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Enabling Short-Term Energy Flexibility Markets Through Blockchain

Published: 22 December 2022 Publication History


Climate change has put significant pressure on energy markets. Political decisions such as the plan of the German government to shut down coal power plants by 2038 are shifting electricity production towards renewable and distributed energy resources. The share of these resources will continue to grow significantly in the coming years. This trend changes the ways how energy markets work which mandates fundamental changes in the underlying IT infrastructure. In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based solution which enables an economically viable and grid-serving integration of distributed energy resources into the existing energy system. Our blockchain-based approach targets intraday and day-ahead operating reserve markets, on which energy grid operators and operators of distributed energy resources can trade flexibilities within the schedulable energy production and consumption of their resources. By utilizing these flexibilities as an operating reserve, renewable and climate-friendly technologies can contribute to maintaining the grid stability and security of supply while simultaneously creating economically interesting business models for their operators. We propose to define blockchain-based short-term energy markets by utilizing the concept of general-purpose smart contracts and cryptocurrencies. This enables direct and decentralized trading of energy flexibilities without any intermediary or central instance. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach through an implementation of a prototype of the proposed markets based on the Ethereum blockchain and provide a detailed evaluation of its efficiency and scalability.

1 Introduction

The energy transformation has been one of the central goals and challenges in the energy sector in recent years. The increased use of renewable and distributed energy resources (DERs) confronts energy suppliers and grid operatorss (GOs) with challenges in terms of grid stability and security of supply [1, 2]. It is often argued that the excessive use of these technologies puts a strain on the stability of the energy grid and jeopardizes its operation [2]. Other studies show that climate-friendly technologies provide essential environmental benefits and are imperative to limit climate change [3, 4, 5]. Until now, GOs primarily use large, centralized, and often fossil energy plants as operating reserves to guarantee energy supply and to maintain grid stability. The climate-friendly flexibility potential of renewable and distributed energy resources has not played a central role yet [6, 7]. Nevertheless, many countries, also Germany, have decided to phase out coal energy in the next 20 years [8]. For this strategy to succeed, new approaches need to be developed to ensure a reliable, future-proof, and efficient energy grid. It may prove advantageous to make the potential of DERs available to the GOs by trading the available flexibility on new operating reserve markets. In this context, flexibility refers to the schedulable and controllable production and consumption of energy, which can be used as operating reserve. In particular, two types of operating reserve exist—positive and negative operating reserve. The former corresponds to an increase in production or a reduction in consumption. Therefore, it is used by the GOs for grid stabilization in the event of bottlenecks in the grid. The negative operating reserve corresponds to an increase in consumption or a reduction in production, which the GOs can utilize when the grid is underloaded. Digital operating reserve markets would allow the GOs to integrate the available flexibility from small-scale conventional and renewable generation plants and shiftable loads into their grid congestion management processes. Thus, by establishing market-based acquisition and trading of decentralized flexibility between GOs and the owners of DERs, the potential of DERs can be fully exploited. In return, the owners of the DERs would receive monetary compensation, i.e., a business model could be developed. This approach would reduce the risk of DERs putting a strain on the stability of the grid. In contrast, the DERs would then contribute to maintaining grid stability. Also, this integration would encourage the use of climate-friendly technologies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This concept could also help to shape the energy system in a more future-proof, sustainable, scalable, and efficient way.
In recent years, researchers have become increasingly interested in blockchain [9] as an enabler for energy markets. After the great success of Bitcoin as the original blockchain, alternative blockchain implementations followed quickly, for example, the Ethereum blockchain [10] or Hyperledger Fabric [11]. Although these implementations differ from Bitcoin in some details and added new features such as the realization of general-purpose smart contracts, they still follow the fundamental concepts of Bitcoin. Technically, a blockchain is an approach to reach distributed consensus in an untrusted peer-to-peer network with a dynamic number of nodes. It uses a chain of blocks that is distributed across all nodes without a central controller. Immutability of the blocks is ensured crytographically. The blocks record transactions between participants in which they can exchange digital assets directly without involving any intermediaries or a central party [9]. Typically, blockchain implementations use a consensus mechanism called “proof-of-work” to reach agreement among all participants on which transactions will be recorded in a block [12]. In this mechanism, participants have to solve computationally hard cryptographic puzzles to create blocks. A potential attacker requires more than fifty percent of the entire computational resources of the underlying network to tamper with the blockchain which is seen to be as infeasible to date [13]. An interesting aspect of blockchains is the concept of smart contracts that facilitate the recording of any formalisms and calculations as transactions, making it possible to implement economic processes, legal contracts, or any business logic using blockchain [10, 14].
These characteristics make blockchain an interesting candidate for the implementation of digital markets which we will exploit for our approach to support digital operating reserve markets in a secure and scalable way. We investigate general-purpose smart contracts to enable trading of flexibilities between the operators of DERs and the grid operators for grid congestion management. Since the production and consumption of renewable DERs depend on the weather conditions, flexibility is often only available at short notice. Therefore, we design short-term energy markets by developing intraday and day-ahead markets where operators of DERs and grid operators can trade flexibilities on hourly and daily granularities. In the targeted markets, DER operators will offer the flexibility of their resources on either market. Grid operators can then retrieve, evaluate, and finally purchase these offers. Furthermore, we intend to take advantage of a dedicated cryptocurrency and smart meter readings to realize a fully blockchain-based payment process between market actors.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: We start with an overview of related work in Section 2. Section 3 will then present the formalism behind the proposed short-term markets which forms the basis for our smart-contract-based architecture implementing the blockchain-based operating reserve markets described in Section 4. Section 5 describes our prototypical implementation of this architecture which we evaluate in Section 6 in respect to efficiency and scalability. We draw our conclusions based on the presented approach and its evaluation in Section 7.

2 Related Work

Several studies and projects have been conducted in which blockchain technologies have been used in the energy domain, for example, [15, 16], which provide a comprehensive overview of current expectations and efforts to establish these technologies in the energy grid domain. These works show clearly that much of the research is primarily focused on peer-to-peer electricity trading, while research on grid services has received less attention so far.
One of the first studies that utilize blockchain technologies to realize flexibility services was conducted by Horta et al. [17], in which the authors propose a blockchain-based transactive platform and market mechanism enabling households to exchange energy blocks and flexibility services with neighbors and grid operators on local energy markets. The goal was to locally balance renewable energy while satisfying economic goals. The system is designed for the future low voltage distribution grid. In contrast to our work, integration of already deployed distributed energy resources into the existing infrastructure is not supported.
In 2018, Pop et al. [18] investigated how the Ethereum blockchain could be applied to support energy flexibilities by utilizing a demand response program: Grid operators request energy flexibilities from prosumers by sending them energy demand requests. Subsequently, they respond with the amount of energy they are willing to shift and provide their expected price. Based on this information, the grid operator performs analyses and selects some prosumers for the flexibility service, which will then be accepted by a final acknowledgment. After this negotiation round, the prosumers will apply the requested load shift. In contrast to our work, Pop et al. expect the grid operators to request energy flexibilities pro-actively and on-demand. This makes it more difficult for the resource operators to plan the provisioning of operating reserves. In addition, real-time price negotiations could be unfair. Furthermore, Pop et al. focus on energy flexibilities from prosumer households. The flexible loads from industrial facilities are disregarded.
Similar to this work, Danzi et al. introduce a demand response program in [19]. This program incentivizes users to utilize their available flexibilities. Users are assigned to “balancing groups” to avoid imbalance within these groups, which would incur additional costs. In contrast to our work, [19] only enables provisioning of the operating reserve at very short notice.
Similar to our work, Blom et al. [20] propose a day-ahead and real-time market for trading energy blocks and flexibility services based on the Ethereum blockchain. In contrast to our work, not only flexibility services but also electricity is traded on local energy markets in their solution. In the case of a mismatch between electricity supply and demand, flexibility services are traded in order to fill the gap. Unfortunately, the implementation and design of markets is not described in sufficient detail in [20], so that a more detailed comparison was not possible.
Nieße et al. [21] propose a fully automated grid congestion management approach. Here, a combination of blockchain technologies and autonomous and automated agents is used to utilize local energy as an operating reserve. To this end, distribution system operators negotiate available flexibilities and expected prices with the agents off-chain. Afterwards, only the settled price is documented on-chain. Subsequently, the flexibility is scheduled, and a billing process is initiated. In contrast to our approach, only day-ahead trading is possible. Therefore, there is no option to integrate flexibility available at very short notice.
An alternative and often discussed aspect regarding grid stability is the concept of transactive energy, i.e., information about energy production and consumption is exchanged among all participants of a smart or microgrid. In contrast to the direct employment of an operating reserve, energy is traded and exchanged between all participants to balance the grid autonomously based on the transferred information. This results in increased grid resilience, which should eliminate the need for an operating reserve. There already exist first studies describing this concept in connection with blockchain technology. Particularly, the works of Lombardi et al. [22], Mylrea et al. [23], and Nakayma et al. [24] offer interesting first proposals

3 Market Definition

This section presents the concepts of the proposed short-term markets, in which operators of distributed energy resources can offer their resources’ flexibilities to grid operators for the use as an operating reserve. Our architecture does not yet require any specific technologies, but the described markets can be realized using any blockchain that implements the concept of general-purpose smart contracts and proprietary cryptocurrencies.

3.1 Roles and Actors

Figure 1 illustrates our proposed market system including all actors and their real-world and blockchain-based interactions. In the following, we will explain the four actors and their capabilities and responsibilities in the system.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Architecture of the proposed system showing all components and actors. The diagram also shows their blockchain-based and real-world interaction.

3.1.1 Resource Operators and Grid Operators.

In the presented operating reserve markets, two different types of user roles exist, grid operators and resource operators (ROs). The ROs are the operators of the DERs, which offer flexibility in the energy production and consumption of their resources for trading. They represent the supply side. In contrast to this, the GOs constitute the demand side and represent the transmission system operators (TSOs) and distribution system operators (DSOs) which operate the electricity grid. In our proposed market model, they purchase the offered flexibility to utilize it for grid stabilization by using it as an operating reserve.
In both proposed market variants, ROs can only offer flexibilities and access their placed offers, but they cannot acquire third-party flexibilities. GOs, however, can retrieve all offers and can accept and purchase them, but they cannot sell the products acquired as flexibility to third parties. In the paper, we will use the formulation accept an offer and purchase an offer in an interchangeable way.

3.1.2 Data and Grid Authority.

In addition to these two market participants, a single superior authority, which we call the data and grid authority (DGA), exists. The energy system is a critical element in any country and requires special regulation and must provide highest levels of integrity. Therefore, we see the need for such an institution. In our proposed system, the DGA is unique and assumed to be represented by an official governmental institution. We expect that this institution is willing to cooperate with the blockchain-based markets and validates registration information of market participants and DERs using external proprietary knowledge. This enables us to guarantee the integrity of the participants of the proposed markets by collaborating with the DGA during the blockchain-based registration process. More precisely, the DGA assigns roles to persons and determines which plants and DERs to integrate into the electricity grid. It has access to proprietary data on actors, roles, and DERs in the already established energy system and is therefore capable of validating information about them. We assume that users must first register to the DGA in the real world, in order to participate in the established energy system. The DGA then verifies them and decides whether to integrate the respective person or identity into the energy system as the role applied for. In this context, we expect that the DGA assigns a unique identifier to each actor and DER during the registration process. Furthermore, we also assume that the DGA deploys a public key infrastructure (PKI) where it acts as a certificate authority (CA) by issuing digital certificates.
Each actor creates a cryptographic key pair consisting of private and public keys during the registration process. The DGA then certifies the ownership of the created public key by issuing a digital certificate to the user using standard format, like RSA keys and X.509 certificates. Based on this framework, we designed a blockchain-based registration process, in which ROs and GOs can register pseudonyomously without revealing their real world idendity. The registration process has two steps. In the first step, the ROs and GOs use their RSA keys and digital certificate to store encrypted and digitaly signed registration data on the blockchain. This registration data can only be decrypted and interpreted by the DGA. In the second step, the DGA fetches this registration data and validates it using its specific knowledge. Subsequently, it stores the validation results on the blockchain which finalizes the registration process. As as result, the user is either permitted to use the markets or is blocked from them. The same mechanism is used when a RO registers a DER to the markets. Using this approach, the integrity and security of the energy system can be ensured.
The DGA is also entitled to resolve conflicts in the blockchain-based payment process in our market system model. For example, these conflicts can occur, in the event of incorrect or illegal market behavior of users or the lack of smart meter measurement data for the verification of a particular energy delivery on the markets.

3.1.3 Smart Meter Manager.

In our market model, ROs offer only hypothetical forecasts of the flexibilities available for the DERs. GOs then purchase these speculative products before the ROs generate and provide the sold energy. Therefore, this hypothetical trading data is not sufficient for an automated payment process. Instead, we need to know whether the services sold were actually delivered and the energy was actually generated. To this end, we propose the use of smart meters in order to have access to measurement data which allows us to perform a semi-automated payment process. Precisely, we assume that each DER is assigned to a smart meter through which consumption and production data is made available on the blockchain. During the blockchain-based registration process described above, we assume that the DGA already verified that a smart meter is indeed connected to a registered DER. As a result, this connection is known on the blockchain.1 To this end, we introduce the smart meter manager (SMM) as the last actor of our system. The SMM is responsible for managing and installing smart meters in the real world. Additionally, the SMM is responsible for the correct transmission of metering data to the blockchain and an accurate assignment to smart meters. In this case, we do not assume that this is done manually. Rather, we assume that the SMM has deployed a necessary infrastructure and monitors the correct transmission.
It is common practice to provide smart meter readings every 15 minutes [25]. As we will see later, this data resolution is enough to realize our proposed operating reserve markets. Therefore, the measured data supplied to the blockchain is also available in 15-minute intervals in our system. Each interval contains the absolute measured, consumed and produced energy values from the smart meter as well as the relative values representing just the increase or decrease for this specific interval. We expect these readings to be given in kilo watt hours (kWh).

3.2 Escrow-based Payment Processing

In the proposed markets, we implement a semi-automated blockchain-based payment process based on trading data and smart meter readings.2 To this end, we borrow concepts from cryptocurrencies and define a proprietary coin to implement such billing procedures. Although some blockchain technologies like Ethereum offer a native cryptocurrency that could be used for payment purposes, others like Hyperledger Fabric do not [11]. Therefore, in order to be technology agnostic, we introduce a proprietary cryptocurrency called Smart Energy Coin (SEC). We define it as the system-wide payment method for all trading volumes and fees, which we charge for dedicated market operations as described in Section 3.3.
We would like to emphasize once again that the flexibilities traded on the markets are purely hypothetical and must be validated by measurement data after the virtual purchase of the service. Therefore, an instant payment mechanism on the markets is not appropriate as the service providers would have already received the money for their service to provide and would no longer be forced to serve it. On the other hand, a pure delayed payment process, in which the purchasers pay immediately after they have received the service is also unsuitable since the service providers have no guarantees for monetary compensation for the already provided service. This dilemma illustrates the necessity of a combination of both approaches. For these reasons, we introduce an escrow mechanism to perform a blockchain-based payment process, in which users must immediately transfer the value of the purchased and traded services as a deposit to a dedicated escrow account, which is represented by a smart contract. If the delivery of the service is proofed at a later date, the deposit is transferred to the service provider. Otherwise, the amount is refunded to the purchaser. In our use case, the ROs are the service providers that offer flexibility as a service to the GOs. Therefore, based on the escrow mechanism, they are paid delayed after a proof of delivery of their services based on verifiable smart meter measurements. However, before this is possible, the GOs must first provide the corresponding costs of their purchased flexibility as SEC to the escrow account during a purchase. To facilitate this, the system will automatically transfer this value from the blockchain account of the GOs to the escrow account, provided the account has a sufficient balance of SECs. Otherwise, the system will reject the purchase. After a predefined time-limit, any involved trading partner can initiate the automatic payment process. This time-limit is supposed to ensure that the SMM successfully transferred all smart meter readings to the blockchain. These are an essential element of the escrow mechanism since they are used to prove the delivery of the service. Afterwards, the system will calculate how much flexibility was delivered by the RO to the GO based on the readings and the stored trading data. If the RO provided all offered flexibilities, the escrow account automatically transfers the entire deposited amount to the RO as payment for the service. Otherwise, this amount is only paid proportionally to the amount of delivered energy. The escrow mechanism refunds the remaining deposited amount to the GO. As we will explain in Section 3.4, multiple GOs can just acquire individual shares of the flexibility proposed in an offer. Now the exceptional case may arise where the RO has not delivered enough flexibility to satisfy the need of all GOs. If the system determines such a case based on the meter readings, we assign the supplied energy to the GOs according to the first come, first serve (FCFS) principle. In this approach, the partially delivered energy is first assigned to the first purchaser until their demand is satisfied. Then the RO is being paid according to the mechanism described above. Subsequently, the system assigns the remaining unassigned energy to the second purchaser, and so on. The system will refund all services not delivered to the unsatisfied GOs. In this process, the sequence of purchasers are ordered based on the block numbers of the blocks that contain their blockchain transaction representing the purchase of an offer.

3.3 Fees and Rewards

In the markets described above, we require the actors to pay fees for all performed market operations. There are several reasons for this provision: We intend to use the deposited fees to compensate for the effort of third parties potentially involved in an operation. For example, the DGA is compensated with the fees paid for the approval of market participants during registration. Another reason for using fees is due to the already mentioned fact that trading processes presented here are not atomatic but depend on delayed actions. Therefore, we aim to use the required fees to encourage users to behave according to the terms stipulated. Table 1 lists all fees the system charges. During the execution of the listed operations, the specified fees are automatically transferred from the user’s blockchain account to the escrow account for later distribution.
As listed in Table 1, the markets charge the fees \(f_{\text{userRegistration}}\) and \(f_{\text{derRegistration}}\) during the blockchain-based registration processes. After successful approval by the DGA, the deposited fees are transferred to the latter to compensate it for the effort. This mechanism is supposed to prevent fake registration requests that attempt to attack the system and try to overload the DGA. Furthermore, the markets also charge the fees \(f_{\text{placeOffer}}\) and \(f_{\text{acceptOffer}}\) to encourage users to follow the correct trading behavior and to initiate the semi-automated payment process later on, i.e., the payment process is a blockchain transaction that has to be initiated manually by a user. If a user involved in a trade initiates the process, we use \(f_{\text{placeOffer}}\) and \(f_{\text{acceptOffer}}\) to pay them a reward of 1 SEC. The costs for this reward are equally distributed among all other involved trading partners and deducted from their deposited fees. However, if the payment process cannot be processed automatically due to missing measurement data, the DGA is involved in resolving the conflict. After an off-chain consolidation of all trading partners, the DGA decides how to distribute the deposited funds for the trading volume among them. Thereby, the actual process depends on the individual case and is not formally defined here. Finally, the DGA uses the fees \(f_{\text{placeOffer}}\) and \(f_{\text{acceptOffer}}\) to pay itself an expense allowance of 4 SEC. In this case, the trading partner that initiated the semi-automated trading process, which raised an escrow conflict due to missing metering data, still receives a reward of 1 SEC. The remaining deposited fees will be refunded equally among all trading participants.
As we have discussed above, the DGA can be involved in both the trading processes as well as in the registration processes. In either case, the charged fees are used to compensate the DGA for the effort. However, since the acting users for the trading processes are already registered and verified,3 we assume an inherently higher level of trust in these users than in the case of registration. In the registration processes, the actors are not known a priori, which is why in these cases, the system and especially the DGA require higher levels of protection. Therefore, we have set the fees for the trading processes lower but reasonably high at 5 SEC compared to 10 SEC for the registration processes. We assume that in both cases, the charged fees are still high enough to encourage the users to behave according to the defined market rules and secure the system from fraudulent use. However, since the digital SEC currency does not have an actual monetary equivalent, the charged fees may need to be adjusted for the operation in production.
Table 1.
user registration \(f_{userRegistration}\)10 SEC
DER registration \(f_{derRegistration}\)10 SEC
place offer \(f_{placeOffer}\)5 SEC
accept offer \(f_{acceptOffer}\)5 SEC
Table 1. Fees for Specific Market Operations

3.4 The Intraday and Day-Ahead Markets

In the following, we finally introduce and explain the markets and the trading processes themselves. For this purpose, we will introduce the two short-term market variants intraday and day-ahead. The flexibilities provided by DERs are only available at short notice and, therefore, can only be scheduled at short notice. For this reason, we think that especially these short-term market variants are best suited for the trading of their flexibilities. In these two markets, ROs can offer the flexibility of their operated DERs to GOs for the use as an operating reserve, which the latter can integrate into their grid congestion management processes. In particular, the ROs offer two types of flexibility products: positive and negative flexibility. As we will explain in more detail later, flexibilities are traded on the day-ahead market on a daily basis. Therefore, the GOs can use it to purchase an operating reserve for the long-term planned load balancing processes. As we will show, the intraday market is suitable for compensating short-term planning deviations, since here flexibilities are traded on an hourly basis.
Table 2.
StepMarket ActionsDay AheadIntervals for day \(d\)IntradayIntervals for hour \(t\)
Step 1ROs place, edit, and withdraw offers \(\left[0,\ d-6h\right[\) \(\left[0,\ t-2h\right[\)
Step 2GOs accept offers \(\left[d-6h,\ d-2h\right[\) \(\left[t-2h,\ t-1h\right[\)
Step 3ROs provide flexibilities \(\left[d,\ d+24h\right[\) \(\left[t,\ t+1h\right[\)
Step 4ROs or GOs initiate payment process \(\left[d+48h,\ \infty \right[\) \(\left[t+24h,\ \infty \right[\)
Table 2. Time Constraints on which Operations are Allowed When on the Proposed Markets
Since the energy flexibilities available by the DERs are primarily applicable for tertiary control, in which the GOs request operating reserve that needs to be provided within 15 minutes [6], the time of each offer is also divided into 15-minutes intervals in both market variants. Therefore, the ROs must provide a value for the offered positive and negative flexibility for each 15-minutes interval of the corresponding trading period in each offer. The flexibility values are expressed as power values in unit kilo watt (kW). In addition, for each of these intervals, the ROs must specify the desired price for each flexibility value that they expect for the supply of the defined power. Thereby, throughout the markets, prices per interval are expressed in \(\frac{SEC}{kWh}\) using our cryptocurrency SEC. If no positive or negative flexibility is available for an interval, the ROs have to set the related flexibility value and the associated price to zero. Based on this information, we can now describe the four steps of the trading processes in both markets. In this context, we want to mention that for each of the steps, fixed time constraints apply on both markets, which are shown in Table 2.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Visualization of the process of placing an offer.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Sequence diagram depicting the process of clearing an escrow and executing the semi-automated payment process.
For one of their registered DERs, an RO places an offer on the market in order to advertise available flexibility. This process is depicted in Figure 2. For each of the discrete time intervals of 15 minutes, the RO specifies a negative and positive flexibility value as power values and additionally defines a corresponding price for each of these values. Furthermore, the system will transfer the fee \(f_{\text{placeOffer}}\) charged for the market operation from the RO’s blockchain account to the escrow account.
After a predefined deadline for placing offers has expired (see Table 2), all GOs can retrieve the placed offers for a trading period from the markets (i.e., intraday and day-ahead) and can accept them. Thereby, we emphasize that a GO does not need to acquire all the flexibility advertised in an offer. For each of the 15-minutes intervals represented in an offer, the GO can choose how much of the positive and negative flexibility offered they intend to purchase. However, while doing so, they must accept the price per interval determined by the RO. The remaining flexibility is still available for purchase to the other GOs. Therefore, it is clear that no auction takes place at the markets. Instead, the process of direct purchases of flexibility according to the FCFS principle is applied. Before a predetermined deadline for accepting offers expires, a GO can edit or withdraw already purchased offers. As discussed above, the GO also has to provide the value of the purchased trading volume and the charged fee \(f_{\text{acceptOffer}}\) as a security. Therefore, the system will automatically transfer these values from the blockchain account of the GO to the escrow account during the purchase.
At the end of the acceptance period, it is determined to which GOs the RO has to deliver the flexibilities sold. When the represented trading period starts, for each 15-minutes interval, the RO must deliver the flexibility sold to all purchasing GOs. In parallel to this process, the installed smart meters measure the consumed and produced energy for each DER. While doing so, they transmit these readings to the SMM, which verifies them and stores them on the blockchain. Later we use these readings to prove the delivery of the service in the payment process.
After the expiry of a final deadline, anyone involved in a trade can then initiate the payment process based on the escrow mechanism described above. We introduce this deadline to ensure that the SMM has sufficient time to receive and store all smart meter readings on the blockchain. The process of clearing the escrow is illustrated in Figure 3. As depicted, once a trading partner initiated the payment process, the system automatically distributes the deposited security amount based on the escrow mechanism described in Section 3.2. Otherwise, the assets remain in the escrow account.
For both proposed market variants, the trading process is identical. Only the time constraints for the submission of offers, the purchase of these, the delivery of the flexibilities, and the initiation of the blockchain-based payment process differ. We will define these conditions more precisely for both markets in the following.

3.4.1 Day-Ahead Market.

As mentioned above, on the short-term day-ahead market flexibility is traded on a daily basis. Thereby, the ROs offer the flexibility of their resources one day before it is available and can be provided. Offers in this market are provided in discrete 15-minutes intervals. Thus, an offer for one day consists of a total of 96 time intervals. As described above, the ROs define a positive and negative flexibility value for each of these intervals as well as the prices to be charged in each interval. Formally, a day-ahead offer o for the trading period t, placed by the resource operator ro for its registered DER r can be defined as a 5-tuple as follows:
\begin{align} o := (t, r, ro, F^+_{96}, F^-_{96}) \end{align}
where the lists \(F^+_{96}\) and \(F^-_{96}\) stand for the positive and negative flexibility series and are defined as follows:
\begin{align} F^+_{k} & := ((f^+_0,p^+_0),\ldots ,(f^+_{k-1},p^+_{k-1})) \end{align}
\begin{align} F^-_{k} & := ((f^-_0,p^-_0),\ldots ,(f^-_{k-1},p^-_{k-1})) \end{align}
Thereby, the i-th tuple \((f^+_i,p^+_i)\) of the list \(F^+_{k}\) is to be understood as the offered positive flexibility with power value \(f^+_i\) in \(\text{kW}\) at the price of \(p^+_i\) in \(\frac{SEC}{kWh}\). Here the power \(f^+_i\) has to be held and generated for the entire time interval \(\left[t+i\cdot 15min, t+(i+1)\cdot 15min\right[\). The same applies to the negative flexibility series \(F^-_{k}\). The trading period t is defined as the timestamp of the beginning of the trading day.
In the same manner, \(a_o\) can be defined to describe the acceptance of the day-ahead offer o for the DER r in the trading period t accepted by the grid operator go:
\begin{align} a_o := (t, r, go, S^+_{96}, S^-_{96}) \end{align}
Here, the lists \(S^+_{96}\) or \(S^-_{96}\) represent the positive or negative shares accepted for purchase by the GO go from the positive or negative flexibilities offered in \(F^+_{96}\) or \(F^-_{96}\) and are defined as follows:
\begin{align} S^+_{k} & := (s^+_0,\ldots , s^+_{k-1}) \end{align}
\begin{align} S^-_{k} & := (s^-_0,\ldots , s^-_{k-1}) \end{align}
In this case, the i-th element \(s^+_i\) of the list \(S^+_{k}\) is to be interpreted as the share of the energy \(f^+_i\) from the i-th tuple \((f^+_i,p^+_i)\) of the positive flexibility series \(F^+_{k}\) of the offer o, which the GO intends to purchase. The value \(s^+_i\) is expressed as energy value in kW. The same applies to the list \(S^-_{k}\) and the negative flexibility series \(F^-_{k}\) of the offer o.

3.4.2 Intraday Market.

The intraday market is a very short-term market, in which flexibility products can be traded on an hourly basis up to 2 hours before delivery. Here, an offer consists of four 15-minutes intervals. Analogously to the formal definition of day-ahead offers, an intraday offer o for the trading period t placed by the resource operator ro for its registered resource r can be defined as a 5-tuple as follows:
\begin{align} o := (t, r, mp, F^+_{4}, F^-_{4}) \end{align}
In the same way, \(a_o\) can be defined to accept an intraday offer o by grid operator go for the resource r in the trading period t:
\begin{align} a_o := (t, r, go, S^+_{4}, S^-_{4}) \end{align}
Thereby, the lists \(F^+_{4}\), \(F^-_{4}\), \(S^+_{4}\) and \(S^-_{4}\) refer to the definitions in Equations (2)–(6). In contrast to the day-ahead offers, the trading period t represents the beginning of the traded hour as timestamp here.

4 System Architecture

Based on the described market semantics, we developed a system architecture for the technical realization of the intraday and day-ahead markets. Besides the actors and their interactions, Figure 1 also illustrates all technical system components of our architecture. The main technical component of the system is a peer-to-peer blockchain network. On this blockchain, we will provide various smart contracts. Each of the depicted contracts fulfills an individual task in the developed market system. These components and the blockchain network will be discussed in more detail in the following.

4.1 Blockchain Network

The designed smart contracts are deployed and executed by all network nodes on the blockchain. In order to perform market operations, the actors of our system create blockchain transactions addressed to the respective smart contracts and broadcast them to the network (see Figure 5). The receiving nodes process the transactions, which results in the execution of the stored smart contract code. This execution modifies the status stored on the blockchain and makes market actions persistant.
By using the blockchain technology, our system also benefits from its other characteristics: All transactions and market activities are processed in a decentralized fashion. Therefore, thanks to the underlying consensus mechanism, it is possible in our system to guarantee the validity of the transaction executions without a central authority and without having to trust the network. As a side effect, consensus is automatically established in our distributed architecture through the blockchain. Thus, we do not have to consider potential conflicts in the parallel execution of the described processes, which simplified the implementation of our system. In addition, the cryptographic security measures provided by the blockchain guarantee that all transactions and all data are immutable, which extends the security guarantees of the blockchain to our system, i.e., it is also tamper-proof, trustworthy, and secure at the same level as the used blockchain. Finally, since all data is processed and stored decentralized, where each network node holds a complete copy of the blockchain and executes all transactions, the system is also inherently fault-tolerant and fail-safe. As we have already mentioned, we are not demanding any specific blockchain technology. The only requirement is that the used blockchain implements the concept of general-purpose smart contracts.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Simplified architecture of the developed Solidity-based smart contracts represented as class diagram.

4.2 Smart Contracts

In our system, the designed operating reserve markets are realized using a smart-contract-based architecture which is illustrated in Figure 4 as Unified Modeling Language (UML) class diagram [26].4 Since it is not trivial to model smart contracts using the UML standard, we followed the recommendations of Marchesi et al. [28]. Each of the depicted Solidity-based [29] smart contracts fulfills an individual task in the market system. In the following, we want to explain the specific smart contracts and their interaction in more detail.

4.2.1 Smart Energy Coin.

The Smart Energy Coin smart contract represents a proprietary cryptocurrency implementing the ERC-20 token standard [30]. We use this currency as a payment instrument for all trading actions and fees in our system. The smart contract provides an interface to transfer SEC coins between users and other contracts. Furthermore, the Smart Energy Coin component provides functions to delegate the transfer of such coins to other users.

4.2.2 Registry.

The Registry smart contract provides an interface for any registration-related logic of the system. By using this interface, GOs and ROs can register to the markets they want to participate in. As depicted in Figure 5(a), ROs can also register their DERs here. The Figure exemplary illustrates a blockchain transaction issued by a user and addressed to the Registry contract in order to register a resource at the Registry. As a result of the just discussed functionalities, the Registry component stores information about registered GOs, ROs, and DERs and verifies that the registration fees were deposited. Besides this, the contract also administers an assignment of DERs to smart meters.
Since the users must be verified by the DGA before participating in the markets, the Registry smart contract is also utilized by the DGA. To be precise, the DGA is authorized to obtain registration information of users and DERs from this contract. The Registry smart contract additionally offers an interface through which the DGA can provide the verification results and thus either provide access or block users on the markets. Other smart contracts can use the Registry interface to access registration information of market participants and involved DERs.

4.2.3 Escrow Registry.

In the Escrow Registry smart contract, we realized an escrow mechanism for the charged registration fees (see Table 1). By this separation of the business logic of the Registry contract from the actual payments of the required fees, the system is more extendable, verifiable, and transparent. At the Escrow Registry component, market participants can deposit the required user and resource registration fees. Since the registration process consists of several time-delayed actions of several actors, we cannot perform the payment process instantaneously. Therefore, we have introduced this contract to temporarily store and manage the funds. During registration, the Registry contract can then interact with this component to obtain information on whether specific users indeed have deposited the required fees. After verification by the DGA, the Escrow Registry contract is in the position to transfer the deposited funds to the DGA, in order to compensate it for the effort. However, if the DGA does not perform the verification or significantly delays it, users can apply here for a refund of their deposited funds and thus cancel the registration process.

4.2.4 Readings Storage.

The Readings Storage smart contract provides an interface for the SMM to register smart meters and store their readings in the system (see Section 3.1.3). The stored readings represent a crucial part of the semi-automated payment process described below. They are transmitted and stored exclusively by the SMM. The readings are assigned to the smart meters which, in turn, are also assigned to DERs. Subsequently, other smart contracts can use the Readings Storage to read the production and consumption values of DERs by specifiying the associated smart meters. Furthermore, they can also use the interface of this contract to check whether smart meters are registered.

4.2.5 Intraday.

The Intraday smart contract is one of the most important components in our system. It represents the technical realization of the intraday market variant by implementing the intraday market semantics described in Section 3.4.2. The contract provides an interface to the ROs and GOs which they can use for trading purposes. Precisely, ROs can offer the operating reserve of their registered and verified DERs according to the intraday description of the markets (see Figure 2). Furthermore, GOs can review these offers and purchase shares of the offered operating reserve. Before executing a market action, the Intraday smart contract ensures that the necessary fees and trading volumes required for the semi-automated payment process have been deposited in an escrow as described in Section 3.2. For this purpose, the Intraday component interacts with the Escrow Trading smart contract. Furthermore, the Intraday smart contract interacts with the Registry contract to ensure that market participants are registered and verified, hold the necessary role, and indeed own DERs for which they want to place offers for.

4.2.6 Day-Ahead.

We have implemented the second market variant proposed in the Day-Ahead smart contract. The specification of this component is analogous to that of the Intraday smart contract described above. Only the trading regulations differ from the intraday description and follow the definition of the day-ahead market semantics described in Section 3.4.1.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Simplified example of Ethereum transactions that represent smart contract function executions in the developed system.

4.2.7 Escrow Trading.

The Escrow Trading smart contract is a central component for the realization of the aforementioned semi-automated payment process. As the name already indicates, the trading related escrow mechanism is implemented here. The presented smart contract is able to initiate and manage an escrow data structure for each individual offer. This data structure stores information about the place and accepts offer fees as well as the deposited trading volumes of the GOs (see Section 3.2). Furthermore, the smart contract offers an interface through which ROs and GOs can deposit the corresponding funds by providing identifying meta information of an offer. The smart contract will then transfer these funds as SEC from the user’s blockchain account to itself for later distribution. In this context, the Escrow Trading component is used by the Intraday and Day-Ahead smart contracts to retrieve information about the deposited funds for a specific offer. If these fulfill the requirements described in Section 3.2, the trading contracts allow the respective user to execute the particular market action.
The Escrow Trading smart contract also implements the realization of the payment process and the allocation of the actually consumed and allocated operating reserve. To this end, any involved trading partner or the DGA can initiate the payment process by using the interface of this component (see Figure 3). When an involved trading partner issues the blockchain transaction depicted in Figure 5(b), the Escrow Trading reads the stored trading data from the trading contracts and the measurement data of the DER represented in the offer from the Readings Storage smart contract. Based on the process defined in Section 3.2, the Escrow Trading then uses the gathered information to assign the operating reserve to the GOs. Subsequently, these assignments are stored in the escrow data structure. Finally, the corresponding deposited funds are distributed as payments or refunds. However, if missing measurement data is detected in this process, the escrow is marked as conflicting, and the DGA must then manually assign the operating reserve to GOs. Afterward, the payments are distributed based on this information provided by the DGA. Finally, the escrow is resolved.

5 Implementation

To prove the feasibility of our approach and evaluate it empirically, we implemented a prototype of the system (Figure 6).
The yellow components (the smart contracts) were developed in the Solidity [29] programming language according to the architecture depicted in Figure 4. They are provided on a Ganache [31] blockchain, which is a locally running private Ethereum blockchain that is used as a tool for developing distributed applications for this platform. It is a test environment that provides the same interface as the real Ethereum peer-to-peer overlay network but in which the development, deployment, and testing of smart contracts can be performed locally and deterministically. Therefore, our approach and methods can be directly transferred and applied to the real Ethereum peer-to-peer blockchain network. In this context, it is obvious that the use of Ganache implies the utilization of the Ethereum blockchain. Although many blockchain implementations exist that support general-purpose smart contracts, the use of the Ethereum blockchain does not impact on the general applicability of our approach and other infrastructures can be used instead. However, we decided to use the Ethereum blockchain because it is in wide-spread use, is very popular with developers, and offers a significantly higher number of libraries and tools that facilitate the development process.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Components of the implemented prototype.
For deploying the developed smart contract on the blockchain and interacting with them, we use the Truffle Suite [32]. All red components are implemented using it. The Truffle Suite is one of the most widely used development frameworks for the implementation of Ethereum-based distributed applications. Truffle provides components that make it easy to develop, compile, test, and finally deploy Solidity-based smart contracts. The Truffle Suite uses the web3.js library [33] to connect and interact with an Ethereum client using the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). The web3.js library provides functions to create and sign Ethereum transactions, as well as to broadcast them to the connected Ethereum network.
As shown in Figure 6, we provide a Truffle-Suite-based module named Blockchain Service. This module serves as an abstraction layer for developers and users to simplify the use of the provided smart contract interfaces modelled in Figure 4. Since smart contract functions can only be executed by an associated blockchain transaction, and since it can be quite complex to create them, the Blockchain Service offers a simplified alternative: It automatically creates blockchain transactions using the input and an Ethereum wallet provided by the user. Subsequently, it uses the web3.js library to execute the created transactions in the connected Ethereum network by broadcasting them. Thus, the Blockchain Service shields users from the complexity of the underlying system when executing smart contract functions. Figure 5 exemplifies two Ethereum transactions that users can issue and broadcast to the Ethereum network by using the provided Blockchain Service in order to perform smart contract functions. Figure 5(a) depicts the invocation of the registerResource function of the Registry smart contract. As illustrated, the Blockchain Service specifies on behalf of the user the address of the deployed Registry smart contract as Recipient of the transaction. Furthermore, the provided Gas Limit and a corresponding Gas Price are specified (see Section 6.1). Besides, the Blockchain Service encodes the precise function call and the provided function parameters in the Data field of the transaction. In addition to these parameters, a transaction also contains the issuer’s Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)signature and a Nonce and Value parameter [34]. The Nonce describes how many transactions have already been issued from the Ethereum account of the user, whereas the Value field specifies how many Ether (ETH), the native currency of the Ethereum Blockchain, can be transferred in the transaction from the user account [34]. The ECDSA Signature proves that the transaction originates from the user’s Ethereum account. Finally, after all transaction parameters are filled and the user signed the transaction, the Blockchain Service broadcasts the transaction to the Ethereum blockchain, which is equivalent to invoking the corresponding smart contract function. Similar to Figures 5(a) and 5(b) depicts the function call of the clearEscrow function of the EscrowTrading smart contract.
For testing, we have developed a collection of automated black-box tests that ensure the functionality of the developed smart contracts. To implement the tests, we used the Truffle Suite, which provides a testing framework. As illustrated in Figure 6, the developed tests utilize the Blockchain Service to interact with the smart contracts. To simplify the development of the automated tests, we have also provided a Testbed. The Testbed allows the automatic provision and registration of all actors, users, DERs, and smart meters. Trading and measurement data is automatically generated and assigned to trading partners and DERs according to the definition in Section 3. The data and functions provided by the Testbed can then be used to implement complex black-box tests.

6 Evaluation

To evaluate our approach in terms of efficiency and scalability we used a realistic market simulation which is described in the following.

6.1 Evaluation Setup

Before presenting the market simulation used in the evaluation and the obtained results, we describe which aspects of our system we analayzed. As described above, the functionalities of the system are realized by smart contracts, which are provided on the Ethereum blockchain and executed through corresponding blockchain transactions that are in turn broadcasted to the Ethereum network. Since the transactions are executed in a decentralized manner, the resource utilization in terms of CPU and memory usage is not a meaningful attribute to evaluate the performance of our application. A better metric in the Ethereum ecosystem to examine the complexity of executing the smart contracts in the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) are the so-called “gas costs.” The gas costs are a hardware-independent approximation of the efficiency and resource utilization of the smart contracts in the decentralized system [34], which we decided to use as a more realistic indicator for efficiency and scalability.
Since the concrete gas costs of a smart contract function can depend on individual input parameters or already stored data, we can also make statements about the scalability of our system by varying these in a controlled manner. It is important to know that each Ethereum block has a maximum block gas limit, which the sum of the gas costs of all transactions contained in a block must not exceed. Currently, the block gas limit for the Ethereum Mainnet is 12487205 gas.5 In the following, we used this value to determine the maximum number of transactions per block when using the Ethereum Mainnet blockchain. This is a robust estimation of the maximum throughput of our system in case when in operation on the Ethereum Mainnet.
As the first step, we performed a market simulation to collect empirical data on the gas costs of the developed smart contract functions. We examined the smart contract code in advance and identified on which data and input parameters the complexity of the functions depend. These parameters were then varied in the conducted market simulation to investigate the scalability of the system. Table 3 shows the configuration parameters used in the performed simulation and the evaluation. For example, the effort to execute an accept-offer operation depends on the number of GOs that have already accepted the offer, because the system must ensure that sufficient operating reserve shares are still available. To simulate this, the number of purchasers per offer was varied in the market simulation. To simulate a realistic user base, we registered 60 users in the market simulation: 30 ROs and 30 GOs, where each of the 30 ROs registered two DERs in the simulation, resulting in a total of 60 DERs.
Table 3.
Configuration ParameterValue
Number of users to register60 (30 ROs and 30 GOs)
Number of resources to register60
Number of smart meters to register60
Max number of offers per timeframe30
Max number of purchasers per offer29
Max number of readings to store50
Ethereum Mainnet block gas limit12487205 gas6
Gas price50 Gwei7
ETH price326.43 €8
Table 3. Evaluation Configuration Parameters Used
The market simulation was performed using our Testbed module (Figure 6) on a MacBook Pro with the operating system macOS Catalina version 10.15.7, a 3 GHz dual-core Intel Core i7 processor, and 16 GB DDR3 memory. During the market simulation, the smart contracts are provided on a Ganache blockchain. Therefore, all simulated transactions are executed locally and deterministically by Ganache, making the evaluation reproducable and transferable to the public Ethereum Mainnet blockchain. In order to research the limits of the system, we have increased the block gas limit of the Ganache blockchain to 99900000000 gas, whereas we used the real block gas limit of 12487205 gas for the Ethereum Mainnet (see Table 3).
Table 4.
FunctionTransaction Costs [gas \(\cdot 10^3\)]Transaction Costs [€]Transactions per Block
editOffer - remove165.759219.075275.41234.1572.713.584.500.564557.9075
acceptOffer - remove165.814986.3412024.196411.3672.7116.1033.046.71615.2175
editOffer - remove896.724946.4411006.37732.43814.6415.4516.430.531212.6113
acceptOffer - remove2171.43012997.21536205.3587960.95635.44212.13590.93129.9301.075
clearEscrow [intraday]617.0226873.07715532.7014616.20610.07112.18253.5275.3403.4020
clearEscrow - conflict [intraday]175.183175.183175.1830.0002.862.862.860.007171.0071
solveEscrowConflict [intraday]499.3856546.00615018.3714493.4238.15106.84245.1273.3403.9025
clearEscrow [dayAhead]7314.45624126.87144863.19513412.086119.38393.79732.23218.9100.301
clearEscrow - conflict [dayAhead]573.360573.360573.3600.0009.369.369.360.002121.0021
solveEscrowConflict [dayAhead]6120.84053973.662107508.66931967.51899.90880.931754.70521.7600.152
Table 4. Data Statistics of the Performed Evaluation Tests

6.2 Intraday and Day-Ahead Trading Transactions

In the following, we will examine the essential functions for placing and accepting offers. For all the discussed functions, we distinguish between the two market variants intraday and day-ahead.

6.2.1 Place Offers.

In the market simulation each of the 30 registered ROs placed offers in both market variants for their two registered DERs, i.e., offers for different successive trading timeframes were placed in both market variants. Additionally, each of the ROs edited the placed offers resulting in a total of 60 intraday and day-ahead offers placed and edited for each trading timeframe. We analyzed the measured data in relation to the number of existing offers in a trading timeframe. Figure 7 and Table 4 show our obtained measurement results.
In Figure 7(a) we can observe that the gas costs of all functions increase linearly with the number of existing offers per trading timeframe. The reason for the linear correlation to the number of existing offers is that we have to consider all existing offers for the concrete timeframe to check whether an offer already exists. Therefore, the computational effort increases linearly with the number of stored offers. In all plots, we can see that the effort for the day-ahead functions is significantly higher than that for the intraday functions. This is mainly due to the fact that the day-ahead functions require much more data to be processed and stored, which results in higher gas costs. From Table 4 we can see that the function placeOffer has a minimum gas cost of 570.463 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) and a maximum gas cost of 819.889 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) for the intraday market. As already mentioned, this function is significantly more expensive for the day-ahead case. As we can see, in this case, a minimum value of 5805.164 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) and a maximum value of 6054.590 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) is observed.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Visual evaluation of transaction metrics for placing and editing offers.
We also investigated the two versions of the function editOffer for both market variants: One which makes it possible to withdraw an offer (remove offer in the plots) and a second which supports the editing of the stored data by invoking this function. As we can see in the figures, both cases depend linearly on the number of existing offers. The reason for this is that when reading the offer to edit, all stored offers must be considered again. For the pure editing of an offer, gas costs of at least 193.843 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) and at most 423.90 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) are required in the intraday case. For the withdrawal of an offer, minimum costs of 165.759 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) and maximum costs of 275.412 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) are charged. In comparison, for the day-ahead contract, the minimum cost for editing is 1012.537 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) and the maximum is 1242.594 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\). For the removal, the minimum value is 896.724 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) and the maximum value is 1006.377 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\).
Figure 7(b) illustrates the number of transactions that can be placed in one Ethereum Mainnet block for each discussed function in relation to the number of existing offers. Since the gas cost of the transactions increases with the number of existing offers, it is trivially clear that the number of transactions per block decreases with the number of offers. As we can see, in the Ethereum Mainnet, a maximum of 21 intraday and two day-ahead offers can be submitted every 15 seconds.8 However, up to 64 intraday and 12 day-ahead offers can be edited in one block.
In conclusion, we can see that none of the described functions exceeds the Ethereum Mainnet limit. However, we observed an increasing linear dependency on the number of offers existing in a trading timeframe for all functions. However, since the growth is linear but minimal, we can claim the implementation of the functions to be scalable and efficient. We want to emphasize that the possible throughput per Ethereum Mainnet block is limited by the corresponding block gas limit. It depends on the actual market dynamics of the users if this is sufficient for our system. Finally, we would like to mention that the cost of executing the functions with average values from 3.58€ to 96.60€ is very cost-intensive. This is mainly due to the current high prices of the native Ethereum cryptocurrency Ether (ETH) (see Table 3). In addition, especially for memory allocation, high gas costs are demanded in the EVM [34], which have a significant impact when storing the offer data on the blockchain.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Visual evaluation of transaction metrics for accepting offers.

6.2.2 Accept Offers.

In the market simulation, the 30 registered GOs accepted the offers placed by the ROs. Since each accept-offer operation requires a check whether there is still enough operating reserve share available or whether the other listed GOs have already purchased everything, we examined the function acceptOffer in relation to the number of purchasers per offer. As shown in Table 3, a maximum of 29 GOs accepted the same offer in the simulation. Figure 8 and Table 4 show the results of our measurements. Please note that we have investigated two different options for the acceptOffer functions: One experiment used this function to accept a new offer or to change the stored data, the second experiment uses it to withdraw an accepted offer and thus withdraw as a purchaser, which we refer to as remove acceptance in the data and plots.
Figure 8(a) depicts the analyzed gas costs in relation to the number of purchasers per offer. As we can see, the gas costs are dependent linearly on the number of purchasers per offer, i.e., the higher the number of purchasers, the higher the gas costs. In general, we can observe that for the day-ahead case, the gas costs are significantly higher than for the intraday case. Again, the reason is that in the intraday case, less data has to be verified, processed, and stored. As can be seen in Table 4, the intraday accept-offer gas costs vary from 405.025 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) to 2445.868 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\). For the day-ahead market, the costs are at least 3013.668 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) but not more than 37215.871 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\). For withdrawing from an already purchased offer, the intraday costs range from 165.814 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) to 2024.196 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\). For the day-ahead market the costs range from 2171.430 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) to 36205.358 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\).
Furthermore, Figure 8(b) illustrates the number of transactions per Mainnet block depending on the number of purchasers per offer. As we can see, for the intraday market, we can support up to 18 but not more than five accept-offer transactions in one Ethereum Mainnet block (and thus execute them every 15 seconds). For the day-ahead case, a maximum of four such transactions is supported. We can see in Figure 8(a) that starting with eight purchasers per offer, the gas costs exceed the Ethereum Mainnet block gas limit. The corresponding transactions can, therefore, no longer be represented in such a block. This clearly would cause scaling problems when operating our system in the Ethereum Mainnet, as the block gas limit strongly limits the maximum number of day-ahead purchasers per offer.
In summary, we can conclude that the accept-offer operations for intraday are sufficiently efficient and scalable to support realistic scenarios. However, scaling problems can be observed in the current implementation of the day-ahead market caused by the Ethereum block gas limit. We would like to mention that the average costs of 20.67€ for intraday and 226.20€for day-ahead are again very cost-intensive (see Table 4). Again, in particular the high gas costs charged for the allocation of required storage contributes to a large extent to these high costs.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Measurements for the clear-escrow and solve-escrow-conflict transactions.

6.3 Clear Escrows and Solving Conflicts

The efficiency and scalability of the payment process is another important aspect. Therfore, we analyze the costs for clearing an escrow and solving escrow conflicts.8 We recall that these functions allocate operating reserves to the GOs based on the smart meter readings and execute the payment process. It is clear that the complexity of these operations depends on the number of GOs that have acquired shares in a specific offer. Therefore, we examined these functions in relation to the number of purchasers per offer. For this purpose, all offers already accepted in the market simulation were used, resulting in a maximum number of 29 purchasers per offer. The results of our measurements are shown in Figure 9 and listed in Table 4 (functions clearEscrow and solveEscrowConflict). For clearEscrow we additionally distinguish between the two cases where the payment process was either executed successfully or a conflict was simulated due to missing measurement data.
Regarding clearEscrow Figure 9(a) shows the measured gas costs in relation to the number of purchasers per offer. We start with the cases where a conflict was detected during execution: As we can see, in these cases, the gas costs are constant for both market variants. This is due to the fact that in these cases, the detected conflict is stored and the function is terminated immediately after the attempted fetching of the missing meter readings. For the more interesting cases in which the payment process was successfully executed by the function clearEscrow, Figure 9(a) shows that the gas costs increase significantly with the number of purchasers per offer. More precisely, we can observe a clear linear relationship. In Table 4 we can see that, for the intraday market variant, the values are between 617.022 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) and 15532.701 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) while for the day-ahead case gas costs between 7314.456 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) and 44863,195 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) are charged, which is significantly higher. Once again, the differences are to be explained by the fact that significantly more data has to be processed and stored for the day-ahead case than for the intraday case, which results in considerably higher gas costs.
Finally, we consider the function solveEscrowConflict, which is used by the DGA to solve an escrow conflict. Figure 9(a) shows a linear relationship with the number of purchasers. Our measurements show that gas costs are between 499.385 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) and 15018.371 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) for the intraday case while for day-ahead, the costs are range from 6120.840 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\) to 107508.669 \(\text{gas} \cdot 10^3\).
In Figure 9(a) we can see that in the simulation the execution of the clearEscrow function for the day-ahead market was only possible up to a maximum of nine purchasers per offer. However, for the function solveEscrowConflict up to a maximum of 25 purchasers per offer were feasible. If the number of purchasers exceeded these values, the Ganache blockchain used for the simulation could no longer execute the respective transaction because the memory of the hardware used was insufficient. As a result, we can hold that the current prototype is facing some scaling problems in the day-ahead market variant regarding the payment process.
Figure 9(b) shows the number of possible transactions of the functions per Ethereum Mainnet block in relation to the number of purchasers per offer. Here we would like to point out that in the day-ahead case, a transaction to clear as well as to solve an escrow conflict with three or more purchasers per offer cannot be included in an Ethereum Mainnet block anymore. For the intraday case, this applies starting from 26 purchasers per offer. Therefore, scaling problems of the functions regarding the operation in the Ethereum Mainnet due to the block gas limit exist.
From the discussion above we can see that the implemented payment process is dependent linearly on the number of purchasers per offer. We have encountered scalability problems in both the intraday and day-ahead variants when using the Ethereum Mainnet due to its block gas limit. Also depending on the executed operation, average costs of 2.86€ to 880.93€ are incurred (Table 4), which means that some further considerations and investigations regarding the economic efficiency of the system in use with the Ethereum Mainnet blockchain are required.

7 Conclusions

In this paper, we have shown that it is feasible to realize blockchain-based intraday and day-ahead operating reserve markets, in which energy grid operators and operators of local distributed energy resources can trade energy flexibilities within the schedulable energy production and consumption of their resources. As a result, operators of DERs can receive monetary benefits in our setup, which may help to promote the use and acquisition of climate-friendly energy resources.
From a technological perspective, we found that our system possesses several appealing characteristics. The first interesting aspect is that the proposed system highly benefits from using blockchain technology. Concretely, thanks to the blockchains’ underlying consensus mechanism, we observed that it is possible to guarantee the validity of the transaction executions without a central authority and without having to trust the network. This enables a trustless operation of the markets. The mentioned consensus mechanism and additional cryptographic security measures also guarantee that the data stored in the system is tamperproof. Thus, we conclude that the presented system is secure in terms of confidentiality and data integrity. In addition, the decentralized data administration and processing of transactions in the blockchain network render our system more resilient, robust, fault-tolerant, and fail-safe. Furthermore, in the course of this paper, we also formally defined our markets and discussed a smart-contract-based system architecture. In this context, we showed that by using an escrow mechanism and leveraging an ERC-20 based proprietary cryptocurrency called Smart Energy Coin, the business logic and the payment processing could be separated. As a result, we found that our system is more extendable, verifiable, and transparent.
As a proof of concept and to empirically evaluate our system, we developed a prototype that uses a private Ethereum blockchain. Subsequently, we analyzed this prototype in terms of efficiency and scalability by examining the transaction gas costs of individual market operations. Besides, we investigated the potential operation of our system with the Ethereum Mainnet blockchain. Our findings indicate that that the intraday market variant was primarily implemented efficiently and scalable. In contrast, we witnessed scaling problems of the day-ahead market regarding the accept offer process and the execution of the payment process. The reason for this is that significantly more data has to be processed and stored in the day-ahead market variant, which results in higher gas costs that also exceed the Ethereum Mainnet block gas limit. In this context, we also perceived that the respective characteristics of the used blockchain technology limit the possible throughput and the scalability of our developed system. Here, especially the block gas limit and the block time needs to be mentioned as limiting factors. Furthermore, we also found that when using the Ethereum Mainnet blockchain, monetary transaction costs of up to 732.23€ could be charged. These very cost-intensive transaction costs put into question the economic efficiency of the developed market system. It depends on the market dynamics of the users, whether the determined throughput of the developed system in combination with the Ethereum blockchain is sufficient. Otherwise, it should be considered whether an alternative blockchain technology or a private transaction-cost-free blockchain needs to be employed for production operation.


The secure integration of smart meters and the measurement data is not part of this paper. We assume an already existing infrastructure, through which we can access readings of the smart meters via smart contracts using this known connection.
The payment process is semi-automated since the system does not execute it in a fully automated way: The payment process must be initiated through a corresponding blockchain transaction by any involved trading partner after a predefined deadline has expired.
If the requesting users are not successfully registered, the system automatically rejects all trading operations.
For reasons of comprehensibility, Figure 4 depicts a simplified version of the smart-contract-based architecture. For a more detailed version, we refer to a prior version of this work [27].
Block gas limit of the Ethereum Mainnet on the 08/17/2020 taken from
Block gas limit of the Ethereum Mainnet on the 08/17/2020 taken from
Recommended average gas price for the 11/4/2020 according to
Block gas limit of the Ethereum Mainnet on the 08/17/2020 taken from.
Recommended average gas price for the 11/4/2020 according to
For the Ethereum blockchain a used a block time of about 15 seconds applies [35].
In our system, such conflicts can occur due to missing smart meter readings.


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  • (2024)Two-Stage Credit Management for Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading in Consortium BlockchainIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics10.1109/TII.2023.331617720:3(3868-3879)Online publication date: Mar-2024
  • (2024)Modelling Blockchain-based Supply Chain Applications: Understanding Re-occurring Patterns from Case Studies and Literature Perspectives2024 6th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA)10.1109/BCCA62388.2024.10844435(318-331)Online publication date: 26-Nov-2024
  • (2024)Blockchain-Based REC System for Improving the Aspects of Procedural Complexity and Cyber SecurityIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2024.337068712(40657-40667)Online publication date: 2024



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cover image ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology  Volume 22, Issue 4
November 2022
642 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 22 December 2022
Online AM: 11 June 2022
Accepted: 25 May 2022
Revised: 11 April 2022
Received: 03 February 2022
Published in TOIT Volume 22, Issue 4


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  1. Blockchain
  2. distributed ledger
  3. energy market
  4. operating reserve
  5. smart contracts


  • Research-article
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  • German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy


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  • (2024)Two-Stage Credit Management for Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading in Consortium BlockchainIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics10.1109/TII.2023.331617720:3(3868-3879)Online publication date: Mar-2024
  • (2024)Modelling Blockchain-based Supply Chain Applications: Understanding Re-occurring Patterns from Case Studies and Literature Perspectives2024 6th International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA)10.1109/BCCA62388.2024.10844435(318-331)Online publication date: 26-Nov-2024
  • (2024)Blockchain-Based REC System for Improving the Aspects of Procedural Complexity and Cyber SecurityIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2024.337068712(40657-40667)Online publication date: 2024

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