Cited By
von der Linde M, Herbster C, Dobel C, Festag S and Thielsch M (2023). Creating Safe Environments: Optimal Acoustic Alarming of Laypeople in Fire Prevention, Ergonomics, 10.1080/00140139.2023.2191915, (1-26)
Pollmann K, Janssen D, Fronemann N, Velić M, Bouillé P, Foucault B and Bégoc Bécam N (2022). Identifying and Addressing Needs of Heterogeneous User Groups—A Case Study from the Banking Sector, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 10.3390/mti6120103, 6:12, (103)
Index Terms
- Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2022
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Einfluβ unterschiedlicher Störsignale auf Mensch-maschine-Regelkreise
Dynamic behaviour of man has been investigated in a simple closed loop with a human controller. Either stochastic or deterministic disturbances act upon the output of the controlled element. A choice of the nearly 200 tests will be discussed concerning ...