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DataDancing: An Exploration of the Design Space For Visualisation View Management for 3D Surfaces and Spaces

Published: 19 April 2023 Publication History


Recent studies have explored how users of immersive visualisation systems arrange data representations in the space around them. Generally, these have focused on placement centred at eye-level in absolute room coordinates. However, work in HCI exploring full-body interaction has identified zones relative to the user’s body with different roles. We encapsulate the possibilities for visualisation view management into a design space (called “DataDancing”). From this design space we extrapolate a variety of view management prototypes, each demonstrating a different combination of interaction techniques and space use. The prototypes are enabled by a full-body tracking system including novel devices for torso and foot interaction. We explore four of these prototypes, encompassing standard wall and table-style interaction as well as novel foot interaction, in depth through a qualitative user study. Learning from the results, we improve the interaction techniques and propose two hybrid interfaces that demonstrate interaction possibilities of the design space.

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  1. DataDancing: An Exploration of the Design Space For Visualisation View Management for 3D Surfaces and Spaces



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