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MaSS: Model-agnostic, Semantic and Stealthy Data Poisoning Attack on Knowledge Graph Embedding

Published: 30 April 2023 Publication History


Open-source knowledge graphs are attracting increasing attention. Nevertheless, the openness also raises the concern of data poisoning attacks, that is, the attacker could submit malicious facts to bias the prediction of knowledge graph embedding (KGE) models. Existing studies on such attacks adopt a clear-box setting and neglect the semantic information of the generated facts, making them fail to attack in real-world scenarios. In this work, we consider a more rigorous setting and propose a model-agnostic, semantic, and stealthy data poisoning attack on KGE models from a practical perspective. The main design of our work is to inject indicative paths to make the infected model predict certain malicious facts. With the aid of the proposed opaque-box path injection theory, we theoretically reveal that the attack success rate under the opaque-box setting is determined by the plausibility of triplets on the indicative path. Based on this, we develop a novel and efficient algorithm to search paths that maximize the attack goal, satisfy certain semantic constraints, and preserve certain stealthiness, i.e., the normal functionality of the target KGE will not be influenced although it predicts wrong facts given certain queries. Through extensive evaluation of benchmark datasets and 6 typical knowledge graph embedding models as the victims, we validate the effectiveness in terms of attack success rate (ASR) under opaque-box setting and stealthiness. For example, on FB15k-237, our attack achieves a ASR on DeepPath, with an average ASR over when attacking various KGE models under the opaque-box setting.


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  1. MaSS: Model-agnostic, Semantic and Stealthy Data Poisoning Attack on Knowledge Graph Embedding



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