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Welcome to ACM ICTIR 2022, the 8th conference with that name to be fully sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR), and the 12th International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval. ICTIR is the premier forum for presenting and discussing research on theoretical and foundational aspects of Information Retrieval.
ICTIR 2022 is a hybrid event combining "live" (in-person) presentations with a "virtual" online component due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ICTIR 2022 is jointly held in Madrid (Spain) with the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2022).
The call for papers attracted 80 high quality contributions from all over the world. The reviewing was carried out in just over one month and resulted in the acceptance of 32 papers (a 40% acceptance rate). For each paper, we assigned 3 Program Committee (PC) members to provide first-level reviews. The final acceptance decisions were made by the PC co-chairs based on the reviews and on the comments submitted during the discussion period. Unfortunately, a few reviews (6) were not submitted in time, so for the final decision particular care was given to the comments submitted by reviewers. We express special thanks to the 60 PC members for their timely assessments and help in the paper selection. We also thank the small committee for the best paper awards chaired by Hideo Joho.
Following the example of last year, we allowed authors to submit papers of any number of pages between 2 and 9 in content plus unrestricted space for references. This created no distinction between long and short papers at submission time. In the reviewing process, the reviewers assessed whether the contribution was appropriate for the given length. Then, based on the content of the papers, a decision was taken by the PC Chairs with regards to their presentation time. This new streamlined process, a continuation of last year experiment, is meant to preserve the variety of paper lengths and foster the exchange of ideas without creating an artificial distinction among papers. Time will tell if this is a good idea.