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Fine-Grained Preference-Aware Personalized Federated POI Recommendation with Data Sparsity

Published: 18 July 2023 Publication History


With the raised privacy concerns and rigorous data regulations, federated learning has become a hot collaborative learning paradigm for the recommendation model without sharing the highly sensitive POI data. However, the time-sensitive, heterogeneous, and limited POI records seriously restrict the development of federated POI recommendation. To this end, in this paper, we design the fine-grained preference-aware personalized federated POI recommendation framework, namely PrefFedPOI, under extremely sparse historical trajectories to address the above challenges. In details, PrefFedPOI extracts the fine-grained preference of current time slot by combining historical recent preferences and periodic preferences within each local client. Due to the extreme lack of POI data in some time slots, a data amount aware selective strategy is designed for model parameters uploading. Moreover, a performance enhanced clustering mechanism with reinforcement learning is proposed to capture the preference relatedness among all clients to encourage the positive knowledge sharing. Furthermore, a clustering teacher network is designed for improving efficiency by clustering guidance. Extensive experiments are conducted on two diverse real-world datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed PrefFedPOI comparing with state-of-the-arts. In particular, personalized PrefFedPOI can achieve 7% accuracy improvement on average among data-sparsity clients.

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    SIGIR '23: Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
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