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Applying User-Centered Design on Digital Transformation of Public Services: A Case Study in Brazil

Published: 14 September 2022 Publication History


This paper presents a case study of digital transformation in the public sector considering the participation of citizens on the identification and proposal of solutions. We conducted participatory design workshops applying ethnography and design thinking to conceive ideas and solutions to increase the availability of a specific Brazilian public service and guide its transformation. This paper highlights the importance of applying User-Centered Design as a key part on digital transformation of public services. The results indicated that this kind of approach not only motivates citizens to be committed and more active during the process of digital transformation, but also raises the citizens’ awareness. Also, it provides recommendations to reduce the costs, time of interaction and use of redundant resources, improving the management of public policies, facilitating the decision-making process, and aiming at the well-being of citizens. In fact, User-Centered Design ensures that technology investments will meet user needs and usability standards, resulting in higher user engagement, greater system efficiency, and more satisfied citizens.


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  1. Applying User-Centered Design on Digital Transformation of Public Services: A Case Study in Brazil



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    dg.o '22: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research
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    Published: 14 September 2022


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    1. Citizen Engagement
    2. Digital Transformation
    3. E-Government
    4. Public Services
    5. User-Centered Design


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