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SGCCL: Siamese Graph Contrastive Consensus Learning for Personalized Recommendation

Published: 27 February 2023 Publication History


Contrastive-learning-based neural networks have recently been introduced to recommender systems, due to their unique advantage of injecting collaborative signals to model deep representations, and the self-supervision nature in the learning process. Existing contrastive learning methods for recommendations are mainly proposed through introducing augmentations to the user-item (U-I) bipartite graphs. Such a contrastive learning process, however, is susceptible to bias towards popular items and users, because higher-degree users/items are subject to more augmentations and their correlations are more captured. In this paper, we advocate a <u>S</u>iamese <u>G</u>raph <u>C</u>ontrastive <u>C</u>onsensus <u>L</u>earning (SGCCL) framework, to explore intrinsic correlations and alleviate the bias effects for personalized recommendation. Instead of augmenting original U-I networks, we introduce siamese graphs, which are homogeneous relations of user-user (U-U) similarity and item-item (I-I) correlations. A contrastive consensus optimization process is also adopted to learn effective features for user-item ratings, user-user similarity, and item-item correlation. Finally, we employ the self-supervised learning coupled with the siamese item-item/user-user graph relationships, which ensures unpopular users/items are well preserved in the embedding space. Different from existing studies, SGCCL performs well on both overall and debiasing recommendation tasks resulting in a balanced recommender. Experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that SGCCL outperforms state-of-the-art methods with higher accuracy and greater long-tail item/user exposure.

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WSDM '23: Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
February 2023
1345 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 27 February 2023


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  1. consensus learning
  2. graph contrastive learning
  3. popularity bias
  4. recommender system


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  • U.S. National Science Foundation


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