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A Multi-task Model for Emotion and Offensive Aided Stance Detection of Climate Change Tweets

Published: 30 April 2023 Publication History


In this work, we address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action by focusing on identifying public attitudes toward climate change on social media platforms such as Twitter. Climate change is threatening the health of the planet and humanity. Public engagement is critical to address climate change. However, climate change conversations on Twitter tend to polarize beliefs, leading to misinformation and fake news that influence public attitudes, often dividing them into climate change believers and deniers. Our paper proposes an approach to classify the attitude of climate change tweets (believe/deny/ambiguous) to identify denier statements on Twitter. Most existing approaches for detecting stances and classifying climate change tweets either overlook deniers’ tweets or do not have a suitable architecture. The relevant literature suggests that emotions and higher levels of toxicity are prevalent in climate change Twitter conversations, leading to a delay in appropriate climate action. Therefore, our work focuses on learning stance detection (main task) while exploiting the auxiliary tasks of recognizing emotions and offensive utterances. We propose a multimodal multitasking framework MEMOCLiC that captures the input data using different embedding techniques and attention frameworks, and then incorporates the learned emotional and offensive expressions to obtain an overall representation of the features relevant to the stance of the input tweet. Extensive experiments conducted on a novel curated climate change dataset and two benchmark stance detection datasets (SemEval-2016 and ClimateStance-2022) demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.


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Published: 30 April 2023


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  1. Twitter
  2. climate change
  3. emotion recognition
  4. offensive language
  5. stance detection


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  • Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur
  • European Commission for the explainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare Management (xAIM)


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