study which investigates the impact of different non-native accents and the naturalness of speech on the correct assignment of an Intelligent Virtual Agent’s (IVA) mother tongue, as well as its perceived warmth, ...
This study investigates how different levels of a non-native Turkish accent in German speech are perceived by Turkish-German listeners, using either natural or synthetic speech. The participants listened to six audio recordings and rated the respective ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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