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MR2: A Benchmark for Multimodal Retrieval-Augmented Rumor Detection in Social Media

Published: 18 July 2023 Publication History


As social media platforms are evolving from text-based forums into multi-modal environments, the nature of misinformation in social media is also transforming accordingly. Misinformation spreaders have recently targeted contextual connections between the modalities e.g., text and image. However, existing datasets for rumor detection mainly focus on a single modality i.e., text. To bridge this gap, we construct MR2, a multimodal multilingual retrieval-augmented dataset for rumor detection. The dataset covers rumors with images and texts, and provides evidence from both modalities that are retrieved from the Internet. Further, we develop established baselines and conduct a detailed analysis of the systems evaluated on the dataset. Extensive experiments show that MR2 will provide a challenging testbed for developing rumor detection systems designed to retrieve and reason over social media posts. Source code and data are available at:

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MP4 File
This video describes a new benchmark for rumor detection based on retrieval in the multimodal domain.


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      Overall Acceptance Rate 792 of 3,983 submissions, 20%


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