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Challenges and Opportunities for Interactive Technology to Support Parents of HIV-Positive Children in Ethiopia in the Disclosure Process

Published: 19 April 2023 Publication History


Fearing stigma, parents often hide their children's HIV diagnosis from them, and postpone disclosure, in turn negatively impacting children's well-being. Our work explores whether interactive technology can support disclosure. In the first study, we examine disclosure experiences and the role of interactive technology from the perspective of HIV-positive children and parents. Through Thematic Analysis, we highlight how disclosure is linked with parents’ own experience of HIV, and that disclosure needs to be viewed as a process. On this basis, we contribute an experience prototype that guides parents through an incremental disclosure process using interactive storytelling. In a second study, we evaluate the prototype through interviews with six parents. Leveraging Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, we show that the prototype has potential to transform how parents understand and approach disclosure. Based on our results, we present further design directions, and discuss the (limitations of the) role that technology can play in this context.

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  1. Challenges and Opportunities for Interactive Technology to Support Parents of HIV-Positive Children in Ethiopia in the Disclosure Process



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