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Taking the Pain from the Hand of Radiologist: A Foot-based interaction to Scroll 2D Radiological Images

Published: 11 August 2022 Publication History


Radiologists typically explore thousands of 2D radiological images to analyze the lesions of the body. They use off-the-shelf-computer mouse to scroll these tons of images. Such prolonged computer mouse usage may cause various adversities on the wrist, such as carpal and cubital tunnel syndromes. One possible way to minimize such adversities is to reduce such intense use of the hand. We, in this regard, come up with a foot-based scrolling technique, which not only reduces the use of the hand in practice but also relaxes the hands for other critical technical uses. In this work, we present several foot-based interactive prototypes, including Joystick-based, Push-Button-based, and Force-Sensitive Resistor Sensor-based, which can be used to interact and scroll the 2D radiological images via feet. We conduct subjective evaluations in terms of system usability scale and average task completion time to assess the performance of the proposed prototypes. The proposed prototypes reach the general usability index within a limited acclimatization period.


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Index Terms

  1. Taking the Pain from the Hand of Radiologist: A Foot-based interaction to Scroll 2D Radiological Images



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      cover image ACM Other conferences
      ICCA '22: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing Advancements
      March 2022
      543 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 11 August 2022


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      1. Human computer interaction
      2. Input device
      3. Prototyping
      4. Radiological images
      5. Scrolling


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