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CAM: A Large Language Model-based Creative Analogy Mining Framework

Published:30 April 2023Publication History


Analogies inspire creative solutions to problems, and facilitate the creative expression of ideas and the explanation of complex concepts. They have widespread applications in scientific innovation, creative writing, and education. The ability to discover creative analogies that are not explicitly mentioned but can be inferred from the web is highly desirable to power all such applications dynamically and augment human creativity. Recently, Large Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs), trained on massive Web data, have shown great promise in generating mostly known analogies that are explicitly mentioned on the Web. However, it is unclear how they could be leveraged for mining creative analogies not explicitly mentioned on the Web. We address this challenge and propose Creative Analogy Mining (CAM), a novel framework for mining creative analogies, which consists of the following three main steps: 1) Generate analogies using PLMs with effectively designed prompts, 2) Evaluate their quality using scoring functions, and 3) Refine the low-quality analogies by another round of prompt-based generation. We propose both unsupervised and supervised instantiations of the framework so that it can be used even without any annotated data. Based on human evaluation using Amazon Mechanical Turk, we find that our unsupervised framework can mine 13.7% highly-creative and 56.37% somewhat-creative analogies. Moreover, our supervised scores are generally better than the unsupervised ones and correlate moderately with human evaluators, indicating that they would be even more effective at mining creative analogies. These findings also shed light on the creativity of PLMs 1.

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  1. CAM: A Large Language Model-based Creative Analogy Mining Framework



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