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Analysis on the Influence of Ant Check Later on Shopping Willingness of Chinese College Students: Analysis on the influence of internet credit products of Chinese college students

Published: 09 July 2022 Publication History


With the development of China's economy and the growth of people's consumption capability, the types of internet credit products have been continuously updated. The prevalence of internet credit products such as Ant check later, which has the function of buying this month and returning the next month, is an important factor to stimulate the development of credit services, and it partly solves the financial constraints of Chinese college students and makes their lives more convenient, so it is of great significance to explore the impact of Ant check later's on Chinese college students' shopping willingness. This article combines the UTAUT model to build a research model. Through online questionnaires and SPSS25.0, it found that PEU, PU, and PI have positive effects on Chinese college students' SW, PEU plays an mediated role in PU and PI on Chinese college students' SW, PR and PC have a negative impact on Chinese college students' SW.


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  1. Analysis on the Influence of Ant Check Later on Shopping Willingness of Chinese College Students: Analysis on the influence of internet credit products of Chinese college students



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    ICEEG '22: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government
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    Published: 09 July 2022


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    1. Ant check later
    2. Chinese College students' shopping willingness
    3. Internet credit products


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