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Anti-FakeU: Defending Shilling Attacks on Graph Neural Network based Recommender Model

Published: 30 April 2023 Publication History


Graph neural network (GNN) based recommendation models are observed to be more vulnerable against carefully-designed malicious records injected into the system, i.e., shilling attacks, which manipulate the recommendation to common users and therefore impair user trust. In this paper, we for the first time conduct a systematic study on the vulnerability of GNN based recommendation model against the shilling attack. With the aid of theoretical analysis, we attribute the root cause of the vulnerability to its neighborhood aggregation mechanism, which could make the negative impact of attacks propagate rapidly in the system. To restore the robustness of GNN based recommendation model, the key factor lies in detecting malicious records in the system and preventing the propagation of misinformation. To this end, we construct a user-user graph to capture the patterns of malicious behaviors and design a novel GNN based detector to identify fake users. Furthermore, we develop a data augmentation strategy and a joint learning paradigm to train the recommender model and the proposed detector. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets validate the enhanced robustness of the proposed method in resisting various types of shilling attacks and identifying fake users, e.g., our proposed method fully mitigating the impact of popularity attacks on target items up to, and improving the accuracy of detecting fake users on the Gowalla dataset by .


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  • (2024)Stealthy attack on graph recommendation systemExpert Systems with Applications: An International Journal10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124476255:PBOnline publication date: 18-Oct-2024

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    • (2024)Stealthy attack on graph recommendation systemExpert Systems with Applications: An International Journal10.1016/j.eswa.2024.124476255:PBOnline publication date: 18-Oct-2024

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